Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1343: "·Reinforcement"

The more spiritually mature a man is, the more he appreciates the beauty of a woman and admires her beauty.

-Chernyshevsky (Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer and critic)

Use 630,000 men and women to replace about 350,000 orc warriors; this is a triumph of the tribe's coalition army, which seems to be unfavorable but takes advantage of it. The reason is very simple. The population base of the tribe is more than a thousand times that of the orcs. This kind of loss can bear the human race!

If every time the human race can fight 350,000 orc warriors with 630,000 people, then only ten more such battles are needed, and the orc empire will disappear; the biggest advantage of the human race is that it is huge enough to let other people The number of ethnic daunting.

Among the remaining 144,000 soldiers of the Eastern Legion, about 45,000 were seriously injured. These soldiers were left to Slim and Reichenu by Bai Feng; the other nearly 100,000 soldiers were transferred out and added to All standing legions with heavy losses.

The thirty-sixth, fifty-first, seventy-seventh, and tenth legions of the small city to be left behind, each legion is supplemented by 10,000 soldiers; there is no need to stay in the fourteen standing legions of the small city, or more or I got a few supplements, but not many.

In the early morning of the next day, except for the four legions that needed to stay in the small city, all the other troops set off on their way back to Mengdan City; the army of other countries in the coalition was at the forefront, and then the Imperial Army under Bai Feng’s command. The army consists of cavalry units.

Yesterday, the performance of President Charles under the Rhine Cavalry made Bai Feng very surprised. He did not expect that the Cavalry of the Rhine Business League would have a strength not weaker than that of the Eight Banners. Sure enough, the Rhine Chamber of Commerce and the grassland ministers There is a reason for living next door.

The relationship between the Rheinland Business Alliance and the Tianlong Empire is not estranged, but it is definitely not close, but it is purely an exchange of interests; for this relationship, the Rheinland Business Association may send their elite troops to Tianlong Empire? The answer must be no.

Out of face consideration, it is impossible to send the elite Rheinland Business Alliance, and certainly not the least powerful troops; it is such an ordinary Rheinland Cavalry cavalry, the combat power is so unusual, Rheinland Business Strength is definitely not as weak as the outside world imagines.

Bai Feng, who was thinking about all kinds of messy issues along the way, returned to Mengdan City and the first thing he did was to let Aokin Lake and other major officials immediately start a new round of recruiting in the eastern provinces.

It is certainly unrealistic to expect the recruits now recruiting to supplement the losses of the various legions; in order to complete the replenishment of the casualties of the various legions as soon as possible, Bai Feng has drawn 240,000 soldiers from the 16 reserve legions in the province of Toulon.

These 240,000 soldiers will be directly added to the various legions, and the recruits recruited by the governorate will be added to the various reserve regiments; in this way, the 16 reserve regiments stationed in the province of Toulon will actually become The reserve supplementary source of the standing legion.

It takes at least seven days from the order to the province of Toulon to the 240,000 reserve army soldiers to arrive in Mendant City; no one can guarantee that the orc army will launch their attack within these seven days. As the coalition commander, Bai Feng Can only prepare early.

On the day when the main coalition forces returned to Mengdan City, Bai Feng did not rush to let the soldiers who had not recovered their vitality do anything, but let them take a day off in the barracks outside the city; when the general soldiers seized the time to rest, the coalition generals were busy It was choking.

The heads of the various legions of the empire, everyone is busy counting the loss of weapons and equipment of their own legions in order to declare supplements to the logistics officials of the Warlord’s Palace; all the doctors and medicinal materials in the entire Mengdan province are also divided by the various legions clean.

Although the armies of the White Horse Kingdom and other countries can not be supplemented by soldiers, but they have lost their weapons and equipment and food horses, the Warlord’s House still needs to supplement them; these scattered things are a lot of things, and they are even more done. Very cumbersome.

Bai Feng, who had more important things to do, didn't bother with these small and trivial things. He rushed to the city of Broyansong with his guardian Kumagama and found the restless Prince Pross.

After simply'reporting' the casualties of the decisive battle yesterday to Prince Prosper, Bai Feng opened the door and stated his purpose for this trip; when he heard Bai Feng asking for reinforcements again, Prince Pross, who had a headache, had hesitated for a while before agreeing to give Reinforcements.

All the reinforcements sent by the imperial capital, Prince Pross has been handed over to Bai Feng, except for the four standing legions that originally belonged to Giskar. He has remained in Broyansong Province; now, these four standing legions, He was also handed over to Bai Feng.

The 80,000 soldiers of the four standing legions may not have much effect on the war that may break out at any time, but they show everyone the attitude of Prince Pros. He is unconditionally full support for Bai Feng and the front line battle!

At this point, only the Blue Jays of Black and the Temple House of Demppers are the only units directly under Prince Pross; these two units are the most important team of Prince Pros, and he will not send them anyway. Guard troops.

Anything big or small in the eastern provinces can't be concealed from the eyes of the snare net. What the snare net knows is equivalent to Bai Feng's knowledge; therefore, the Prince of Pross thinks that the size of the secret government guard is always under the control of Bai Feng.

After a series of recent expansions, the Temple House of Demps now has about 250,000 troops; of these, 100,000 soldiers are stationed directly in the city of Broyansong. The size of the Dufu Guard on the surface.

The remaining 150,000 soldiers were divided by Demps into more than 100 independent brigades under various flags, and were stationed in various towns in the province of Broyansong. Once Prince Pross needed it, this 150,000 soldiers can all be assembled in three days.

Prince Pross and his confidant, Demps, simply thought that their little action could hide the world, but they did not know that Hades’s snare and Ames’s secret guard were well aware of this matter; but, Bai Feng Neither did Charlie the Great.

In addition to the Temple House guards of Demps, Black’s Blue Jays also has many troops that are not on the bright side; the Blue Jays with 20,000 soldiers are enough to consume enough food for 50,000 soldiers every month. Chewed, which can explain the problem itself.

Allowing the Prince of Pros to have about 300,000 troops in his hands, there is not much threat to Bai Feng; taking the opportunity of the Allied forces to be hit hard, after leaving the four remaining standing legions under the Prince of Pros, Bai Feng never had to worry about Prince Pross.

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