Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1350: "·Magicist Joins the War"

The meaning of love is to help each other improve and also improve themselves.

-Chernyshevsky (Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer and critic)

The five generals of the general guards, and the assault team of nearly 80 Roman heavy cavalry, rushed out and ripped the dense defense of the orc warriors; in front of the powerful Roman heavy cavalry, the original powerful orc warriors turned into The weak.

The assault squad was like a sharp dagger, and easily tore the orc warrior's defense line. The 103rd and 119th legions that failed to build merit before, this time finally grasped the fighters and followed the tear The line of defense launched an attack.

Despite the assault squad that stormed forward, the 4,000 orcs huddled together were divided into two parts; this is an extremely advantageous auxiliary for the two legions that are still going on the siege. The battle is much easier invisible.

After the division of this orc unit was completed, the assault squad composed of 78 Roman heavy cavalry had only 45 Roman heavy cavalry left; but the assault squad did not retreat, but instead initiated the orc against the orcs. Further division of troops.

There were interspersed divisions of the assault squads, the siege of the 103rd and 119th legions became more and more handy, and the orc unit that was fought less and less for a long time declared its destruction; at this time, the assault team’s Rome There are twenty-seven heavy cavalry.

Even if there were five teams of general guards leading the charge, the 103rd and 119th legions paid the price of nearly 10,000 soldiers to be able to annihilate this orc unit, which was only over 4,000; between the two armies The gap in combat power can be seen in general.

Hans, who failed to change his tactics, spent a lot of effort and paid a very heavy price to save the situation back; afterwards, he did not dare to take risks, he could only continue to use steady and steady tactics, and confront the crazy attacking orc army Fight.

The wolf cavalry under the wolf king Sacker was harassed on both wings, and the army under Hans was always in a state of exhaustion; with the passage of time, the imperial soldiers who had not been able to rotate and repair, the combat power declined very quickly. of.

After another three or four hours of **** fighting, the number of imperial soldiers fighting on the third line of defense has exceeded 200,000, and the total number of orc warriors rushing to the battlefield is increasing; The situation has become increasingly unfavorable to the Imperial Army.

Seeing that the third line of defense had to follow the footsteps of the first two lines of defense, Bai Feng, who was sitting in Mengdan City, could not naturally sit back and watch the frontline army lose; but because today he sent Giskar and his seven legions to the army Hans, so the only forces he can use now are the Deman army of the Duke of Fesman and the Dessau army of the Duke of Bancroft, and the cavalry cluster ready to go.

Bai Feng believes that without the ability to allow the Deman army and the Dessau army to fight side by side, the cavalry cluster has become his only choice; whether it is the light knight of the Holy See or the Rhine cavalry of the Rhine Business League, their combat power is worthy of Bai Feng’s trust. of.

Under the command of Paladin John, the cavalry cluster consisting of the Light Knights, the Rhine Cavalry, the Cavalry Corps, and the Shenshu Battalion once again launched an attack on the orc army; however, their attack target is no longer ordinary Orc warriors, but wolf cavalry!

The wolf cavalry is indeed the strongest cavalry recognized by all people, but it does not mean that the cavalry of the human race must not be the opponent of the wolf cavalry; there are now soldiers under the command of Hans who are entangled with the wolf cavalry in the attack, which happens to be The best chance for a cavalry cluster.

The cavalry cluster that attacked rapidly from north to south launched a charge from behind the wolf cavalry who lost its mobility. With its strong combat strength and the advantages of mounts, many wolf cavalry who are fighting with imperial soldiers directly turn their direction to the cavalry. The cluster launched a counterattack.

The more than 65,000 cavalry in the cavalry cluster, led by more than 7,000 bright knights, rushed toward the wolf cavalry. The wolf cavalry, who was not weak, was greeted by only eight thousand.

At the moment when the two cavalrymen were about to rush towards each other, Bai Feng's useless magician unit finally cast their first magic on the wolf cavalry in the charge-Vulcan Explosion!

It's just the fire **** burst of the fourth-level magic. Although it is not the most destructive fire magic, it is one of the fire magic with the largest damage range. Four hundred fire magicians under the command of the fire magician Hahn , Four hundred Vulcan bursts were cast at once.

Under the precise control of the magicians, the continuous bursts of Vulcan burst directly over more than 8,000 wolf cavalry; the coalition cavalry cluster that was ordered by Bai Feng in advance, the right soldiers were divided into two ways, from the wolf cavalry. They bypassed them on the left and right.

A compressed fireball of the size of a washbasin burst apart beside the wolf cavalry, and the instantly flaming fuchsia flame could burn a wolf cavalry and the wolf under his crotch to ashes in a blink of an eye.

About three minutes before and after the Vulcan Explosion ended, the follow-up rushing Shenshuying Eight Banners Qiqi, which was proficient in riding, used their arrows to launch the baptism of the remaining wolf cavalry; almost all seriously injured wolf cavalry Hundreds of disabled riders, all fell under the rain of arrows.

Within five minutes, annihilating an 8,000-scale orc army wolf cavalry might not have a valuable impact on the orc army's morale, but it did have a considerable improvement in the morale of the coalition soldiers.

From this moment on, the four hundred fire magicians in the coalition battle sequence formally joined the battle; after destroying the eight thousand wolf cavalry with four hundred Vulcan bursts, they started to consume less fireballs with magic power. Cover the attacking orc army.

Just as the Warsong Mage is the most important combat assistant of the orc, the magician is also the most important combat assistant of the human race; the support and assistance of the magician have the most direct impact on the combat power of the human race.

Fireball is originally a second-level fire magic. Now it is actually played by intermediate fire magicians and advanced fire magicians. Its frequency is even more dense than that of arrow rain; these large fireballs with low temperature and limited lethality Although it cannot directly kill the orc warriors with amazing skin defenses, it can seriously attack the orc warriors in the attack and create opportunities for the enemy soldiers who are fighting at the forefront of the battle.

The second-level fireball technique, the second-level fire wall technique, the third-level fire **** burst, and occasionally the fourth-level fireworks, the fire magicians under Hahn can help the coalition soldiers to hit the orc warriors and help Allied soldiers strengthened their defenses and effectively killed orcs, quickly becoming the biggest bright spot on the battlefield.

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