Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1352: "·Fall and defeat"

What does it mean to love someone? This means being happy for his happiness, doing everything he needs to make him happier, and getting happiness from it.

-Chernyshevsky (Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer and critic)

Wing people who should have been extinct 10,000 years ago, why did they reproduce the world in such a high-profile manner at this time, Prince Gustav did not know, and Bai Feng did not ask; the two knew that the balance of victory With the appearance of the Wing Man, he completely fell to the orc.

Tens of thousands of winged men shot their iron spears from the sky towards the unguarded Allied infantry soldiers. The unprepared allied infantry soldiers died in an instant. However, this was only a nightmare. Start.

With the exception of the four hundred fire magicians under Hahn, all other coalition soldiers could not pose a threat to the winged army in the sky; not only could they not pose a threat, the coalition's step riding soldiers were completely lambs before the winged men.

Even a fire magician who can barely threaten the winged person is hard to really pose a substantial threat to the winged person; because the magician must use the magic wand to point out the spell at the casting target before casting magic, and they read the spell The time is enough for Yiren to dodge.

Compared with the wing man who can fly freely, the magician's casting speed is really too slow; Bai Feng saw with his own eyes that often the magic that the magician prepares to release has not been released, and the wing man who has been aware of it in advance has already quickly Leave.

This is like a sniper before the plane was born. Their consistent shooting targets are stationary enemies or slow moving infantry; now you suddenly let them kill the pilots on the plane. Isn't that nonsense?

Although the Wing Man is not a new race on the Dragon Continent, but a race that has never been born in a thousand years, can you expect the coalition magician who encountered the Wing Man for the first time to accurately predict the Wing Man's flying style? If it can't, then the original symmetric war becomes an asymmetric war.

The orc army with air force assistance first wiped out the light knights of the lone army under the paladin John, and then reinvented the president’s Rhine cavalry; if the magicians used fire shields to block the fines that the wingers flew down. The iron spear, maybe the third coalition unit that was stricken or even annihilated by the wingmen, is the magician unit under Hahn.

The magicians can use the fire shield to block the fine iron spears that fall from the sky, and other coalition soldiers do not have this ability; each time the extremely fast wing man shoots a round of fine iron spears, the coalition forces on the ground have At least nearly 10,000 soldiers were killed on the spot.

After being attacked by four-wavelength spears successively, the coalition soldiers who stood at the forefront of the defense line failed to resist. The collapsed coalition soldiers gave up their defenses and began to flee backwards after being pursued by the orc warriors.

There was Bai Feng, a thousand warlords of cavalry, and the soldiers and soldiers on the front line scattered and fled, but he did not send his warrior cavalry. Even Steve’s initiative to invite him was rejected by him without hesitation. Too.

It's not that Bai Feng doesn't want to restore the defeat on the front line, but now that the defeat of the coalition has been determined, and it is no longer meaningful to continue fighting; in the face of the endless orc army, the main force has basically lost all the coalition forces and has lost this war. .

Hans, who gradually lost control of the army, had no choice but to order the troops to alternately cover up and retreat; the retreat order was okay. Once issued, the panicked coalition soldiers directly turned the retreat into a flee.

Allied soldiers who haven't eaten or drunk after a **** battle, no matter how desperate they run, have they ran past the wolf cavalry in the orc army and the winged men flying in the sky? The wolf cavalry who once again entered the battle became the absolute main force in pursuing the defeat of the coalition forces.

The defeat, an unprecedented big defeat was staged in front of Bai Feng's eyes; in the front was the coalition soldiers who lost their helmets and armor, crying father and shouting their mother, and behind them were the unusually excited and howling wolf cavalry. Wing man with a fine iron spear.

Under the joint attack of the wolf cavalry and the winged men, the casualties of the defeated coalition still remained high, and every minute and every second, the coalition soldiers fell into the pool of blood and fell to the victim of this battle; sit and watch the white peak of what happened , But there is no way to do this.

In the previous battle, there was no coalition killed in the rank of general, and this time he was not spared; the first general in rank was the commander of the 105th legion under Giskar. He was taken by a wing. The shot iron spear pierced the chest.

The second general who died in the rank of general was the commander of the 97th Legion under Assasis. He was severed from his head by the chasing wolf cavalry. Immediately after, the 50th Legion under Eric The commander of the legion accidentally fell and was trampled to death by crowded coalition soldiers.

The head of the 19th Legion was besieged and killed by the Wolf Cavalry, the head of the 106th Legion was beheaded by the Tauren soldiers mixed in the Wolf Cavalry, and the head of the 51st Legion was shot down by two wings His fine iron spear was nailed to the battlefield.

From the third line of defense to the fourth line of defense ten miles away, the coalition forces left seventy or eighty thousand corpses along the way, and there were as many as twenty-one generals at the rank of the fallen general; in addition, there were also Paladin John The four generals, whose whereabouts are unknown, are uncertain.

The Deman army and the Dessau army, who were on the fourth line of defense, were still unable to play their role before they were killed by the wingers in the sky with fine iron spears; Duke Feisman, who wanted to reorganize the army at a critical moment, It was almost bloodshed.

The last line of defense in Mengdan City, almost without any effect, was declared lost. The wolf cavalry who crossed the line and continued their hunting pursuit; forced to return to the white peak of Mengdan City in advance, only to allow the city to defend The army opened the city gate.

Choosing to enter Mengdan City at this time is undoubtedly a decision to succumb to the future, because the main force of the orc army will soon catch up, and it will be easy to drain the water around Mengdan City; when the coalition forces trapped in Mengdan City will not escape from the sky may.

The so-called guarding by the city, in front of the orc army with winged people assisting the battle, is simply to find a way out; the winged people who can attack from the air only need to throw out the fine iron spears in their hands to deploy the coalition forces. The soldiers on the wall ordered to kill.

Knowing the consequences and choosing to open the city gate, Bai Feng also had no way; if he didn’t open the city gate to let the defeated coalition soldiers hide in the city, I am afraid that the remaining coalition soldiers would not have to wait until tomorrow, and they would be chased by the orc army today. All annihilated on the way to defeat.

I never imagined that I would be forced to the peak of Baifeng by the orcs. I felt bitter in my heart and secretly raised my vigilance. Since the orc empire has endless cards, wouldn't the human race countries have it?

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