Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1342: "·Casualties"

Without ideal inspiration, human activities will become empty and insignificant.

-Chernyshevsky (Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer and critic)

When the expedition was made, how many million-strong army could return now alive? It is the generals of the following armies who are responsible for counting the casualties of the various armies. The statistical results have not yet been reported; but this does not mean that Bai Feng does not know how heavy his casualties are.

Only the infantry battalion, the cavalry battalion, and the guards of the war cavalry, the infantry battalion composed of fifty Roman elite infantry, and the cavalry battalion composed of the fifty Roman cavalry, have been lost in the battle; the eight teams temporarily sent The Spartan heavy infantry and the four Macedonian Royal Spearmen also all died in the battlefield, and even the guards suffered such heavy casualties. How can the situation of the other armed forces be good?

In the military of other countries, the casualties are counted by their own commanders, and Bai Feng can’t intervene without interference. Although the statistics of the casualties of the various regiments of the Tianlong Empire are counted by the following regiments, Bai Feng still has to focus on his own.

The troops of Dambrosio, Erik, Giskar, Montgomery and others were extremely heavy, especially the Erik Division and the Gissar Division of the Vanguard, the first two troops to fight The loss is also the most severe.

After personally bringing Maxi and others to the temporary station of Giskar's army, Bai Feng saw nothing but messy wounded soldiers everywhere, and a limited number of papal priests and military doctors could not be cured at all. Come.

Bai Feng had a lot of priests in the province of Lyon, but that was a special existence that could not be found by the light of the Holy See; therefore, he can only sit here and watch how his wounded soldiers wailing here, even dying, but can’t do anything. .

Seeing Bai Feng and his entourage from afar, Giskar, who was on the camp, greeted him: "Master Duke."

"General Giskar, what about the casualties of your six legions? What happened to the wounded soldiers, is the medicine enough?"

"The Duke, the casualties of the 103rd and 104th legions are okay, and about 50% of the soldiers are barely able to maintain their combat effectiveness; the other four legions will not work, and the best 106th legion is only 30%. The soldier can also take up arms."

"As for the treatment of the wounded..." Giskar, hesitant, said after a moment of hesitation: "Our army doctors are too few, and the medicine is not enough; the priests sent by the Holy See are too weak. It takes an hour to treat ten injured soldiers."

"The Holy See has transferred most of their priests in the empire, no matter how many, it is impossible at least in the short term; you should give priority to the treatment of the lightly wounded on your side. I will send someone to send them to the rear."

Giskar was surprised for a moment, and asked, "Will we continue to stay in this small town tomorrow?"

"This small town is the bridgehead of our army on the border. The troops stationed here can not only monitor the dynamics of the orc army, but also build a simple border line with this as the center; but this kind of thing can not be done by the army of other countries. We are stationing our own troops."

"Yes, then I will count the number of soldiers our army can fight tonight."

Bai Feng, who had been planning for a long time, shook his head and said, "On your side, you only need to leave the 103rd or 104th legion. I will arrange for other troops to send others; you will tell the remaining legion later Me, I will add a group of soldiers to this legion first."

"Duke, this time to add recruits to the left legion, I am afraid it is not very useful for the improvement of the left legion's combat power."

"You can rest assured that it is not the recruits recruited from the rear, but the soldiers under the command of Slim and Reichenu.

After not spending much time in the camp of the large army of Giskar, Bai Feng went to the barracks of Eric, Dambrosio, Montgomery, etc.; the casualties of each army are not different, but even the smallest casualties The army also lost more than 30% of the soldiers.

When the dawn was approaching, the specific casualties of each army were sent to Bai Feng's hands; Giskar's six standing legions of 120,000 soldiers killed more than 74,000 soldiers and nearly 20,000 casualties.

The four standing legions under Eric’s 80,000 soldiers killed more than 49,000 soldiers, with more than 15,000 casualties; the four standing legions under Dambrosio, 80,000 soldiers, killed 36,000 Yu Zhongshi, nearly 14,000 casualties.

The situation of the four standing legions under Montgomery is slightly better. Only 27,000 of the 80,000 soldiers in battle were killed and only about 10,000 were seriously injured; the Yulin Corps of Hans and the Blaze Corps of Rodriguez, Although the two legions of 100,000 soldiers entered the battle in the later period, they did not defend the main force of the counterattack. A total of 32,000 soldiers were killed and more than 9,000 people were seriously injured.

Among the cavalry, the Light Knights belonging to the Holy See killed more than 2,000 light knights, Donald’s cavalry corps killed nearly 3,000 cavalrymen, Urgudai’s Divine Axis Battalion killed more than a thousand cavalrymen, and President Charles’s five Van Rhein cavalry killed nearly ten thousand cavalry.

The rest of the coalition forces, Prince Gustav’s Blue Reaper Legion, had only 3,000 remaining soldiers, the Duke of Tarbert’s 100,000 flying feathers army had 60,000, and the Duke of Fesman’s 100,000 Deman army remained. Fifty thousand, the Duke of Bancroft’s one hundred thousand Dessau army has 48,000 left, Duke Eureka’s fifty thousand Antell army has 24,000 left, and Kaul is more than General’s fifty thousand white horse army. 19,000 left.

The 200,000 soldiers of the Eastern Legion under the command of Slim and Reichnu, only 144,000 can survive to the rear; among them, nearly one third of the soldiers are wounded, and the proportion of wounded is unparalleled .

At the time of the expedition, the 1.3 million troops were fully filled, and now only 670,000 soldiers are left to breathe, and nearly 630,000 soldiers are killed in the battlefield; 630,000 soldiers were killed in a day, which was in the cold weapon Times are simply unimaginable astronomical figures!

To borrow a sentence from Chu Yunfei: 630,000 pigs, put here to kill you, you can not kill three days and three nights! But the reality is that the fighting strength of the orc warriors is no worse than that of the special forces in the American blockbuster, especially the elite orc warriors, and their combat effectiveness is only stronger than that of Rambo; fighting against such strong enemies, let alone sixty Thirty thousand soldiers, even 1.63 million soldiers, they also killed all!

The orc army that killed 630,000 warriors in the First World War was not without its own cost; the seven or eight hundred thousand orc warriors who fought in the day may not even have one hundred thousand killed during the day, but they can fight after nightfall. In the meantime, their deaths and injuries were severe.

According to Bai Feng's rough guess, the number of soldiers killed in the orc army during the day should be between 70,000 and 90,000, and the number of soldiers killed in the evening should be between 200,000 and 300,000; to know, the last cluster of the assault army Charge, killing orcs are not a few.

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