Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1086: "·Into the Port"

People break their stomachs and always complain about food. The same is true of those who are dissatisfied with life.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

When the First Fleet was preparing to attack, Yuma Honma, who thought he had made great contributions to the Yanhuang family, took his uncle Ito Yuheng to the Empire, and proposed to Nams that he should force him to descend Yumao's suggestion.

If the suggestion made by Yuma Honma before the destruction of the first squadron will not be rejected by Namu, but now that the first squadron has been destroyed, will Nams let Yumao continue to survive? This time Yonghui's suggestion was exchanged only for the cold eyes of Nams.

If it’s just the cold eyes of Nams alone, then Yuma Honma may have the courage to persuade a few more words; but the oppressive atmosphere created by the anger of everyone on the Empire is enough to make Yuma Honma dare not dare Say one more word.

A smart person like Ito Yuheng would naturally not make such a low-level mistake as Yuma Honma; he never spoke at all, but after actively asking him for his opinion, Nams expressed himself Willing to lead the Idong navy to charge for the Yanhuang family.

Nams, who was planning to launch the attack on the port of Yumao immediately, faced with the initiative of Ito Yuheng, and after a little thinking, decided to temporarily slow down his fleet's attack on Yumao port, and let Ito Yuheng lead him. The Ito naval forces took the lead.

The reason why Nams made this decision is not because he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to weaken the strength of the Ito naval forces, but because he had to let the Ito naval forces submit to the nomination of the Jiangyan Huang family; as long as this, The Ito family can completely break the path of betrayal.

While ordering Ito Yuheng to lead the Ito naval forces to attack Yumao port, Nams also issued another order to Ito Yuheng and Yuma Honma: All warships of the Yumao navy, whether they are willing to surrender or not, will be the same Sink all!

This slightly ruthless order is not so much that Nams issued to Ito Yuheng and his Ito naval forces, it is better to say that Nams gave Yumoto Hyunhui's warning; after all, Honma Hyun Hui is the son of the family governor of this family, and it is inevitable that he will help the Yumao Marines.

Ito Yuheng, who has seen Obuwano's formidable experience, will not make mistakes on this principled problem; not to mention, Ito Yuheng, who is the governor of the Ito family, has a hard time against the Honma family who has always suppressed his own family. How could the Yumao Army report sympathy?

Except for the Anzhai warship where Ito Yuheng personally sat, all the seven closed ships and 30 small early ships of the Ito Marines were sent by Ito Yuheng to attack Yumao Port; in order to save his mistakes just now , Yuma Honma also led his fleet to participate in this attack.

Four large-scale closed ships, 11 closed ships, 44 small early Yumao naval ships were still sunk, and there were still three Anzhai warships, seven large closed ships, four closed ships, and 30 small early ships. A total of forty-four warships, the overall strength is more than the Ito naval forces.

Even if the Ito naval forces have the honourable fleet as friendly forces, it is not easy to think of the Yumao naval forces who have lost their main abilities in one fell swoop; the Yumao naval forces who have defended the port of Yumao, although afraid of the might of the Roman fleet, dare not attack , But it is not a soft persimmon that anyone can rub.

With the orders of Ito Yuheng and Yuma Honma, all of the fleets of the two fleets rushed to the Yumao port at a very fast speed, preparing to attack the Yumao navy with full defense; the eight followed Shutdown is to use rockets to attack those large berths that are parked.

The large ship closure threatened the general ship closure and the early morning too much, so that Ito Yuheng had to let his submarine army close the ship and give priority to attacking the large ship of Yumao Army; because in the view of Ito Yuheng These seven large ships are the real core of the Yumao Navy.

Once the seven large customs ships are all sunk, only a few of them and twenty or thirty early Yumao naval forces are not a concern; as for the three Anzhai warships whose symbolic significance is greater than actual significance, Itoyou Heng did not waste his precious warships on these three warships.

Even if the turtle was shrunk inside the port, the Yumao Marine's large ship and the sailors on the ship were not idle; facing the rockets fired from the Ito Marine's ship, they carried out a more powerful counterattack, wave after wave The rocket covered the enemy ship outside the port like rain.

The Yumao Marines, which are more dominant in quantity and quality, have the fatal key point that their warships have been in a state of stagnation. However, it is possible to use the acceleration and steering to evade the rockets fired by the Yumao Navy's warships, and at the same time shoot your own rockets to the Yumao Navy's warships that cannot be avoided.

Compared to those large and closed ships that can’t move, Yumao’s Xiaozao took advantage of their smaller size to flexibly meet the Ito naval forces’ early morning and Honda’s Yonghui fleet’s early days. ; Obviously, this is an unfair contest.

Whether it was the early morning of the Honma Yonghui Fleet or the early morning of the Yumao Marines, there was of course a leeway when fighting; it was the early morning of the Ito Marines, who started with the Yumao Marines, But there is no room left.

The Yumao Marines who didn’t have enough enthusiasm met the Ito Marines early and late, and the battle was less than an hour. The navy, the war Shen Xiao, had only five ships.

In terms of ship closing and large ship closing, Yumao’s passive beating caused them to lose two ship closings, and two large ship closings ignited a fire that could not be extinguished for a while. The sailors were so lucky that they didn't even have to close a ship, but only two closed ships were shot by some rockets because the evasion was not timely enough.

If this trend continues, it will only take another two or three hours at most, and the Yumao Marines who clearly dominate will be defeated by the Ito Marines on the disadvantaged side; Nanyun Zhongyi, who is in charge of the Yumao Marines, naturally does not I will let the war develop like this.

Nanyun Zhongyi, who was ready to lay down his life for World War I, left behind the order given by Kenma Honma to his deadly port; he, determined to fight for the World War I, led three Anzhai warships and five large customs ships , As well as two closed ships out of the port! The two large ships that could not be controlled by the fire on the ship were left by Nan Yunzhong in the port to deal with the Ito naval forces who were ramming in the port.

Nams, who watched for an hour in the distance, would never be indifferent to the main exit of the Yumao Army; Nams first showed a sneer on his face, and then asked the flag bearer to order Catru and Griffin and order them both. People immediately led their respective squadrons to rush up!

The full second and third squadrons consist of eight double-row battleships and eight three-row battleships. This is a powerful fleet capable of crushing a deceased fleet in Nanyun; he once led the fleet to destroy the first Nanyun Zhongyi of a squadron knew this better than anyone else.

Half an hour later, the second squadron and the third squadron returned to Nams without any damage, and Nan Yun Zhongyi, the heavy minister of the Yuma family commander Yumao Marines, sank with his flagship At the bottom of the sea, all Yumao battleships rushing out of the port are sinking!

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