Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1340: "·Helplessly withdraw troops"

To make people truly educated, they must possess three qualities: profound knowledge, habits of thinking, and noble sentiments. Not much knowledge is ignorance; not used to thinking is rude and stupid; without noble sentiment, it is vulgar.

-Chernyshevsky (Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer and critic)

War elephant knights are definitely not opponents of Bimont knights, but war elephants may not beat war monsters; they are also huge war machines. The appearance of war monsters is not more powerful than war elephants, but has long noses. The elephant looks more fearful.

The more unknown, the easier it is to be fearful. This is human nature; no matter how powerful the war beast is, at best it is a powerful species that everyone thought to have been extinct again, but the war elephant is not. It's the same.

The war elephant summoned from the Apollo Giant Temple is not a species of the Dragon Continent, and it is naturally impossible for anyone or the orcs to recognize them; what makes the responding generals and orc warriors feel chill is that a war elephant uses its long nose to put a strong The tiger warrior of the country directly rolled into the air and then smashed it down again. The dizzy tiger warrior who was not about to smash reacted, and the left foot of the elephant had stepped on his head.

Powerful orc warriors such as tiger warriors are crushed by war elephants. Can other orc warriors not be afraid? As for why the soldiers of the response army were chilled, it was necessary to blame the influence of the night and the enemy of the war elephant knight.

The only identifiable friendly army of the war elephant knights is the system army of the city of Rome. They do not know what the so-called friendly army of the Antel army and the white horse army; based on this judgment, they subconsciously attacked the white horse army trying to approach them. Warrior.

The two soldiers in the White Horse Army, when they first saw the war elephant crushing the orc warrior, immediately excitedly approached the past, intending to rush forward behind the war elephant; as a result, they had not waited to rush to the front, After a war elephant kicked them, they were killed.

Looking at the soldiers under his command were "missed" by the special forces of the Dragon Empire, Calby's face instantly became difficult to look at; even so, he had no courage to step forward and challenge the warrior knight, after all, they looked like they were not good to talk. Object.

The orc warriors and the generals of the response army evaded at the same time, clearing out a passage for the war elephant knights to kill them directly to the bimon knight; the biman knights who also found the war elephant knight were greeted with confidence. Come up.

The running elephants are not as fast as the war monsters, but their power is not inferior to the war monsters; the war elephants shaking every step of the way, and the super fast war monsters , Just like the super heavy tank and the main battle tank crashed into each other!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

After a series of dull impacts, the twelve-headed war beasts, which seemed to be as heavy as the war elephants, were not injured; on the contrary, they were huge and dynamic war elephants. On the spot, three heads fell to the ground and there were even seven war elephants. , The knights on their backs were directly knocked out.

The first round of battle between the elephant and the war monster is head-to-head. The war monster has won the victory, but it is still too early for the battle distance between them to end! The number of warrior knights is four times that of the Mongolian knights. After losing a round of confrontation, they immediately took advantage of the number and began to siege the enemies.

Three or four war elephants besieged a war behemoth, and the war elephant knights with great advantages knew that their combat power was far inferior to that of the Bimon knight who controlled the war behemoth; therefore, they adopted a way to avoid weaknesses and use strengths to avoid weaknesses. Your own strengths are aimed at the enemy's disadvantages.

After experiencing the previous mass killings, the Bimont knights, now trapped in heavy encirclement, are not eager to get rid of the siege of the war elephant knights, but they are fighting against the war elephant knights who besieged them.

In terms of cooperation, there is a systematic blessing between the war elephant knight and the war elephant. Its cooperation is impeccable, and it can even be described by the combination of human and elephant; the bimon knight and the war beast are a tacit combination known by the mainland people. , Can be said to be interlinked.

The warrior knight with one person and one image is better than the bimon knight with the same heart, and it is undoubtedly better than the warrior knight; whenever the bimon knight tries to focus on attacking a war elephant, the other two or three war elephants The knight will immediately rush up from other directions.

No matter how amazing the defense of the war beast is, it can't bear the simultaneous impact of two war elephants; not to mention, some war behemoths face more than two war elephants, three war elephants from three directions Simultaneous impact is enough to seriously injure the war monster

The Knights of Bimon cannot naturally allow their war beasts, which are more precious than themselves, to suffer. Therefore, they tend to give up their long-planned offensive attacks, rather than risk their war beasts under their seats. .

A huge and flexible war beast, facing the siege of three or four war elephants, although it can’t suppress the war elephants, but it can keep its own security from threats; only in this way, the duel is not small, It slowly evolved into chasing confrontation.

After the Bimon knight who almost influenced the development of the battle situation was restrained by the war elephant knight, Bai Feng had the opportunity to rectify the army to storm the orc army; but when he was preparing to do so, the wolf cavalry in the orc camp began to act.

The tens of thousands of wolf cavalry who had killed the enemy at the northernmost end of the orc camp are gathering outside the camp at a very fast rate; it is expected that it will not take long before these tens of thousands of wolf cavalry will rush to the battlefield and completely reverse the battlefield. Comparison of forces between the enemy and the enemy.

At this point in the decisive battle, the human race coalition forces that have annihilated the orc army in large numbers, the deaths and injuries of the soldiers are also very terrible, and it is impossible to change anything if they continue to carry on hard; Bai Feng understands that under such circumstances, the withdrawal of the army is the most correct. select.

There are various cavalry units with a very strong assault force. It is not difficult to withdraw the remnants of other armies from the battle; the premise is that the speed must be fast, otherwise once the wolf cavalry of the orc army catches up, then retreat. Eight or nine will become defeated.

Orc warriors who can't find the enemy anywhere on the battlefield are neither able nor willing to obstruct the retreat of the human race. Occasionally, some orc warriors who do not know the current situation attempt to pursue them, and they will be immediately intercepted by the strong cavalry of the assault troops.

Even with the active cover of the cavalry belonging to the assault army, the hungry and exhausted coalition soldiers were still retreating very slowly; watching the wolf cavalry in the distance is speeding up, Bai Feng had to arrange the rear of the army, Cover the main retreat of the coalition forces.

There are more than two thousand soldiers left by the elite Roman infantry of Badorio, plus the Spartan heavy infantry and the Royal Macedonian pikemen. This is the rear-door troops selected by Bai Feng; they are assisted by the caster, the ghost of the battlefield, Shadow killer three Roman special combatants!

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