Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1096: "·The Eye of the Military Division"

Be strong in hard days and be cautious in happy days.

——Gorky (former Soviet proletarian writer, founder of socialist realist literature)

The conversation between Bai Feng and Nanfang Xinzhi in the assessment room was not kept secret. Early the next morning, the officials of the Yanhuang family in Sanhucheng knew the news that Aozhou was about to be divided into five. Thai and other Yanhuang family members can't help but get excited.

Aozhou becomes Muo country, Lu China, Lu Qian country, Yandai country, Pancheng state, which not only means the legalization of the Yanhuang family's rule over Aozhou, but also means that the governor will soon appoint a number of officials to protect the five countries; face With such a rare opportunity to recover, who can truly be indifferent?

Although Southern Trust has already made a statement on behalf of the family governor, the five countries divided from Austria will not establish guardianship positions, but will establish new official positions called Taishou; but this will not diminish the enthusiasm of the Yanhuang family members, because even the people do not care The rank of the military's princes is also stronger than that of no ranks, and the Yanhuang family members who have lost their power for too long will not miss such a good opportunity to regain power.

Nowadays, the Yanhuang family can only be described by the eleven people such as Nanxin Xinzhi and Guitian Quantai; even if they add the not-so-high-level but powerful Sanada Shinko and Sanada Shinfan brothers, the number of Yanhuang family’s heavy ministers There are only thirteen people.

Considering that the priesthood is the local civilian official position that governs the people regardless of the military, the generals of the Yanhuang family, such as Sanada Changxing and Kyuto Kangzhen, are definitely impossible to assume the position of priesthood; in this way, they may be appointed as alternative families There will be many fewer ministers.

People with a discerning eye know that the Southern Trust, which has always been trusted by the family governor, will inevitably leave any country to be a sergeant. As for the Southern Standing Army, the former commander of the Southern Trust, will continue to be commanded by the Southern Trustee or choose another commander. Things.

The only remaining members of the Yanhuang family who are most qualified for the position of Taishou are the six family elders such as Guitian Quantai. Among them, Kangcheng of the Ministry of Service has been dispatched by the family supervisor to perform missions overseas; therefore, it is really possible to be the position of the Taishou. It is four of the five old family!

Five family leaders competed for four princely positions, and the head of the Yanhuang family's pen home, Guitian Quantai, was full of confidence; in his opinion, regardless of whether Jia Duxin did not trust himself, he was the name of the Yanhuang family. The highest official, if the Five Kingdoms guards can't turn themselves, it would be a bit excessive.

Compared to Guitian Quantai who sat on the Diaoyutai, four people including Numata Yuguang had their own ideas; Numada Yuguang, who had served as a military commander of the Tsugaru family, had already been able to roughly determine the specific candidates for the at least three of the five kingdoms’ guardians, even Even Tian Tiantai's overconfidence will eventually lead to a loss, and he can speculate.

Numata Yuguang has never been an impulsive person. Every decision he makes is the result of deliberations; even if he is a military commander of the Tsugaru family and the Guijiangyanhuang family, he has his own conditions. s Choice.

At first, if the Jindu family superintendent Jin Qing was willing to entrust him with a heavy responsibility, he would never agree to serve as a military commander of the Jin light family; similarly, if he had seen the infinite potential of the Yanhuang family early in the morning, he also It will not be easily attributed to the Jiangyan Huang family.

In the years of the Yanhuang family, the observable Yu Numa has discovered an employment principle about his own house governor: that is, before reusing someone, they will be cold for some time and promote someone while reusing someone. Blood relatives.

Sanada Changxing and his sons, Nanto Leechi and his sons, Takebe Kangcheng and his sons, and Quanshan Gukang and his sons are the most typical examples; in the view of Guitian Quantai, the far away from the Yanhuang clan homeland and the overseas mission of the service department Kangcheng lost a lot Opportunity for establishing meritorious service, but Numata Yuguang knew in his heart that Kangcheng, the clothing ministry who was indistinguishable from himself and others, had already used this opportunity to become the confidant of his family.

To be fair, Numada Yuguang, who understands how terrible the Yanhuang family’s development potential is, also hopes that he can become the confidant of the family governor; therefore, when the family governor appointed his son as the fourth military police squadron leader, he not only did not hinder himself from serving in the military The general's son gave up his original military post, but instead warned his son to be wholeheartedly loyal to the family governor and bow to the family.

His son Shinoda Numata was appointed as the fourth gendarme squadron leader by the family governor, Ogasawara Nobuo’s son Ogasawara Masato was appointed as the fifth gendarme squadron leader, and the son of Kenji Hirano was also appointed as the seventh gendarme squadron leader, Mori Shoshinori His son Morioka Yosuke was appointed as the eighth gendarme squadron leader, which, in the eyes of Numata Yuko, is a precursor to the reuse of his family and other four members.

In stark contrast to this, it is the many sons and grandsons of Guitian Tantai who have not been appointed by the family governor; perhaps, the position of the captain of the gendarme squadron, who has little power, seems to others to be a vain duty, but someone with political wisdom Who can't see the gold content of the captain of the gendarmes?

Not to mention the power of the gendarmerie, let’s talk about it as the captain of twelve gendarmerie squadrons. Except for the three members of Takuma Ishigaki, Takyu Nakajima, and Oura Nagasawa, who were promoted by the stability of the military, the other nine Which one of the squadrons of the gendarmerie is not a noble family?

Numata Yuguang, who has seen everything so thoroughly, although he doesn’t know why the governor gave up to the Tian Tiantai who bears the old name of the pen, but he understands what choice he should make; On the evening of the hustle and bustle in Mito Castle, Yuguang Numata brought the old man, Mr. Oura, who had a good relationship with him, to the house of the governor.

Before secretly visiting the house governor at night, Numata Yuguang had informed all of his views on the appointment of the five princes and the others; and the four had reached a tacit agreement to swear allegiance to the house governor. action.

Bai Feng, who acquiesced in the southern faith to spread the news last night, had already made preparations for someone to swear allegiance to himself tonight; even so, the arrival of four people including Numata Yuguang still surprised Bai Feng, but he did not I thought that there would be four old people coming home.

In the Yanhuang Clan's old family, apart from the fact that Nanxin Xinzheng is a real real power old family member, the other six people were originally raised upright and have no real power; the Yan Huang family will soon usher in a new round of external expansion, Bai Feng decided to start these old families.

The loyalty attribute of the Roman system is present. Bai Feng, who values ​​loyalty in particular, can easily identify the loyalty of his officials; the loyalty is reused, and the unfaithful will only be refrigerated. This is Bai Feng’s own employment principle. Will not change for any reason.

I still believe in the loyal Bai Feng of the four people of Numata Yuko, Kenji Tsunaru, Ogasawara Nobuyoshi, Mori Shoshinori, or he will not appoint their son in advance; it is only three of these four who are about to become Taishou. Person, Morimoto Shinmoto has other appointments.

Before Bai Feng dealt with the expansion of the Yanhuang Standing Army, he had decided to mix up 7,000 new recruits and 3,000 Yanhuang Standing Army veterans to form a new port garrison. Morimoto Nomoto was the first commander of this new army. No plans to change.

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