Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1317: "·Orc Intent"

It is only the logic of the education process that allows students to not spend all of their time on learning, but leave a lot of free time to study. This is the logic of the educational process.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

Returning to the official residence of Bai Feng, he immediately summoned Luquez and Vipsani. While reading through the various government affairs reports that Vipsani gave to him in Rome, he asked Luquez, who was sitting on the lower right. Tao: "Luke, the situation on the other side of the empire, what do you think?"

"Governor, there are 1.5 million troops of the orcish empire invading the dragon empire, and even the bimon warriors are dispatched; from this, it can be seen that the orc attack is definitely not a nuisance with harassing nature, it should be It was a premeditated massive attack."

"Then the Dragon Empire can resist the attack of the orc army?"

"Governor, although it is difficult for the Dragon Empire to repel the attack of the orc army by itself, the Dragon Empire is not the only nation of human races. Charlie the Great will actively seek out assistance; whether it can block the attack of the orc army depends on the reinforcements. Speed ​​of support."

Bai Feng commented on the reinforcements: "As long as the Tianlong Empire asks for help from the Holy See, the Holy See will not sit by and ignore it, and other countries are not easy to say: countries with good relations with the Holy See may be very active, and countries with bad relations with the Holy See may not be Will not refuse."

"Governor, the orc army will advance further, and the foundations you have been working on in the Dragon Empire will fall; shall we transfer a few legions now to prepare to resist the attack of the orc army?" Vipsani proposed Suggested.

Without directly answering Wipsani's Bai Feng, he turned and asked Luquith: "What do you think, Luquith?"

"Governor, I don't think it's necessary to mobilize a large army to blend in this war so early." Luquez, who brought back all the armies in Rome, came back and said something that shocked Vepsani: "The orc army suddenly Stop marching, there must be something else."

Bai Feng nodded, expressing his approval of Lucius's views, and then said: "Since the beginning of the last war, the actions of the orc army have changed their usual style for hundreds of years before; such an orc army is better than that of any country. No army is strong but weak."

"If the orc army did not stop their attacks and directly launched the offensive against the Empire East, then I would not be very worried; it was precisely this unexpected behavior of the other party that made me unable to understand their intentions. Where people worry."

"Governor, I have a guess about the reason why the orc army suddenly stopped attacking." Lu Kuisi said a little solemnly: "I guess the purpose of the orc army commander is probably to deliberately give the Dragon Empire time to the reinforcements to increase the frontline."

"How is this possible?" Weipsani said incredulously: "Can the orcs commander guarantee that they will not win the decisive battle?"

Luquiz shook his head and explained: "It's not that they can decide to win, but that they don't have more choices."

"The orc empire is located in the bitter cold east of the sunset mountains. It is extremely difficult to proliferate. With their limited population base, no matter how they are all soldiers, one or two million soldiers are already the limit, no matter how many they will survive. Cause an impact."

"Although the army of one or two million powerful orc warriors is terrifying, it is not invincible; the army of the Tianlong Empire is indeed not much in quantity and of poor quality, but it is really at the juncture of national ruin, Tianlong The greatest advantage of the empire is its population."

"A huge population base that is dozens of times the total population of the orc empire will allow the celestial dragon empire to form tens of millions of troops; if that is the case, how many empire troops can be annihilated by the two million troops of the orc empire? Three million? Five million? Or ten million?"

"Therefore, if the orc army really wants to gain a foothold in the Tianlong Empire, it must wipe out the vital forces of the Tianlong Empire as much as possible in one battle, so that the Tianlong Empire temporarily loses its strength in front of them, and then pushes the Tianlong Empire with a victory. Cut the ground and sum."

The dumbfounded Vepsani said after a long silence, "Can you come up with such a scheme, or a dull orc?"

"Vipsani, there is more than only human races that have been making progress in this world." Bai Feng took a deep look at Vepsani and said, "Two years ago, the orc empire could capture the sunset fortress they hadn't broken for hundreds of years. , It can explain many things in itself."

"Governor, I took it for granted." Vipsani lowered his head in shame.

Knowing that it was a long time in the corner of the Roman city, Vipsani produced a white peak of arrogance, and he didn’t say much. He turned his eyes back to Lucius and asked, “If the orcs really tried to fight , How should we respond?"

"Governor, don't break or stand, break and stand." Lu Kuisi's eyes burned and said: "Everything depends on your wishes!"

Facing Lu Quesi's expectant gaze, Bai Feng's decision was delayed, not because he did not want to seize the opportunity and let the orcish army disturb the turbulent waters of the Dragon Empire, but thousands of Eastern provinces. He can't ignore the lives of the people.

Once the orc army defeated the main force of the Tianlong Empire on the frontier at the frontier of the Mengdan border, the almost impenetrable Eastern provinces will definitely fall with it; for Bai Feng, what is lost is not only the three provinces, but also Tens of millions support the people who support him!

To make such a decision, it is not an easy task for anyone, so that Bai Feng, who has always acted decisively, must carefully weigh the pros and cons; for this, Lucius and Vipsani who understand that the decision is not easy are just quiet Waiting silently, no one spoke.

Bai Feng, who has been pondering for a long time and failed to make a decision, has to put this issue aside for a while, take out the formation of auxiliary legions and weaken the military strength of the vassal kingdom, and discuss with Luquez and Vipsani on specific implementation methods.

There is no objection to the composition of the systematic summoning of the Roman legion and the auxiliary legion determined by Bai Feng himself. As the head of the military in Rome, Lucius has no objection; however, one of the questions he raised is the key to the performance of the summoning legion. .

"Governor, in terms of the number of Roman soldiers, the establishment of the new-style legion has more than quadrupled compared with the old-fashioned legion we originally formed; with the expansion of the establishment, it is no longer appropriate for the captain to serve as the captain and the captain Where do we find so many qualified middle and senior officers assigned to the summoning corps?"

The question raised by Lucius is not unreasonable, but intuition tells Bai Feng that the system should not be able to leave such loopholes in these major events; there is no way to explain too much about the system, and Bai Feng can only tell Lucius to summon first A new legion came out and said.

The basic premise for summoning the new-style legions is that the Kingdom of Lucy and the Kingdom of Essini provide a group of soldiers for the formation of auxiliary legions to the city of Rome; The actual situation is finalized.

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