Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1085: "·Binglin Port"

Strange to say, this kind of acknowledgment of one's own despicableness is unavoidably painful, but at the same time it makes people happy and at ease.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

He also rushed to the enemy ship with his damaged and damaged ship. Although Brent did not have the grief and indignation as Deng Shichang, he had better luck than Deng Shichang; the rockets shot by countless enemy ship archers had no effect at all. The speed of the Brent flagship, even though the blaze has been ignited on the flagship, this sturdy three-tier battleship is still rushing towards the enemy ship.

The panicked enemy ship wanted to evade quickly, but the result was that the large ship closed into the ship, the ship closed into the early morning, and the early morning collided with the small morning again; As soon as they came over, several small ships whose hull was not strong enough were sunk by friendly ships.

In the face of the crisis of life and death, the unbearable performance of the Yumao navy not only made the southern cloud in the rear look ashamed, but also made the flagship of the first squadron rushing to the fullest achieve the greatest results; with a violent explosion, The three-column battleship, which contained the most kerosene, was swallowed by flames with a large ship, two ships, and nine ships of the Yumao Army.

At this point, the first squadron of the First Fleet of Rome composed of four double-row battleships and four three-row battleships was completely annihilated; and the main fleet of the Yumao Shui Army paid for this, four large ships and 11 ships Closed the ship, forty-four small early war sink.

The crux of the problem is that this Yumao Squadron's main fleet is composed of an Anzhai warship, six large customs ships, twelve customs ships, and fifty small ships; now the sunken battleship is removed, Nanyunzhong Only ten warships are left in one hand!

Sixty-nine warships of various battles and fifty-nine wars in World War I. Nanyun Zhongyi's complexion can no longer be described by Tie Qing; he is the most trusted marine general in this family For the first time, Nan Yunzhong felt that he had failed the trust of his family supervisor.

Nan Yunzhong knew better than anyone else that the Yumao Marines under the control of the Honma family were the mainstay of the Yuma family’s rule over Yumao County; now the Yumao Marines have been hit hard, and the remaining strength is less than one-fifth of the peak period. How to maintain the rule of the Honma family in Hamo-gun?

Of course, this is not the most worrying place in Nanyun; because the sunken warship can be rebuilt, and the weight of the battle can also be recruited for training, as long as the family has enough time to recuperate, restoring their original strength is only Sooner or later.

What really worried Nanyun Zhongyi was what kind of foreign aid did the Ito family find, so that they had the courage to take the initiative to attack the Honma family? You know, these enemy ships that blew up just now are strange warships that Nan Yunzhong has never seen before.

In addition, the title of the Ito family's superintendent Ito Yuheng Sado's first general of the military is not bragging, but a solid record of winning; otherwise, how could Kenma Honma fight the majority of the Yumao Marines. Will the boat be handed over to Nanyun Zhongyi?

I planned to use the quantity and quality advantages of my own warships to directly crush the Nanyun Zhongyi of the Ito naval forces. In order to annihilate the first squadron, he suffered heavy losses. His remaining warships are no longer the opponents of the Ito naval forces; there is no way He can only choose to withdraw his fleet to Yumao Port.

When Catru’s second squadron and Griffin’s third squadron rushed to the fighting waters, they saw not the fierce confrontation between the two fleets, but the broken wooden boards and corpses floating in the sea; among them, just Including the flag of the First Squadron.

Needless to say, the status of the military flag in the navy and army of the Roman city. After sending someone to pick up the military flag representing the first squadron, Catru and Griffin knew that Brent and his first squadron might have been full. The army is gone.

However, leaving here is not the style of the Roman Navy. After all, there are their bodies of nearly two thousand robes; in addition to sending a double-row battleship to report the matter to Commander Nams, Catru and Griffin stay Here began to salvage their corpses.

All the bodies on the self-explosive battleship were completely swallowed by the flames produced by the explosion, and even the commander of the first squadron, Brent, had no bones; as for the other soldiers who died in the war, many of them were heard. Fish and beasts in the sea swallowed with a **** smell.

After the day-and-night salvage ended, the soldiers of the second and third squadrons only salvaged the bodies of more than 1,100 soldiers of the first squadron; such a result, not only Nams can accept, far Bai Feng in Mu Olympic can also be accepted.

The particularity of the system is that every systematic soldier recruited by Bai Feng has a complete family in the city of Rome; this means that the death of every systematic soldier will make an ordinary family in the city of Rome become Is no longer complete.

Not to mention the long archers that must be equipped on every Roman battleship. These long archers specially trained by the barbarian warriors are not the system soldiers who have a home in the Roman city, but they are also the pillars of the family that need to support their families. Everyone represents a family.

The first squadron annihilated by the whole army has four double-row battleships and four three-row battleships, with a total of 800 system sailors and a thousand long archers; all their deaths will make the city of Rome more in a day. 1,800 families who have lost loved ones.

If the deceased is gone, the governor’s palace will surely give all the Roman soldiers who died in the battlefield enough to give their families a carefree life. This is what Bai Feng should do as the governor; as the commander of the First Fleet, Nams should The thing to do is to bring back the remains of the war dead.

Every time the generals of the army in the Roman city of Rome can bring back the remains of all the dead soldiers, but naval warfare is different from land warfare. Unless naval warfare is a great victory for your own ship, otherwise it is It is absolutely impossible to bring back all the dead soldiers.

Because a large number of dead warriors’ bodies could not be stored on the battleship, Catru and Griffin deliberately emptied their space rings, and then stored some of the dead warriors’ bodies into the space rings; space rings that could not store living creatures were Can store corpses.

Knowing that the whole of the First Squadron had overwhelmed the news of Brent’s death, Nams neither fell into rage nor said anything harsh like blood debt and blood compensation. He calmly just invited Wendel immediately, and Meet Wendell and start the attack on Hamo-gun tomorrow morning.

Even so, people who are really familiar with Nams know that such Nams is the most terrifying; next, no matter who dares to stand in front of the First Fleet, blocking the First Fleet from destroying the Yumao Navy and Honma The family will be the most fierce blow by the First Fleet.

On the morning of the next morning when the entire first squadron was annihilated, the main force of the swaying first squadron was fiercely rushing to the Yumao port; the timely appearance of the Ito naval forces and the Honma Yonghui fleet, the unification of Ito Yuheng Under command, joined the first fleet of Nams.

Nearly two hundred ships of various types are sailing on the sea, which is already an overwhelming sight; the Yumao Marines with few remaining warships are directly scared by the turtles shrinking into the Yumao port, and have the courage to go out to face the port. nothing.

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