Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1091: "·Unexpected"

A person lives consciously for himself, but he is an unconscious tool for the historical purpose achieved by all mankind. The actions performed by a person are irretrievable. The actions of a person and the countless actions of others occur at the same time, and they have historical significance.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

Fortunately, Morimoto Shingen was not a greedy ambition like Guitian Quantai. He thought he was going to be idle for a lifetime. When Bai Feng asked him if he would be the commander of the Standing Army of the Mutsu, he was grateful that he almost shed no tears. .

While dispatching recruits to the Southern Standing Army and the Quanshan Standing Army to form the Mu-Ou Standing Army, Bai Feng further expanded the Gendarmerie Brigade, who himself also served as the captain; this time, he was determined to rectify the Bai Feng of each standing military discipline and expanded six at a stretch. Gendarmerie squadrons are used to ensure that each standing army or each combat division can be equipped with at least one gendarme squadron responsible for rectifying military discipline.

Even though the size of the Gendarmerie Brigade has doubled, the principle of Bai Feng’s appointment of the Gendarmerie Squadron has not changed; the newly established 7th Gendarmerie Squadron, with the son of Takahashi Kenji and Ping Juntai serving as the squadron leader, and the newly formed 8th Gendarmerie Squadron, The squadron leader was Mori Gangsuke, the son of Nori Morimoto, and the newly established ninth military police squadron, and the younger brother Sanada Hideki of the real family served as the squadron leader.

After the heirs of the core officials of the Yanhuang family were appointed squadron leaders of the Gendarmerie Squadron, the authority of the Gendarmerie would naturally no longer need Bai Feng to worry about; in order to make the nature of the Gendarmerie more pure, Bai Feng also specially appointed three without background The person serves as the squadron leader.

Senior Samurai Nakajima Takagi who served as the squadron leader of the 10th Gendarmerie Squadron, Takahashi Ishigaki, the senior warrior as the squadron leader of the 11th Gendarmerie Squadron, and Daisuke Nagasawa, the senior warrior who served as the squadron leader of the 12th Gendarmerie Squadron; all three He is a direct member of the Yanhuang family who is born of ordinary civilians. He is a lucky man who has grown into a senior samurai by luck and strength. He has no other family background.

After joining the squadron leaders of the three civilians, the composition of the gendarme squadron is basically balanced; there are members of the heirlooms of the real power families within the Yanhuang family, and there are people with no family background representing the civilian class The forces of the Fang have a constitutional squadron of participation, which is the perfect composition in Bai Feng's heart, because at least there will be no situation in which one party suppresses the other.

Based on six old Gendarmerie squadrons, among the twelve Gendarmerie squadrons elaborated and expanded by the military, two were sent by Bai Feng to the Quanshan Standing Army for reorganization, two were sent by Bai Feng to the Southern Standing Army for reorganization, and one was by Baifeng. By the Mu'ao Standing Army, the military discipline was rectified. Six of them were sent to the Yanhuang Standing Army by Bai Feng to rectify the military discipline. The remaining one was responsible for rectifying the discipline of the recruits.

The Sanada Standing Army, the Iwashimizu Standing Army, and the Nine-House Standing Army, which are far from the southern front of Mutsu, need to wait for the expansion and military rectification of these three standing forces until the end of the war; before that, Bai Feng's priority is how to end the war as soon as possible.

After hurrying to deal with the most important things at hand, Bai Feng let Bai Yi go out and called Nams, who had been in the assessment room for several hours, to the study to listen to the first fleet and the Governor's Guard. Combat report on Sado Island.

Bai Feng was still curious about why it took so long for the First Fleet and the Governor’s Guard to capture Sado Island, which was not strong overall; however, this trace of curiosity soon evolved in Nams’s elaboration It became an accident.

In the battle of Sado Island, there was more than one thing beyond Bai Feng’s expectations: first, it was Nams who successfully used the descending army to form a Sado navy directly under the Yanhuang family; second, the Governor’s Guard was actually born A rookie general with the title of'Ghost of God of War'; finally, the destruction of the First Squadron and the death of Brent shocked Bai Feng.

If the first two things beyond Bai Feng’s expectations are surprises, then the last one beyond Bai Feng’s expectations is self-evidently distressing; although Bai Feng knows that this loss can be avoided, he It was Wen Yan who praised Nams.

Because Nams only lost four double-row battleships and four three-row battleships, but the Sado navy he formed for the Yanhuang family had five Anzhai battleships, eight large customs ships, and nineteen customs ships. In the early seventy-four ship, whether there was more power than power or too much power between the two, Bai Feng still had a number of hearts; therefore, instead of deliberately mentioning the loss, he praised Nams instead.

Of the eight warships lost in the First Fleet, Bai Feng directly allocated eight warships of the same size from the Roman Navy to him; it is now February. Bai Feng used the February recruitment quota that he had not yet decided to recruit for the Roman Navy. Eight warships of the same specification were added.

January Financial Report (Mainland Calendar January 919)

Agriculture: income 3600 gold, expenditure 0

Mining: income 350 gold, expenditure 0

Trade: income 359,000 gold, expenditure

Taxation: income 90,500 gold, expenditure 63,600 gold (prosecutor, tax officer, **** officer, patrol guard 100 gold each month)

Salary: Expenditure 2700 gold (100 gold per leader per month)

Army maintenance cost: 0

Recruitment: Expenditure 45850 gold (Temple summon generals also belong to recruitment, special training costs are included)

Construction: Expenditure 0

Entertainment: Spend 0

Diplomacy: income 0, expenditure 0

Corruption: income 0, expenditure 900 gold

Total of last month: income 453450 gold, expenditure 113050 gold

Surplus last month: income 340,400 gold

Total treasury at the beginning of the month: 4427230 gold

Rome City (City)

Governor: Bai Feng

Revenue: 453450 Golden Moon

Population: 1,143,288 people (the temple adds 2,000 people per month)

Social security: +215%

Population growth: +7% month

Tax rate: low tax rate

Treasury: 4767630 gold

Barbarian area: Forty-five direct towns (4904265)

Yamato area: nine directly-owned cities (3536528)

Vassal forces: Kingdom of Aisini (1021837) Kingdom of Lucy (1001542)

Existing buildings: ruling mansion, stone walls, Apollo Temple, urban barracks, market, crop rotation, deep cave mines, cavalry stables, armor paving, Sifang Avenue, shooting range, sewage drains, public baths, shipbuilding workshops, Arena, university, shogunate

Under construction: Apollo Giant Temple

Buildable buildings: Great Wall, Legion Barracks, Racecourse, Catapult Range, Large Market, Shipyard, Elevated Aqueduct, Irrigation, Library, Amphitheatre

Attribute of the Shogunate

Region ruled by the Shogunate: Mutsu State (1.41 million stone) Sado State (20,000 stone)

Shogunate assets: 43700 stone

Shogunate income: 14,300 stone (one-hundredth of the ruled stone height)

Shogun figures (1751): priest (level 1, 600), spy (level 1, 650), secret agent (level 1, 75), ninja (level 2, 300), geisha (level 4, 30), battlefield ninja (175 Level 4, Team 4)

Shogunate army (78000): Nouta sword samurai (level three, one hundred teams), monks (four levels, thirty teams), child sword samurai (three levels, twenty teams), lance samurai (second level, two hundred teams) , Lightweight (first level, two hundred teams), iron cannonmen (third level, one hundred teams)

Shogun Generals: Goto Kiji (Junior Celestial Warrior), Yubu Weishin (Advanced Warrior), Andong Kachu (Advanced Warrior)

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