Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1353: "·Peace Race"

Extraordinary simplicity, extraordinary clarity-this is the most amazing quality of genius wisdom.

-Chernyshevsky (Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer and critic)

After the coalition troops withdrew into the city of Mengdan, the wolf cavalry immediately behind the soldiers did not approach Mengdan city, but stayed about a kilometer away from the city wall; but the winged people in the sky flew all the way. Above Mendan City.

The densely winged birds have reduced their flying height from 500 meters to 100 meters, but they still cannot effectively kill the coalition soldiers hiding in the houses; the penetration of the fine iron spears is even stronger. , Can't shoot through the top of the stone wall that is several layers thick.

The winged man with two spears hovered over Mengdan City for about half an hour without results, and then left under the watch of Bai Feng and others; but he had not waited for Bai Feng and others to relax. There were four or five thousand winged people. After flying back, this time, they no longer hold the fine iron spear.

The winged people who flew back, each carrying four torches in their hands, the heart of burning the city is clearly revealed; the defenders in the city with no air defense methods can only watch the winged people in the sky and put the torches in their hands. Throw it everywhere in the city.

Not every torch that fell from the sky can ignite the buildings in the city, but the number of torches as high as 16,000 still turned Mengdan City into a fire city that was on fire; the allied soldiers who had just taken a breath and had to hide Get busy for fire fighting.

Thousands of coalition soldiers walked out of their hiding place, picked up all the tools available next to the well, and began to fight the fires that were ignited everywhere in the city; those who took water with them to extinguish the fire, as well as the city defense generals and city defense The people mobilized by the army.

"Your Excellency, the purpose of the wing man's arson is definitely not to burn the city. I am afraid that it is not appropriate to rescue the fire now," Prince Gustav suggested.

"The consequences of allowing the fire to spread are the destruction of the city." Bai Feng, standing in a turret of the city wall, said blankly: "No matter what, we still have one night; after the sun rises tomorrow, this The city will be a dead city."

"The city that will become a dead city is more than this Mengdan city."

The voice of Duke Feisman came from behind them, and Bai Feng turned around and asked him, "How is the situation west of the city?"

"It is not optimistic that the orc army has deployed nearly ten thousand wolf cavalry and wingmen of the same size over there, and the possibility of highlighting is extremely low."

"It's not extremely low, it's simply impossible." Prince Gustav bluntly said: "Not to mention the wolf cavalry outside the city, that is, the winged people flying around, the four-legged horses can't get rid of their pursuit Moreover, we are all infantrymen with two legs."

Prince Gustav said it was not unreasonable. Bai Feng thought about it and turned to ask, "Does Wing Man have night vision?"

"This... Wings were originally a race thousands of years ago, now who knows what their characteristics are?" Prince Gustav smiled bitterly.

After hesitating, Duke Feisman said: "I once saw an introduction about the Wing Man in a travel book written by an ancient bard. It seems that the Wing Man's vision is the best among all races on the mainland. Night vision Things are their instinct."

"Does this travel note specifically describe all the characteristics of the Yiren clan?" Bai Feng asked brightly.

"There is, but it is not credible."

"Not quite credible?" Bai Feng and Prince Gustav looked at each other, didn't understand the meaning of Duke Feisman.

"The travelogue divided all the races on the mainland except our human race into three categories. They are the warlike race represented by orcs, the warlike race represented by elves, and the peaceful race loved by elves, and the isolation represented by dwarves. Neutral race."

"Won't the winged people be neutral races?" Prince Gustav looked disbelieved.

"No, they are classified as peaceful races by the author of the travel." The Duke of Fesman laughed bitterly.

As for the speed at which the Wing people slaughtered the coalition soldiers today, they were also classified as peaceful races, and the faces of Bai Feng and Gustav appeared at the same time; no wonder that Duke Fesman said that the travel notes are not credible. Ma is an individual and does not believe that Wings are a peaceful race!

Prince Gustav couldn't help but say, "If this winged person is a peaceful race, what about the countless soldiers killed by our coalition forces? Helping the orc empire to invade our human race and kill the soldiers of our human race, this is not the case. A peaceful race?"

"Forget it, since the travel notes are unreliable, let's find a way for ourselves; after all, it's something thousands of years ago. Who knows what a wing man is like ten thousand years ago." Bai Feng, who was also disappointed, didn't say much. Instead, they comforted the two of them.

"In our own words, the breakout is to die, and to defend Meng Dan is also a dead end. Where else is there any way."

"His prince, the situation is far less pessimistic than you think." After a deep glance at Prince Gustav, Bai Feng pointed to the warlord's mansion in the distance and said: "There is one in my warlord's mansion The secret road leads directly to a valley thirty miles away."

"Since the secret shouldn't be too big, I'm afraid there are not many people who can walk away overnight?" Duke Fesman asked.

"This secret road was originally excavated by the last governor of Mengdang Province when conspiracy to seize independence, and it was saved. It is just a path for two people to run side by side. It can't accommodate a large number of soldiers."

Unlike Prince Gustav, who had already shown his decisive appearance, Duke Feisman was still asking: "What should I do?"

"What can I do? The senior generals of the coalition, especially those of you who are friendly generals from other countries, can preferentially withdraw from the trail secretly if you like; ordinary soldiers of the coalition can only think of other ways, and count on this secret way to be sure Is unrealistic."

After listening to Bai Feng's words, without waiting for Duke Feisman to say anything, Prince Gustav asked directly: "My Excellency, Duke, I will choose one hundred soldiers from the remnants of the Blue Death Legion to retreat with me, is it okay?"

"There are not many coalition generals who retreat. Each person can only bring up to fifty attendants. Anything more will affect the speed of retreat."

"Yes, when can I retreat?"

"It is already evening, and the retreat begins one hour into the night."

After seeing Prince Gustav take the people away, Duke Feisman opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he said nothing; Bai Feng, who knew what Duke Feisman wanted to say, just meant He glanced at him for a long time without saying anything.

The joint firefighting between the generals and the people in the city lasted less than 20 minutes, and was interrupted by the wingmen who attacked again; the weapon was changed back to the winged man with a fine iron spear. Allied forces were hit hard.

The only thing that is thankful is that this is the last attack of the Wing Man today; after nightfall, it is said that the Wing Man with excellent night vision did not continue to attack Mengdan City, and the hard-won breathing opportunity gave Bai Feng some time to do other things. .

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