Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1323: "· Banner Expanding Army"

It is his wisdom, conscience and human dignity that people will always rely on for self-reliance.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

Seeing that the assets of the shogunate in the shogunate system had reached nearly one million stones, and Bai Baifeng was still growing at a rate of 100,000 stones per month, he decided to launch a new round of expansion of the shogunate army. Various shogun figures with special skills.

The first thing to be expanded by Bai Feng is to recruit priests with a cost of only fifty stones; priests who can recover lightly wounded soldiers quickly and save their lives for severely wounded soldiers, because the number of quotas is not limited, it has always been the battle of the Roman cities. I won.

Now supported by strong shogunate assets, Bai Feng no longer needs to consider the cost. He intends to equip each Roman Army army with a medical team composed of one hundred priests, and each Roman city navy ship with a five priest. A medical team!

There are eight Barbarian Infantry Legions, two Barbarian Cavalry Legions, eight Roman Legions, three Eagle Banner Legions, three Eagle Banner Legions, two Banner Legions, and two Yanhuang Expeditionary Legions in Rome. Each regiment needs to form 28 medical regiments.

In terms of the navy, there are 120 double-row battleships, 150 three-row battleships, 100 five-row battleships, and two seven-row battleships. A total of 372 warships need to be built. Seventy-two medical teams.

Considering that he will soon return to the Tianlong Empire, Bai Feng set the number of medical regiments to thirty-five. In addition to the huge medical team, Bai Feng, with only six hundred priests, needs to recruit another 4,760 A priest, the recruitment cost is 238,000 stones!

After recruiting more than 4,700 priests at one time, Bai Feng recruited 350 new recruits with a recruitment cost of 100 stone, and 125 envoys with a recruitment cost of 100 stone. One hundred ninjas with a recruitment cost of two hundred stones.

Even recruiting geishas with a cost of up to five hundred stones, Bai Feng recruited 20 new people to strengthen the strength of Tianyu Tower; on the contrary, it was the most powerful swordsman. Bai Feng only recruited ten with an experimental nature It’s not as good as a geisha.

Recruitment cost and cost-effectiveness are the highest battlefield ninjas. This time Bai Feng did not recruit some new ones, mainly because he has no temporary demand for battlefield ninjas; after completing the recruitment of the characters of the shogunate, Bai Feng next recruits five thousand stones A shogun general.

The outstanding performances of the Shoguns such as Goto Kiji, Yubu Weixin, and Anton Kazuo on the battlefield proved that the Shogun who was summoned by a five thousand stone was absolutely worth the money for Bai Feng!

Among the newly summoned generals of the Shogunate, the first two will be Tenshi Lianzhen and Takano, who are tied with Yubu Weshin and Anton Kazutaka as the four kings of Tachibana, and the third will be Kuroda and Kuroda, the same black as Goto Kiji. Tian Ligao, the fourth will be Sase Changchang, one of the four kings of Ashina.

Calling the four generals is only the first step of Bai Feng’s expansion of the Banner Corps. His second step is to determine an appropriate organization for the Banner Army that can be formed on a large scale; the establishment of the First Banner Army and the Second Banner Army is too rough, not Too suitable for large-scale formation of legions.

Among the shoguns, the lowest-priced lances with light lances and matchlocks are too weak to be recruited in large numbers, and they cannot be used as the main force for the formation of the Banner Corps. In comparison, the price of the lance samurai and the wild sword samurai are fairly good. Not bad.

The powerful artillery gunmen at the time of the attack have both amazing lethality and terrifying deterrent force, so naturally they should be included in the Battle Order of the Banner Army; the morale is extremely high, and even if the whole army is annihilated, it will not step back. The monk can be used as the main force of the assault.

After some calculations and comparisons, Bai Feng worked out the standard structure of the Banner Corps: the 150th Sword Warriors, the 50th Artillery Gunners, the 20th Taiji Warriors, the 20th Sword Warriors, and the 10th Seng Soldiers.

The cost of recruiting a samurai warrior is 400 stones, the cost of recruiting an iron cannon soldier is 350 stones, the recruiting cost of a samurai warrior and a samurai warrior is 600 stones, and the cost of recruiting a monk is 1,000 stones. The recruitment cost of the Banner Corps is 111,500 stone.

Bai Feng, who spent 461,500 stones on recruiting shogun figures and shogun generals, now has 485,300 shi of shogunate assets, which is more than enough to recruit four Banner Corps; so, Bai Feng directly recruited four Banner Corps!

The new construction of the four Banner Corps has increased the number of shogunate corps in the shogunate system from two to six, and the total number of shogun soldiers is almost 200,000!

Attribute of the Shogunate

The area ruled by the Shogunate: Muo (720,000 stone), Luzhong (220,000 stone), Iyoyo (540,000 stone), Iwaki (440,000 stone), Luqian (430,000 stone), Sado (20,000 stone), Ueno (680,000 stone), Shimono (700,000 stone) Hitachi (1.09 million stone) Houhou (640,000 stone) Yuqian (500,000 stone) Echigo (680,000 stone) Yuezhong (820,000 stone) Noto (300,000 stone) Noto (300,000 stone) Musashi (1.25 million stone) ) Upper General (540000 stone) Lower Total (480,000 stone) Anfang (160,000 stone)

Shogunate assets: 39300 stone

Shogunate income: 102,100 stones (1% of the ruled stone height)

Shogun characters (7716): priest (level 1, 5360), spy (level 1, 1000), secret agent (level 1, 200), ninja (level 2, 1000), geisha (level 4, 50), battlefield ninja ( 4th level, 4th team 96), Juggernaut (5th level, 10)

Shogunate army (18000): Nouta sword samurai (level 3, 100 teams), iron cannonmen (level 3, 50 teams)

The Shogunate (180000): The First Banner Corps (200 spear warriors, 20 samurai samurai, 30 monk squadrons, commander-in-chief of Bubuxin), the second Banner Corps (200 spears, iron guns) Fifty Brigade, Chief of the Anton Jiazhong Army), Third Banner Army (Long Spear Samurai 150, Iron Cannon Fifty, Notai Sword Samurai 20, Child Sword Samurai 20, Monk Seng 10 , The head of the 10th Lianzhen Army), the 4th Banner Army (prepared as above, the chief of the Takano Grand Dinner Army), the 5th Banner Army (prepared as above, the head of the Kuroda Rigao Army), and the 6th Banner Army (prepared as above, Sase Zhongchang Army Chief)

Shogun generals: Goto Kiji (Junior Celestial Warrior), Yubu Shinshin (Junior Celestial Warrior), Anton Kachu (Junior Celestial Warrior), Tenshi Lianzhen (Top Super Samurai), Takano Daiban (Top Samurai) , Kuroda Ricoh (top premium samurai), Sase Seed Chang (top premium samurai)

Looking at the attribute table of the Shogunate Palace with only 39,300 stone assets left, I just recruited the four standard Banner Corps and had not yet had time to issue Bai Feng, who was formally appointed by Shi Shi Lianzhen and others, but I was satisfied.

The call of the three Eagle Flag Legions and their auxiliary Legions and the formation of the Four Banner Legions have allowed the strength of the Roman city to reach a new peak; the elite teachers composed of more than 400,000 system soldiers are everywhere. A powerful army that no one can ignore!

Even if the enemy is a 1.5 million orc warrior in the orc empire, these more than 400,000 elite warriors have the power of a battle; even if the battle is definitely defeated by the army of the system, the winning orc army will at least cost more than 600,000 Of casualties, this is the systematic army.

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