Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1095: "·Lu Zhong Tai Shou"

If you don't want to spend a lifetime in the world, you have to learn for life.

——Gorky (former Soviet proletarian writer, founder of socialist realist literature)

Attribute of the Shogunate

The area ruled by the Shogunate: Oshu (235 thousand stone) Sado country (20,000 stone)

Shogunate assets: 43700 stone

Shogunate income: 23,700 stones (1% of the ruled stone height)

Shogun figures (1751): priest (level 1, 600), spy (level 1, 650), secret agent (level 1, 75), ninja (level 2, 300), geisha (level 4, 30), battlefield ninja (175 Level 4, Team 4)

Shogunate army (78000): Nouta sword samurai (level three, one hundred teams), monks (four levels, thirty teams), child sword samurai (three levels, twenty teams), lance samurai (second level, two hundred teams) , Lightweight (first level, two hundred teams), iron cannonmen (third level, one hundred teams)

Shogun generals: Goto Kiji (Junior Celestial Warrior), Yubu Weishin (Advanced Warrior), Andong Kachu (Advanced Warrior)

Because it was only the beginning of February at this time, the change in the attributes of Oshu had not yet had a direct impact on the attribute table of the Shogunate; even so, the changes in the area of ​​the Shogunate and the income of the Shogunate still surprised and unbelievable Bai Feng.

From Mu'ao State to Aozhou, Shigao's repainting, which was originally convenient for rule, immediately had an extraordinary meaning in Bai Feng's heart; in other words, from now on, Shigao's redrawing will become the rule of the Yanhuang family The necessary procedures before the planning and development of each sub-country.

Not only that, Bai Feng also intends to re-draw the stone height in every area under the Yanhuang clan at most every ten years; because ten years is enough to allow Aozhou to reclaim more farmland, the stone height will be higher, This has great benefits for the Shogunate system.

Bai Feng, who forcibly restrained his inner ecstasy, asked Nanfang in a casual manner: "Southern prince, Aozhou divided into five countries needs to appoint five new guards. You think those of our Yanhuang family officials can Competent for the princely duty?"

"This..." He couldn't figure out what Southern Trust believed in the mind of the governor. He didn't dare to really give any suggestions. After hesitating again and again, he deliberately made a bitter thinking and said: "Princess, please redeem I’m foolish now, and I really can’t think of anyone who can do the job of being a guard."

At this moment, if other heavy ministers of the Yanhuang family were present, Nanxin Xin will definitely say a lot of names suitable for being priests because of the consideration of no offenders; but the current assessment room only has Jiadu and Nanxin Xinzhi. Of course, to please the family governor.

"Nan Nanjun, sometimes you are too cautious." Bai Feng seemed to smile and said his own thoughts: "The most central Lu China in the five states of Ozhou, I have decided that you will be the guardian, and the rest of the rock generation, In the three kingdoms of Iwaki and Luqian, I intend to have Yuda Numata, Kenji Hirano, and Ogasawara Xinjing as the princes; it is the Mutsukuni, which is adjacent to the Emperor Yu, and I haven’t thought about its prince."

Bai Feng's words are all mentioned in this part. If Nanxin believes anything more like'under dullness', then he is really a fool; as expected, Baifeng's words just fell off, and Nanxin faith gave advice: "Princess At the core of Mutsukuni is Tsugaru-gun where Quanshanjun leads the army; if there is no suitable person to serve as Mutsukuni’s prince, Quanshanjun is also a good choice."

Bai Feng, who had long expected the Southern Trustees to say so, said indifferently: "Quanshan Gukang is indeed the best candidate for our Yanhuang family to serve as the Mu'ao Taishou, but the Taishou only controls the people regardless of the army; the Quanshan Standing Army and Lu's Between defenders, he needs to make a choice."

Hearing this, Nanxinxin didn’t understand the purpose of the family governor’s suggestion, so he took for granted: "The principal, Quanshan Jun, resigned as the commander of the Quanshan Standing Army, you see who will succeed the commander of the Quanshan Standing Army. More appropriate?"

"Half of the 20,000 soldiers of the Quanshan Standing Army are the soldiers trained by Quanshan Jun. Who will succeed the Quanshan Standing Army? You can ask Quanshan Jun's opinion first. I will give priority to Quanshan Jun's recommendation."

Since the family governor said so, Nanxin Trust didn’t say much about the issue of the Quanshan Standing Army, but instead spoke directly: "Princess, you intend to let me serve as the Central Guardian of the Central Plains, then the Southern Standing Army also asks you to choose another virtue. Act as a leader."

"Southern Jun, the Southern Standing Army is not only one of our Yanhuang Clan Standing Army, but also a commitment I gave you from the Southern Clan; therefore, you can continue to serve as the Southern Standing Army Commander while serving as the Luzhong Taishou."

"Thanks for the grace of the principal!" Nanxin Xin quickly made a grateful look, and then said sincerely: "But still want to ask the hero to take back his life, too guard the people, regardless of the army. This is our Yanhuang family system, How could it be abandoned by me alone?"

Looking at Dayi's awe-inspiring southern faith, Bai Feng thought clearly of his carefulness, but such a wise man always makes people unpleasant, doesn't he? No monarch would like a servant who does not know the current affairs, which is why it is easier for a prince than a loyal prince.

Nanxin Trustworthiness is not a triumphant minister who took office immediately, but also a person who knows the current affairs. Bai Feng’s attitude towards this is: "Southern monarch, you can step down as the leader of the Southern Standing Army, but the new leader of the Southern Standing Army will also be recommended by you. People."

"Princess..." Nanxin Xinzhi just wanted to refuse again, and was interrupted by Bai Feng's words: "Southern Jun, you don't have to refuse anymore. This is my commitment to your southern family. If you don't want me to betray your commitment Would recommend a person from the southern family."

"Hey!" Knowing the trust of the southern governor of the family's mind, after long pondering, he recommended to Bai Feng: "Princess, there is a clan brother Nanli in the next few years who has not met in the past. Originally also a famous brave general of my southern family, he can succeed the south. Standing Army Command."

"Okay, then you should arrange Southern Truly to Sanhu City as soon as possible. As long as he swears allegiance to our Yanhuang family, I will appoint him as the new commander of the Southern Standing Army; as for yourself, you have to be prepared to serve as the Luzhong guardian, I I hope you are better than the others."

Facing the appreciative eyes of the family governor, Nanxin believed that his performance tonight was once again recognized by the family governor, which finally let his suspended heart finally let go; because for the southern family who is not talented, how to win The trust of the governor is the most important.

Not long after Nanshin left the assessment room, Naoki Yoshikawa dressed as a typical ninja came to the empty assessment room; seeing Naoki Yoshikawa came, Bai Feng directly asked him: "Southern Shinri, as mentioned by Nanshin just now, What is its background?"

"Prince Qiqiang, Southern Truly was originally the Southern Family's most capable of fighting for war, but was forced to leave the Southern Family because of his inconsistency with Southern Qingzheng; according to our investigation, it seems that the relationship between Southern Truly and Southern Faith is not familiar. I haven’t even met a few times."

"Regardless of whether there is a close connection between Southern Truly and Southern Trust, he is a member of the Southern family after all; before Southern Truth is discharged from the command of the Southern Standing Army and Southern Truly is not in office, you arrange for some people to sneak into the Southern Standing Army and do well Take control and prepare."

"Hi!" Naoki Yoshikawa, who came in a hurry, disappeared in the assessment room after receiving his orders.

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