Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1339: "·War Elephant Attack"

Since there are also black spots on the sun, things in the world are even more impossible to be flawless.

-Chernyshevsky (Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer and critic)

The attack behind the assault army severely damaged the orc army that the enemy could not find on the battlefield, but they could not maintain this advantage; because the twelve Bimon warriors riding the war beasts were moving towards They came.

Not even the cross cut by Paladin John’s full force can break the skin defense of war behemoths, and the attacks of other human warriors are not worth mentioning; plus there are powerful Bimon warriors, their actual combat The power is no less than any strong army!

Faced with such a strong enemy, the high-end human forces with a serious lack of combat power, there are only two ways to choose; either at all costs, use the sea of ​​people to tactically kill the team of Bimont knights who rushed over, or immediately withdraw troops to avoid this. The Bambi Cavaliers broke into a head-on conflict.

At a critical moment, Prince Gustav, who had become a "bald-headed commander", made a suggestion to the dignified Bai Feng: "My Excellency, this team is too powerful than the Mongolian Knights. Our army cannot stop them and withdraw. Right."

Watching the twelve Bimont knights kill Bai Feng, who is the elite of the elite Rhine cavalry, in a short time, wouldn't he know how powerful this team is than the Mongolian knights? But as the commander of the human forces, he can never withdraw lightly!

"His Prince, the withdrawal of troops is too hasty now, the price is that you and I can't afford it."

"Your Excellency, if we do not rush to withdraw anymore, we really have no chance to withdraw."

"Victory always requires sacrifice, doesn't it?" Bai Feng's attitude was beyond the firmness expected by Prince Gustav.

Seeing that Bai Feng’s attitude was so firm, Prince Gustav had to take away his persuasion and ordered his captain of the guard to start gathering his guards; Prince Gustav’s attitude was also obvious, that is, he would not stay in Here, risking his life and fighting the orcs to the end.

Bai Feng, who just watched with cold eyes, even ordered: "Maxi, Darnell, you two will immediately take someone to the battlefield to the Duke of Ulica, Duke of Fesman, Duke of Bancroft, Duke of Tarbert, Charles Commander General and Caulby ordered them to immediately lead their guards to the rear; as for their troops, they would appoint their generals to take command."


"My Excellency the Duke, two of the three great fighters of the Blue Death Corps have battled to death in the battlefield. The only remaining fighter and his 3,000 remnant army, can I take them away?" Gusta Prince Hu asked Bai Feng with an attitude of asking for instructions.

Bai Feng, who understood Prince Gustav's intentions, nodded and agreed: "This is nature, and His Royal Highness is convenient."

"Then thank the Lord Duke." Then, Prince Gustav took his guards back to withdraw.

It is an extremely risky decision to use the lives of the coalition soldiers to die with the mighty Bimont knight; Bai Feng himself can’t guarantee how the coalition soldiers with extremely complex composition will have one-sided battlefield Performance.

In order to avoid the collapse of the army, Steve’s Thousand Governors Cavalry was dispersed by Bai Feng behind each army; once any army showed a tendency to collapse, the Supervised Cavalry had the right to execute all the coalition forces that dare to escape Warrior.

In addition, eight Spartan heavy infantry and four Macedonian Royal Pikemen still in the city of Rome were also sent to the battlefield by Bai Feng; their task was to replace the collapsed army and avoid the orc army when necessary. Have a chance.

Bai Feng just prepared to lead the twelve teams of soldiers to the front line, and suddenly remembered two other arms that may have wonders; so, the two teams of war elephants and the sixty teams of Shenyin Commando were sent by him using the teleportation array. .

As the most good at fighting night battles, Shenyin Commando’s night battle strength is unquestionable, but it is not good at fighting night battles; the reason why they are sent by Bai Feng is purely because Bai Feng feels that he is under the Bimeng warrior. The war beast seems to be a bit similar to the war elephant, and he remembered that he still has two teams of war elephant troops that have never been put into use.

Forty-eight war elephants with a height of nearly three meters, although their level is only equivalent to the fifth-level Warcraft, but their real combat power is only stronger than the fifth-level Warcraft; because there is one more on the back of each war elephant War elephant knight of the intermediate swordsman level.

Twelve Bimon warriors, driving the war beasts under their seats, rushed into the Antell army of the Duke of Eureka, the responding army; at this time the general who commanded the army of Antel was not the Duke of Eureka himself But the lieutenant he left before he left.

This lieutenant general was a very experienced general in the battlefield of the Anteir Empire Army. According to common sense, the Anteir army he commanded should not perform too badly; unfortunately, his luck is not very good. Soon after taking command, he died on the battlefield.

The Antell army, who was killed by the Bimont knight on the spot, soon fell into the dilemma of headless dragons and fighting each other; under desperation, Bai Feng could only send his Spartan heavy infantry and Royal Macedonian spearmen he had just sent. Send to the response army.

Only eight Spartan heavy infantry and four Macedonian Royal Pikemen could barely stabilize the Antel army on the verge of collapse, but it could not pose a threat to the Bimont knights who were killing the Quartet.

In the absence of a better response, Bai Feng sent two teams of war elephants in his hands; forty-eight intermediate-level swordsman-level war elephant knights, against twelve intermediate-level sword saint-level bimon knights, this It's a very disparate battle.

The war elephant running at full speed due to the urging of the war elephant knight, every step of the responding generals within a few tens of meters around the step, can obviously feel that the ground beneath them is shaking; so powerful, let the war elephant see The generals responded in awe.

Compared to the awe of ordinary soldiers, General Corby, the commander of the White Horse Army who insisted on not leaving, was horrified; he did not expect that the Tianlong Empire even concealed such a mighty Warcraft unit, which contained Deeply made him shudder!

Fortunately, the fighting rhythm on the battlefield is very fast, and the chaotic General Calby has no time to think about these messy things; the only thing he can do now is to lead his soldiers as much as possible. Kill the enemy.

The head-to-head confrontation between the twelve Bimon knights and the forty-eight war elephant knights should have been the focus of much attention on the battlefield; but with the cover of the night, only the soldiers of the responding army and the other soldiers can really see the match The soldiers knew nothing about it.

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