Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1318: "·Coexistence of Old and New"

For a teacher, the greatest danger is his intellectual emptiness and no reserve of spiritual wealth.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

After informing the data in the'Rome City vassal power attribute table' to Luquez and Vipsani, Bai Feng asked them: "You think the number of troops and warriors in these two kingdoms should be controlled within what range. Will it threaten our city of Rome?"

Lucius and Vepsani glanced at each other, and then Lucius first said: "The Governor, the Kingdom of Lucy and the Kingdom of Essini, although independent, are surrounded by our Roman city on all sides, The demand for the military is not important."

"Whether it is the increasingly stable Kingdom of Aisini under Queen Budeka, or the Kingdom of Lucy under the rebellion of Yamashita, only a maximum of 20,000 or 30,000 standing soldiers are enough to maintain the internal stability of their respective kingdoms. "

"However, considering the large size of the original armies of these two kingdoms, it was still inappropriate to suddenly reduce their standing army to 20,000 to 30,000; therefore, I think it would be downsized to 50,000 to 60,000, Is a more appropriate number."

After Lucius finished his views on the military power of the two countries, Vipsani began to express his opinions in his professional field: "The Governor, the Kingdom of Lucy and the Kingdom of Essini are indeed our vassals, but they themselves 'S independence is also not to be underestimated."

"The barbarian people are accustomed to the tribal-centered production lifestyle. They have a very high degree of recognition for their tribe or kingdom; if our Roman city wants the soldiers of the two kingdoms to fight directly for us, I am afraid that How many soldiers are difficult to recruit."

"Isn't the Kingdom of Aisini always focusing on economic development and people's livelihood? How is the development going now?" Bai Feng asked suddenly.

Weipu Sani, who did not understand why the Governor had this question, reported truthfully: "The Governor, with our full assistance in the city of Rome, the economic development of the Kingdom of Aisini is very rapid; from the perspective of the living conditions of the people, they No worse than our immediate town."

"The Kingdom of Aisini has a population of over one million, and the living conditions are not inferior to our immediate towns, which shows that their urbanization process is advancing very well." Bai Feng continued to ask Weipsani: "With the urbanization Going deeper, don't the people of the Essini Kingdom show more desire for gold and silver currencies?"

Vipsani thought for a moment and nodded: "Governor, when we first started to help the Kingdom of Aisini, the people of the Kingdom of Aisini were still more willing to accept food as an equivalent exchange; but with the development of time, they Now I really want to get gold and silver coins."

"That's right!" Bai Feng said with confidence: "Since the people of the Aisini Kingdom have realized the value of gold and silver coins, why don't we use the silver and gold coins to attract the warriors of the Aisini Kingdom? What about our Roman army?"

"This..." The speechless Vepsani hesitated for a while, and raised an objection that was not an objection: "If you use the gold and silver coins in the Kingdom of Essini to recruit soldiers for the Roman army, On the one hand, it may intensify the exclusion of the old nobles of the Kingdom of Essini against our Roman city. On the other hand, it is difficult to recruit enough soldiers for us to form an auxiliary legion."

"The old nobles of the Kingdom of Aisini?" Bai Feng sneered: "At that time, Francis did not kill the old nobles of the Kingdom of Aisini. I killed a batch, and Budika also killed a batch; if they did not know the current affairs , Then kill another batch!"

"As for the quantity problem, you first arrange people to bring a lot of gold and silver coins to the Kingdom of Aisini and Luci to recruit people. If you can’t recruit enough warriors we need, let Budika and Yamashita Yangxi Come forward and let them continue to call us in the name of the king."

"Governor, our goal is to recruit many soldiers each in the Kingdom of Aisini and the Kingdom of Lucy?" Vipsani asked in due course.

"The Kingdom of Lucy has a total of 300,000 soldiers including 160,000 standing soldiers. After reducing their standing army to 60,000, we must at least recruit 150,000 soldiers from their kingdom. There are only 220,000 soldiers among the 120,000 standing soldiers. After reducing their standing army to 60,000, we can recruit 60,000 to 80,000 soldiers."

After deciding on the recruitment target, Vipsani immediately stated: "Governor, today I will immediately arrange for the men and women to take the gold and silver coins to the Kingdom of Lucy and the Kingdom of Aisini. Our recruitment in these two kingdoms will start tomorrow morning. "

"Well, the recruitment is a matter of your government department. You must recruit the soldiers needed to form the auxiliary legion as soon as possible. This is very important for the stability of our Roman city." Bai Feng told Weipsani Road .

"Please rest assured, the minister understands."

"Luquez, a larger and stronger army with auxiliary legions will soon enter the battle sequence in our city of Rome; in your opinion, does our original small legion still have the value to continue to form?"

"Governor, the combat strength of the new legion is indeed far from that of the old legion, but the flexibility of the old legion is stronger."

"You mean, the old army should continue to form?" Bai Feng was a little puzzled. After all, this is not like what Luquith would say.

Lu Kuisi, who respects combat power, actually believes that the old warfare corps, which is far inferior to the new warfare corps, should continue to form, which is inconsistent with his usual style; not only is Bai Feng’s face full of curiosity, just Even Vepsani looked at Lucius with a surprised expression.

Facing the curious eyes of the two, Lucius had to explain: "The Governor, the number of soldiers in the new legion is as high as 43,000, plus the 35,000 soldiers in the auxiliary legion, the total number of soldiers in a combined legion is nearly eight. Million!"

"Such a hugely organized synthetic legion, while possessing strong combat power, will inevitably become our future main battle legion in the city of Rome; the problem is that we cannot have only a strong main battle legion, which is not weak and flexible. Our army is what we need."

"Taking the powerful new army as the main battle army, and the flexible old army as the standing army, let the new army and the old army form their respective functions to form an efficient match, so that we can better play the tactical advantages of our Roman army. ."

I was a little hesitant about whether to continue to build the old legion. After hearing what Luquith said, I immediately decided: "Lukuis, the old legion can continue to form, but the three originally formed for the old legion All auxiliary legions must be abolished."

"This is nature," Luquiz nodded in agreement. "Since the old army's future positioning is the standing army instead of the main army, the auxiliary army that is specifically assigned to the main army should not be assigned to the old army. "

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