Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1322: "·System Properties"

The time for teachers to work and create is like a big river, which is nourished by many small streams. Teachers often read books, the more knowledge they usually accumulate, the easier it will be to attend classes.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

After the site selection was completed, in order to speed up the construction of the private city of Uesugi and other families, Vipsani sent five teams of construction workers in Rome, and at the same time let the army of Uesugi Kenshin and others join the construction of their own city. went.

The construction of the five new towns was under the overall management of Vipsani, and under the active coordination of Uesugi Kenshin and others. Bai Feng only paid attention to a few days before and would not interfere more; the special training of the Sado Corps and the Yanhuang Corps has become Another urgent matter that urgently needs Bai Feng's attention.

The Sado Corps of Obuano and the Yanhuang Corps of the Sanada Brothers now have five full-scale standing brigades, which are the first military troops of the Yanhuang family to feed back the Roman city; but the battle between the two legions Power does not satisfy Bai Feng.

The Sado Legion's record is indeed good, but most of its elite veterans have been killed in the battlefield. The soldiers newly added to the Legion have not been tempered by the war, and even the veterans are not counted, let alone elite.

The Yanhuang Legion is a battle-hardened battle, but the soldiers who make up the legion are mostly the stabbing soldiers eliminated from the standing troops of the Yanhuang family. Their flaws in the coordination of the battle line are not at all their powerful individual combat capabilities. Make up.

Such two legions of 50,000 soldiers seem to be strong and powerful, but in fact, the strength of foreign troops is limited; Bai Feng, who has not spent much time on these two legions, wants to improve the legion’s strength in a short time. The overall combat power can only be used in special ways.

At the beginning, the monthly special training quota of the urban military camp was 10,000 soldiers. Now the urban military camp is replaced by the army barracks, and the monthly special training quota is correspondingly increased to 30,000; plus the special training quotas for the catapult range and the racetrack, Rome The city can train 90,000 soldiers every month.

Because the Sado Corps and the Yanhuang Corps are pure infantry regiments, the main special training place is the Corps Barracks. For the purpose of shortening the special training time, and in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the two Corps, Bai Feng decided to There is a slight adjustment to the establishment.

After the adjustment, the infantry brigades of the Sado Corps and the Yanhuang Corps were reduced from five to three, and a new cavalry brigade and a crossbow brigade were added; as a result, the special training of 100,000 soldiers of these two legions, It will be completed in two months.

After Bai Feng was busy with the special training of the Sado and Yanhuang Legions, the third Eagle Flag Legion had been summoned; the head of the Eagle Flag Legion was the former head of the Seventh Roman Legion, Luculus, and succeeded the Seventh Roman. The head of the legion is Almini, and the head of the third eagle flag auxiliary legion is the former commander of the fifth Tuntian Military Region Harold.

At this time, the time is already in the beginning of February of the new year. For nearly half a year, Bai Feng, who has not checked the various attribute tables of the Roman city, began to carefully check the quantification of the recent development of the Roman city on the evening of the third Eagle Flag Corps leaving the city. Attributes.

January Financial Report (Mainland Calendar January 920)

Agriculture: income 4800 gold, expenditure 0

Mining: income 350 gold, expenditure 0

Trade: income 533800 gold, expenditure

Taxation: income 217400 gold, expenditure 132000 gold (prosecutor, tax officer, **** officer, patrol guard 100 gold each month)

Salary: Expenditure 3200 gold (100 gold per leader per month)

Army maintenance cost: 0

Recruitment: Expenditure 2196450 gold (the temple summons also belong to recruitment, special training costs are included)

Construction: Expenditure 0

Entertainment: Spend 0

Diplomacy: income 0, expenditure 0

Corruption: income 0, expenditure 500 gold

Last month's total: income 756350 gold, expenditure 2332150 gold

Last month's surplus: 1575800 gold

Total treasury at the beginning of the month: 10108400 gold

Rome (large city)

Governor: Bai Feng

Revenue: 756350 Golden Moon

Population: 2,855,674 people (the temple increases 5,000 people per month)

Social security: +255%

Population growth: +7% month

Tax rate: low tax rate

Treasury: 8532600 gold

Barbarian area: Forty-five direct towns (4825647)

Yamato region: 169 counties of 18 countries (12847652)

The vassal forces: Kingdom of Aisini (935427) Kingdom of Lucy (857649)

Existing buildings: ruling mansion, Great Wall, Apollo Giant Temple, Legion Barracks, big market, crop rotation, deep cave mine, racetrack, armor paving, Quartet Avenue, catapult range, sewage drain, public bath, elevated water channel , Irrigation, shipyard, amphitheater, library, university, shogunate

Under construction: None

Buildable buildings: none

With a total population of nearly three million, the city of Rome can provide treasury funds of more than 200,000 gold per month for citizens. However, the actual amount that can be used by Bai Feng is 78,000 yuan, and the others are all grassroots officials. And the maintenance expenses of the patrol went out.

Last month, the call of the three Eagle Flag Legions and their auxiliary legions made the return of the city’s treasury funds of ten million to the million category; however, with the current economic development speed and trend of Rome, Millions of treasury funds are just a matter of time.

Not only the Roman system is in a state of rapid development, but the Yanhuang family, which is among the strongest families in the Yamato Empire, is supported and relied on. The development rate of the shogunate system is also amazing, even compared to the Roman system. !

Attribute of the Shogunate

The area ruled by the Shogunate: Muo (720,000 stone), Luzhong (220,000 stone), Iyoyo (540,000 stone), Iwaki (440,000 stone), Luqian (430,000 stone), Sado (20,000 stone), Ueno (680,000 stone), Shimono (700,000 stone) Hitachi (1.09 million stone) Houhou (640,000 stone) Yuqian (500,000 stone) Echigo (680,000 stone) Yuezhong (820,000 stone) Noto (300,000 stone) Noto (300,000 stone) Musashi (1.25 million stone) ) Upper General (540000 stone) Lower Total (480,000 stone) Anfang (160,000 stone)

Shogunate assets: 946800 stone

Shogunate income: 102,100 stones (1% of the ruled stone height)

Shogun figures (1751): priest (level 1, 600), spy (level 1, 650), secret agent (level 1, 75), ninja (level 2, 300), geisha (level 4, 30), battlefield ninja (175 Level 4, Team 4)

Shogunate army (18000): Nouta sword samurai (level 3, 100 teams), iron cannonmen (level 3, 50 teams)

The Shogunate (60,000): The First Banner Corps (200 spear warriors, 20 samurai samurai, 30 monk soldiers, Yubu Weixin Corps commander), the second Banner Corps (200 spearguns, iron guns) Fifty Bing Team, Chief of Anton Jiazhong Army)

Shogun generals: Goto Kiji (Junior Celestial Warrior), Yubu Shinshin (Premium Super Samurai), Andong Kazuo (Top Samurai)

The shogunate income of more than 100,000 stone per month has rapidly increased the shogunate assets of the shogunate system to nearly one million; in addition to the separate division of the shogunate corps in the shogunate army, the shogunate system has rapidly risen to the Roman system Go hand in hand.

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