Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1082: "·Lianzhan winning streak"

Living with others, don't forget the truth you learned when you were alone. When you are alone, think carefully about what you have learned from your interactions with others.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

Obuano, who got all the troops of the Ito family, first dismissed all the peasants in the Ito family, and then dismissed the peasants in the enemy army that he had captured before; the remaining three thousand General Yu Yu became a fighting force in his hands.

More than three hundred warriors from three families, and more than three thousand two hundred regular warlords from three families. With the prestige of his own **** of war, Obuwano let these warriors and warlords temporarily put them off each other. Family hatred.

The majestic family army of the Honma is only 500 warriors and 5,000 soldiers, and it is no less than the army in the hands of Obuwano; however, the army of the Honma family is indeed better than Austria in terms of weapons and equipment. The army of Bovano is better.

Fortunately, Obuwano is not the kind of rigid commander who is only hard-handed. Mastering various tactics, he decided to use a new combat method to carry out this battle; in order to implement this new combat method, Obuwano Four hundred dead soldiers were specially selected from the army.

The corps of dead soldiers, composed of one hundred warriors and three hundred foot soldiers, was divided into four squadrons by Obuwano. Each squadron consisted of twenty-five warriors and seventy-five soldiers. Bowano also used the funds provided by the Ito family to temporarily recruit 8,000 peasants.

Obuwano, who never expected any substantive role played by peasants and soldiers, did not tell anyone what his purpose was to recruit 8,000 peasants; even the curious inquiries of the family members of the Ito family were all The military secret shut up his mouth.

I dare not question the family members of the Ito family in Obuwano. The reason they asked Obuwano about these 8,000 peasants was not because they wanted to interfere in Obuwano’s command, but because they did not understand Why did Obuwano do more?

A few days ago, when Obuwano had just taken over the army of the Ito family and a large number of captives of the two destroyed families, the first thing he did was to demobilize all the peasants and soldiers in the army; The officials of the Ito family are not incomprehensible.

Because Obuwano has used his own extremely dazzling record to prove the correctness of this statement, the soldiers are not expensive but expensive; therefore, the officials of the Ito family have neither questioned Obuwano's courage nor Take the initiative to replace Obuwano's plan to lead the army.

But who could have imagined that Obuwano, who had dismissed five or six thousand peasants for only a few days, had recruited another 8,000 peasants; and what made the officials of the Ito family speechless was that Obuwano recruited The cost of these 8,000 peasants is more than the normal recruitment of 20,000 peasants!

Half of the family property accumulated by the Ito family for decades has been brought to you by Ito Yuheng to his flagship, and half of it has been used by Obuwano to recruit 8,000 peasants; such a prodigal behavior makes him proud of the Ito family. The loyal ministers felt distressed.

Obuano, who is busy fighting the family army of the Honma, has no time and energy to control the mood of the family members of the Ito family. Anyway, there are orders before the departure of Ito Yuheng, and the family members of the Ito family have all the responsibility for him. The requirements will be met unconditionally.

The eight thousand peasants and soldiers were recruited by Obwano with heavy gold, but it was not as simple as ordinary cannon fodder. This can be seen from the fact that Obwano tried every means to prepare these peasants with weapons and equipment; normal-minded generals , But they will not bother too much on the peasants and soldiers.

After ensuring that each peasant soldier could have a metal weapon, Obuwano divided the eight thousand peasant soldiers into four units and assigned them to the four squadrons of the dead that had been formed; in an instant, Obuwa, which was underpowered Connaught has five combat troops with more than two thousand soldiers.

After all these preparations for Obuwano were completed, the five-hundred and five-hundred elite teachers of the Honma family were only one step away from the city of the Ito family; Obuwano, who knew he could no longer waste precious time, Decisively dispatched his first combat troops.

A combat force composed of 25 warriors and 75 soldiers, and 2,000 peasants, seemingly imposing, but in fact they have little combat power; the original family army that was planning to fight hard, In just half an hour, the casualties were less than five hundred, and the first combat unit of the Ito family was defeated.

Unexpectedly, the general of the Honma family, who was so vulnerable to the Ito family army, led his army to pursue a moderate pursuit of the defeated Ito family army; as a result, they had not yet caught up with the crazy escaped Ito family soldiers, and An army of the Ito family appeared in front of them.

This sudden emergence of the Ito family army made the general of the Honma family instinctively tight. He thought that his pursuit had ventured into the trap of the Ito family; with a worried face, he ordered to abandon the pursuit and heavier The whole formation is ready to meet the Ito family army.

This time, the army of the Honma family spent nearly an hour, and at the cost of more than 700 casualties, they once again defeated the army of the Ito family; the long-suffering general of the Honma family hesitated , Or issued an order to continue the pursuit.

In order to improve the morale of his soldiers, the general of the Honma family issued another order at the same time as the chase order: all the soldiers of the Honma family, the spoils seized in this battle, all belonged to the seized soldiers themselves !

This command, which is no different from the massacre order, made the already tired soldiers of the Honma family renew their strong fighting power. They screamed and rushed to the defeated Ito family soldiers, trying to plunder more of them. Own loot.

Soon, the third army of the Ito family appeared in front of the Honma family army. The red-eyed Honma family army didn’t need their general’s command at all, and they madly killed Ito in an unprecedented gesture. Family army.

Even though the Ito family army of inferior strength was waiting for work, it failed to persevere for half an hour under the fierce attack of the Honma family army; this third Ito family army only caused casualties of four to five hundred soldiers to the Honma family army , Declared a defeat and collapse.

The Hyundai family army, which was defeated by three consecutive victories, ignored the number of wounded soldiers, but only blindly attacked and then attacked; when the fourth Ito family army appeared, the Hyundai family army The number of soldiers intact in the battlefield is less than 4,000, and all the soldiers are breathless, and even the weapons in their hands are not as stable as they were at first.

However, due to their own quantitative advantages and weapons and equipment advantages, the Honma family’s army still defeated the fourth Ito family army; however, this time they paid more casualties than the previous three, and were more costly. The time is longer.

In the four games of Lien Chan, the warriors of the Honma family almost fell tired and collapsed to the ground. Even if they were victorious in a row, they could not fight anymore; just as the general of the Honma family was about to order the whole army to camp and rest on the spot. , Obwano led his three thousand elite under his command and shouted the charge slogan, and from all sides of the battlefield was killed towards the exhausted family army.

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