Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1090: "·Disposal of Armaments"

Compared with the height of the mind, everything in the world seems so low.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

In the fighting between the middle and senior officers of the Yanhuang Standing Army and the Gendarmerie, no matter who made the wrong move first, Bai Feng must severely punish the officers of the Yanhuang Standing Army who dare to attack the Gendarmerie, because the Gendarmerie represents not only themselves but also Yanhuang. The face of the family!

If Bai Feng is indifferent to the gendarmes being beaten today, then the authority of the gendarmes will plummet tomorrow; when the gendarmes are used to rectify the military discipline, it will be completely in the form, because there will be no gendarmes who will lose their majesty. In your eyes!

In view of this, Bai Feng's first decision after learning from Sanada Nobuyuki's mouth was to let Sanada Nobuy himself arrest all the Yanhuang Standing Army officers who participated in the fighting; if the military police were there, Bai Feng was personally Go to appease.

Regardless of whether there are private enemies in the southern Lizhi and Quanshan political justices, at least there is no loophole in what they do on the surface; let alone let others take the punished Yanhuang Standing Army recruits as examples. The military discipline of the Yanhuang family?

Since the recruits violated the military discipline of the Yanhuang family, they should be punished. This is a matter of principle; and what the Yanhuang Standing Army officers are doing now is precisely in violation of this principle, which Bai Feng cannot tolerate anyway. .

Gendarmerie who fought to defend the military discipline of the Yanhuang family should be commended for their feelings, even if they have a problem of underhanding in the implementation of military law, but under the premise that the Yanhuang standing army officers violated Bai Feng’s bottom line, they naturally Become the object of awards.

The three gendarmes who were unfortunately killed have their pensions increased tenfold by Bai Feng, and the injured gendarmes have received the most timely treatment. In addition, all the gendarmes loyal to their duties in these three gendarmes squadrons have been subject to Bai Feng’s Oral awards and material rewards.

On the afternoon of the outbreak of the fighting, Sanada Xinfan arrested all the officers of the Yanhuang Standing Army who participated in the fighting; when he came to his hometown to regain his life at night, Bai Feng summoned all the Yanhuang family ministers in the three households in front of him. come.

How to severely punish the hundreds of officers who violated the military discipline by the Yanhuang Standing Army was the issue of Bai Feng summoning his family members to his hometown for a meeting; from the words of Bai Feng’s mouth, the words “severe punishment”, all of whom are the elite Yanhuang family officials, are themselves Instantly understood Jia Du's attitude.

So that after the meeting officially started, Nanlitou first proposed a three-month punishment for salaries, followed by Yuguang Numata's proposal for a more severe punishment for six months. Kangcheng, which has always attached importance to military discipline and military law, even proposed public whipping. Disobedience officer's suggestion.

Among the seven old members of the Yanhuang family, the most ruthless suggestion was originally the Kangcheng of the Ministry of Service. As a result, Guitian Quantai opened his mouth, and what he said shocked everyone present; it turned out that the severe punishment proposal he made was actually the number of these. Hundreds of disciplined officers are expelled from the Yanhuang Standing Army!

For the first time, Shinada Shinto, who has changed her face, showed an angry look in front of all his family members; if it was not for rational restraint of anger, maybe Shinada Shinto would be guilty of "on the spot" on the spot.

In fact, the reason why Sanada Shinfan responds so much is not because he is biased against Guitian Quantai, but because the suggestions of other family members are at best a punishment, and only the recommendations of Guitian Quantai are really wanted. To the officer of the fighting machine to death.

You know, those discipline officers who participated in the fighting are all brave men who have been cultivated little by little by the Sanada family; if they are expelled from the Yanhuang Standing Army, and with the consistent style of housekeeping, these people may even return to the Sanada family. Have no chance!

Sanada Xinfan, who tried his best to suppress his inner anger, had not yet had time to speak out to plead for the disciplined officers under his command. Bai Feng, as the governor, had already made a decision; Bai Feng's strict punishment measures for the disciplined officers were: squadron level The officer fined him with a whiplash of 20 for three months, the captain-level officer was fined with a whiplash for half a year forty months, and the captain-level officer was fined with a whiplash of 60 for a year.

Undoubtedly, this is a punishment that is beyond everyone's expectations, but it is reasonable; compared with the understatement of punishment, it is undoubtedly more effective for the disciplined officers to be whipped by the public to establish authority for the gendarmerie and let others Generals are all warning.

After ending the meeting, while leaving the family members to leave, Bai Feng left the two southern faith and Sanada Xinfan; Bai Feng left them alone not because of their status, but because of this weapon fight Contradictions within the exposed family.

In the relatively stable development stage of the Yanhuang family, Bai Feng really does not mind maintaining a moderate competitive relationship between the Sanada family and the southern family; but the Yanhuang family nowadays does not allow the Santian family and the southern family to consume their power for no reason. of.

Nanbu Shinji and Sanada Shinfan are smart people. Bai Feng just made a few words. They pledged to Bai Feng that events similar to this fighting will not happen in Yanhuang Standing Army, Sanada Standing Army, and Southern Standing Army in the future!

Bai Feng, who reached his goal, didn't say much. After instructing Sanada to carry out punitive measures against disciplined officers, Bai Feng let them both leave; Bai Feng has many other important things to deal with tonight. Time is wasted on this matter again, because Bai Feng, who has limited time, has already wasted too much time on this matter.

The large-scale recruiting of the Yanhuang family has not stopped. The recruits are undergoing less rigorous preliminary training, and they are directly added to the standing troops waiting for expansion; as of now, 10,000 recruits have been recruited. In the Quanshan Mountain Standing Army, five thousand recruits were added to the southern standing army, and seven thousand recruits were sent to Mu'ao Port.

The 15,000 recruits who added to the Quanshan Standing Army and the Southern Standing Army were all untrained recruits; therefore, Quanshan Gukang, the commander of the Quanshan Standing Army, and the southern commander of the Southern Standing Army, believed that they must shoulder the important task of increasing the combat effectiveness of their respective standing forces as soon as possible. .

As for the seven thousand untrained recruits sent to the port of Mutsu, they will mix with the old department of the three thousand Yanhuang Standing Army in the port to form a new port garrison; this 10,000 port garrison was personally named as the Mutsu Standing Army by Bai Feng. The official was held by Morioka Nomoto.

One of the three elders of Dapu, Morimoto Nobumoto, the commander’s ability to command 10,000 standing feet is definitely available, plus he has not been distracted by Bai Feng for two or three years, and his loyalty is also reliable; only What is more troublesome is that, as the old family member of the Yan Huang family of Morimoto Shinmoto, as the commander-in-chief of the 10,000-year-old Mutsu Standing Army, it is inevitable that it does not match his identity.

Switching to any family other than the Yanhuang family, commanding 10,000 as a family member is always important, but it is a heavy task; only in the special situation of the Yanhuang family, there are many people who command the tens of thousands of troops as the family department. The appointment of a commander of 10,000 soldiers as an old family member naturally seems rather unreasonable.

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