Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1097: "·Siege Date"

Real friends, when you are successful, are happy for you, not to support. When you encounter misfortune or sorrow, it will give you timely support and encouragement. When you have shortcomings and may make mistakes, it will give you correct criticism and help. We should ask our friends like this, this kind of friendship is truly valuable.

——Gorky (former Soviet proletarian writer, founder of socialist realist literature)

Just five days after the voluntary request of four people including Numata Yuguang, the southern standing army recommended by Southern Shin-no, the successor candidate, Southern Shin-ri, quickly rushed back to Mito Castle; as southern Shin-no said, Southern Truly is indeed a southern family Few heroes.

The southern family that has lived in Austria for hundreds of years has never been a strong family that advocates military force. Otherwise, the southern family that occupies the most fertile land in Austria has long unified Austria. Where are the Tsugaru family and the Spo family alone. opportunity.

Southern Trust, who was not fond of power and focused on Rongma, was once an unhealthy alien of the Southern family, but now it is the only candidate for Southern Trust to maintain the status of the Southern family. This has to be said to be a huge deal for the Southern family. Irony.

When Bai Feng saw the first aspect of the southern faith, he had a good impression on the elegant and elegant middle-aged samurai; because the information sent back by Yoshikawa Naoki has indicated that the southern faith is concealed under the surface A belligerent heart with blood.

A successful person in power does not need a belligerent heart with blood, but a general who lives on war must have a belligerent heart with blood; if there is not even a general in command of the army Warm-hearted, how can the commanded soldiers fight to fight the enemy bravely? The fact that the soldiers are in a nest is the most typical and intuitive description.

After a simple and direct exchange, Bai Feng determined that Southern Trust was a very pure general, and then appointed him as the new commander of the Southern Standing Army on the spot. The Southern Standing Army, which was newly expanded to 20,000 soldiers, was placed under Southern Trust.

Because the Southern Standing Army had been permanently stationed in Sanhu City, Bai Feng did not have any idea to adjust the location of the Southern Standing Army in a short time; what Bai Feng expected was that the second day of the new officer of Southern Truly was at the assessment meeting A request was made to adjust the station.

Southern Truly’s reason for this request is that the limited military power of the Yanhuang family must be used with the highest efficiency, and the Southern Standing Army, as one of the earliest standing army of the Yanhuang family, should have rushed to the front line when the Yanhuang family faced a crisis Combat.

Southern Truly took the initiative to fight, although his request was not approved by Bai Feng, but his approach made Bai Feng quite satisfied.

The fact that the Southern Standing Army is stationed in Sanhu City is indeed not the most efficient use of the family’s military power, but it is the most beneficial way to use the southern family; the initiative of Southern Trusty to prove that he is different from many people, he is not a Family is important.

Among the great ministers of the Yanhuang family, whether they are the southern faith who is behind the family affairs, or the army guarding the border to defend the family against the enemy, Sanada, or many other heavy ministers, they are very typical Yamato-style officials.

The so-called typical Yamato classmates, that is, they can be loyal to the host family without affecting the interests of their families, but once the interests of their families conflict with the interests of the host family, they will naturally take their own Family interests are important.

This family concept, which has prevailed in the Yamato Empire for hundreds of thousands of years, cannot be changed by Bai Feng alone; therefore, Bai Feng can only balance the development of the strength of each family while avoiding the emergence of those capable officials, and avoid the emergence of A unique situation.

Under such a large environment, Southern Truly completely disregarded the interests of the southern family, which made Bai Feng satisfied; but the satisfaction was satisfied. Before the war in southern Austria was all over, the Southern Standing Army still had to stay in Sanhu City. Stationed.

At this time, in the vicinity of Mito Castle, in addition to the 20,000 soldiers of the Southern Standing Army and the 60,000 soldiers of the Yantian Standing Army of Sanada Xinfan, there are the Sixth Roman Legion of Marcus and the Seventh Roman Legion of Lucurius brought by Baifeng. , Bronnot Dragon Corps, Nardoba First Aisini Corps, Villede II Luci Corps, a total of more than 100,000 soldiers in five regiments.

The previously landed Yubu Weixin First Banner Corps and Anton Jiazhong Second Banner Corps, together with Assam’s Second Aisini Corps and Walker’s Third Luci Corps, had already rushed to the southern region of Oregon The family army surrounded.

Goto Shinko and Katakura Kojuro's 30,000 Ida family soldiers, while hiding, actually sent troops to rob the Yanhuang family town near the mountains and forests; since then Fujinoko and Katakura Kojuro did not know the current affairs, then Bai Feng could not Will get used to them.

Knowing that the Ida army sent troops to plunder their own town, Bai Feng, who did not intend to keep the other party, recalled the army that was originally responsible for monitoring the enemy, appointing Bu Weixin and An Dong Jiazhong as the commanders of the left and right army, commanding the twelve army The soldiers went south in two ways.

The 60,000 shogun soldiers of the two Banner Corps, plus the 60,000 barbarian soldiers of the two vassals, the 120,000 army surrounded the 30,000 low morale foot soldiers of the Ida family in the mountains and the opportunity to break through Neither Goto Shinko nor Katakura Kojuro were given.

At the beginning of the siege, Uesugi Jinghu sent a few waves of cavalry to find the lost Ida family army. However, after hundreds of precious cavalry were killed in a row, Uesugi Jinghu, who was planning to borrow a knife to kill, would not move.

Not only that, but it seemed that the Uesugi King Tiger, who felt that the atmosphere was not quite right, gathered all the Uesugi family troops under his command and retreated to the rear for thirty miles; Masada in the city of Gaoshui Temple, Yuki, worried that this was the Uesugi family’s conspiracy It did not act rashly.

As the situation in southern Austria became more subtle, Bai Feng urged Sanada Nobu and Southern Truly to step up the training of their troops, while revising their family’s original plan for sending troops; Oda Nobunaga’s generosity and the support of the emperor made Bai Feng decide to A more violent way to carry out the next battle!

The Ida family in Shimoya, the top family supported by the Uesugi family in Ueno, and the three-legged barnyard family, Kasai family, and Osaki family in Hitachi have all become Baifeng’s expansion targets; even, even Yuyu and Hojo The family is no exception!

If Nobunaga Oda can restrain his ambitions and temporarily not take the seat of the Shogunate, then the Yanhuang family's sphere of influence can only include the three kingdoms of Shigeno, Ueno, and Hitachi at most; but if the Nobunaga Oda is determined to sit on the Shogunate The seat of the Yanhuang family, as an ally of the Oda family, is a foregone conclusion between the Uesugi family, the Hojo family, the Takeda family and other imperial northern families.

On the day when the soldiers met, the Takeda family was dealt with by the Tokugawa family. The southern territory of the Uesugi family will be threatened by the military force of the Oda family. Bai Feng will not miss the destruction of the Hojo family in vain. The perfect time for Shikoku!

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