Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1351: "·Wing Man Appears"

The historical significance of every great person is measured by his merits to the motherland, and his character is measured by his patriotic behavior.

-Chernyshevsky (Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer and critic)

Under the key attack of the Four Hundred Fire Magicians, the orc army's original fierce offensive was suppressed by force; even the powerful wolf cavalry suffered heavy casualties under the repeated charge of the coalition cavalry cluster and had to be advanced. Exit the battle.

After the coalition’s advantage lasted for about half an hour, the orc army with rapid casualties used their Warsong Mage; although the Warsong Mage’s attack strength was not as good as the Fire Magic, but their combat power against the Orc Warrior increased, but they were magicians Unprecedented.

The long and desolate war song just sounded on the battlefield, and the already brave orc warriors immediately became daring to die; even if they were in front of the burning sea of ​​fire and sharp blades, they still could not stop them from advancing, this moment The orc warriors are fearless!

Stepping on the fire to the orc warriors of the Allied Forces, stepping on the bodies of their deadly robes, opened up a smooth road of attack; the Allied Generals who breathed for a short time, raised their weapons again, and the rushed The orcs fight together.

Soon after the war song sounded, the war song mage of the orc army began to use their offensive spells that were not powerful to cover the allied soldiers who were fighting with the orcs; the allied soldiers who were attacked by the spell were turned into pieces. On the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the coalition fire magicians and the orc warsong masters are slaughtering each other's soldiers in their own way; the magic and spells flying over the battlefield have become the most efficient means of killing the enemy.

Seeing the hundreds of thousands of friendly soldiers being slaughtered by the orc warsong mage, the commander of the coalition cavalry cluster, John Knight, who had just repelled the Wolf Cavalry, left the other cavalry to continue to assist the friendly army, and he himself led the headquarters of the bright knight To the orc's warsong mage.

Five or six thousand bright knights whose silver armor had been stained with blood stained detoured from the northernmost edge of the battlefield to the Warsong Mage in the middle of the orc army; all orc warriors who tried to block them were directly used by their shields of fighting spirit Crash out.

The light knights in the charge, with 300 to 400 light knights as a team, use the secret method of the Holy See to connect their holy light grudges together to form a huge self-contained grudge shield. This kind of grudge shield is the largest The highlight is the attack rebound!

The light knights running at full speed, once their charge is blocked by the orcs constantly coming up, they will be overwhelmed by the orc army swarming up; therefore, they can only give up fighting and use The grudge shield opens the way.

Orc warriors struck by the giant knightly shield of the light knight are basically not in danger of death, but injury and spitting blood are definitely inevitable; some large orc warriors, because of the strength of the rebound, can even fall. Kill some orcs.

The light knights that knocked out countless orc warriors and flew out of sight, rushed to the vicinity of Warsong Mage, but was suddenly blocked by an orc elite who was suddenly killed; this orc elite is a guard unit dedicated to protecting Warsong Mage, It is composed of a thousand of the largest and most powerful Elephant Warriors and one thousand Leopard Warriors with the fastest attack speed.

Standing side by side into a semi-circular elephant warrior, clasping a giant mace with a length of 1.5 meters in both hands, so quietly waiting for the light knights to rush; behind them, The leopard fighters are ready to attack.

The team of light knights rushing to the front thought that their fighting shields could routinely hit the elephant warriors who were in front of them. I didn't expect that after the actual collision, it was not the other party that was hit and flew out, but they hit themselves. The people turned their horses and turned seven and eight.

More than one-third of the light knights in this team of light knights dropped their war horses, which directly led to the breakdown of their fighting shields. As soon as the fighting defense shields with amazing defensive power disappeared, the leopard warriors hidden behind the elephant-like warriors could not catch their ears with thunder. The light knight who fell to the ground.

Most of the dizzy light knights who had fallen, and hadn't seen what the enemies rushed to look like, were wiped their necks by the extremely fast leopard warriors; in a flash, more than a hundred light knights were killed on the spot.

The light knights at the forefront suffered heavy losses, but the light knights who rushed up behind did not mean to slow down; in order to annihilate the warsong mage of the orc army, the paladin John did not hesitate to sacrifice this team to lose the speed advantage Light knight.

Knowing that his own side might not be able to break through the defensive line of the Elephant Warrior, he took the light knight under his command to bypass the defensive line constructed by the Elephant Warrior with his body, and continued to rush from the left to the direction of the Warsong Master.

At this time, it was too late for the slow-moving Elephant Warrior to turn to build a defense line. The extremely fast Leopard Warrior did not have the strength to break the grudge shield. The distance between the Light Knights and the Warsong Mage is at a speed visible to the naked eye. shorten.

The distance of less than 500 meters, for the Light Knights running at full speed, it only takes a dozen breaths; John, who can already see the face of the Warsong Master, is inexplicably a little palpitated, because the Warsong Master’s face There is no panic, but there is laughter!


The galloping John was hit with a precision iron spear that fell from the sky and hit his head with great precision!

At the moment when this fine iron spear was about to hit John's head, John, with his Paladin's instincts, lifted the steel shield with grudge protection in his left hand to the top of his head; after a loud noise, he shot The incoming iron spear and steel buckle burst at the same time.

John is a powerful paladin, and he can escape this killing blow from the sky by instinct alone, but the light knights under his command do not have this ability; thousands of fine iron spears falling from the sky are destroyed instantly. The Bright Knights under John's!

John, who abandoned the horse to avoid other fine iron spears shooting at him, successively avoided seven fine iron spears flying at him, and finally looked up to see the enemy attacking him; watching the sky covering the sky Like a new species with wings like an angel, he gritted his teeth and spit out two words from his mouth: "Wing man!"

"This is actually an extinct wing man!" Prince Gustav, standing side by side with Bai Feng, was shocked.

Bai Feng, who has long been immune to the word'extinction', resisted his impulse to curse, and asked Prince Gustav: "Is this winged man the same as the war beast, and the orc empire has been extinct thousands of years ago. Race?"

"No, Wing Man is not a race of the orc empire." Prince Gustav said with a solemn face: "Wing Man is a race with giants, dragons, and undead birds and is known as one of the "four strongest races" on the mainland. They Not perished thousands of years ago, but every year!"

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