Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1319: "·Set up a new official"

For people, the greatest joy and happiness is to dedicate their spiritual strength to others.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

On the day when the ruling of the official residence ended, the First Auxiliary Corps of the Gregory, the Second Auxiliary Corps of the Second Roman Corps, the Second Auxiliary Corps of Rodriguez, and the Third Auxiliary Corps of the Hall of the Third Roman Corps were officially ordered to leave them. The original legion.

After the dissolution of the three auxiliary soldiers with a total of 15,000 soldiers announced, Bai Feng immediately had 45,000 barbarian warriors available for use; in this way, he did not have to wait for the kingdoms of Aisini and Lucy The soldiers came to summon the Roman legion.

In the evening of the same day, Bai Feng let Gregory lead 35,000 barbarian fighters to the military area; because the establishment of the auxiliary legion has been determined, Bai Feng only needs to let these barbarian fighters enter different types of military according to different arms Just build.

Soldiers about to become longbowmen and crossbowmen entered the catapult range, soldiers about to become light cavalry entered the racetrack, soldiers about to become tomahawks, sword shields, super long pikemen, and heavy infantry entered the army barracks; Gregory, nowhere to go, followed Bai Feng and walked into the command center of the army barracks with Bai Feng.

The recruitment price of the Roman legion is 500,000 gold. Although the recruitment price of the auxiliary legion is not as expensive as that of the Roman legion, it is also the 200,000 gold that shocked Bai Feng. In this case, Bai Feng has accumulated treasury funds for several years. Reduced by 700,000 gold!

However, just the next second after the call was confirmed, Bai Feng's somewhat painful mood was replaced by unspeakable ecstasy; according to the system's prompt, Bai Feng directly appointed Gregory standing behind him in the system as Commander of the first auxiliary legion of Rome.

At the moment when the appointment came into effect, Gregory was blinded by a blaze of white light; seeing such a scene, Bai Feng's face not only didn't even have a trace of surprise, but instead a satisfied smile appeared.

Following the summoning of system generals and self-growth system generals, another new way of obtaining system generals emerged: namely, while calling the auxiliary legion, a non-system general was appointed as the head of the legion, and then the general Transform into a system general!

Although the Roman legion that also needs to be summoned cannot generate new system generals in this way, the result of summoning an auxiliary legion to transform a system general has already satisfied Bai Feng. After all, this is an unexpected joy!

Bai Feng didn't know that he was in a good mood. There were more than one surprise to him this time; at this time, it was impossible for him to wait for three days in the army barracks. He was already under the guard of the ten Macedonian Royal Cavalry and headed east. The kings of the Kingdom of Essini all galloped away.

The Kingdom of Lucy, with Yamashita Yangxi as the king, any order in the Roman city will get the best cooperation from Yamashita Yangxi, and Bai Feng is not required to come in person at all; on the contrary, Queen Budeka’s Aisini Kingdom, sometimes some Things must be personally presented by Bai Feng.

The special relationship between Bai Feng and Queen Budeka, while strengthening the relationship between the city of Rome and the Kingdom of Essini, also gave Queen Budeka a special status; in short, Vepsani and Lucius can order the mountain Yang Xi, however, could not disrespect Queen Putika.

More importantly, Bai Feng once promised Queen Budika. After the expedition to the Yamato Empire, he will definitely bring her back to the Dragon Empire; now, Bai Feng’s days in Rome have been one of the few, he is of course I'm going to find Queen Budika.

Bai Feng and his team's galloping horses in the kingdom of Essini naturally cannot hide Queen Budeca; when Bai Feng arrived at the capital of King Essini, the graceful Queen Budeka had been waiting at the gate for a long time.

"You're back." Queen Butika's voice is still as crisp and sweet as ever; even if she still doesn't have too many smiles on her face, Bai Feng can still feel her happiness because her eyes are smiling.

"Yeah, I'm back." Throwing the whip to Maxi behind him, Bai Feng put Queen Butika into his arms.

Faced with Bai Feng's hug, Queen Butika, who was not a little woman, would not feel ashamed. She just hugged Bai Feng's back harder, as if expressing her endless thoughts of not seeing her lover for a year.

The embracing at the city gate lasted only a minute or two, and then Bai Feng walked side by side with Queen Pudika to the king's palace; along the way, Bai Feng briefly described the situation of the Dragon Empire to Queen Pudika, and asked Does she want to go to Tianlong with herself?

Queen Butika, who was looking forward to this moment, made a choice without thinking about it; besides, she prepared a surprise for Bai Feng.

In the past year or so, Queen Budeka, who was promised by Bai Feng, while working hard to cooperate with the decree of Rome City, she also focused on cultivating a way to continue to cooperate with Rome City when she is not in the Kingdom of Essini. Heavy minister.

Knowing the identity of this heavy minister, Bai Feng had to admit that the person chosen by Budika was indeed the best person to take her place in the Kingdom of Essini; the head of the Eagle Legion, Iggs, was as good as Budika. Like his father’s close relationship, he also has a deep reputation in the Kingdom of Essini. It is acceptable in all respects that his brother, Egsen, will take over the power of Essini.

Recruitment officials in the governor’s house arranged by Vipsani have not arrived at the capital of King Essien, and Bai Feng has brought the issue of reducing the size of the army of the Kingdom of Essini to the recruitment of soldiers in the Kingdom of Essini by Roman said.

Queen Budika has always fully supported the decision of the Roman city, but in this matter, she made a new proposal; her new proposal is: at the same time as the Governor’s Office to recruit soldiers on their own money In order to serve the city of Rome, she ordered the recruitment of a group of young and strong men in the name of labor export.

In the barbarian kingdom where the young and the strong are equal to the warriors, this suggestion put forward by Queen Putika is undoubtedly the simplest and most efficient; Bai Feng, who feels that this suggestion is not bad, agreed to let Queen Putika implement it.

In the next two days, Bai Feng and Queen Budeka enjoyed a leisurely time that only belonged to each other; they were fully responsible for the recruitment of the young and powerful Igson, and his performance was still satisfactory to Bai Feng, and his status as the governor confirm.

The consul is a new position specially created by Bai Feng instead of Queen Budeca for Igson; from now on, not only the Kingdom of Essini, but all the vassal forces in the city of Rome will set up the consul as an auxiliary king to deal with government governance Minister of the Kingdom of the country.

The first consul of the Kingdom of Aisini, with the focus on the cultivation of Queen Budika, Igerson, and the Kingdom of Lucy, which did not focus on the cultivation of ministers, Bai Feng directly appointed Xia Chuanping Gong; of course, nominally Yamashita Yangxi Set up the appointed consul personally.

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