Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1362: "·Stalemate"

The world is on the go, not docked on the pier.

——Gogol (Great Russian Critical Writer)

Bai Feng is not a fool. It is impossible to believe Wiesheim’s solicitation at the negotiating table; however, Wiesheim’s extremely sincere attitude, coupled with Prince Sainsbury’s excessively surprised expression, still allowed Bai Feng thinks that Wisheim may be right.

Regardless of whether Wisheim is sincere or hypocritical, Bai Feng with multiple identities cannot give up his years of operation in the Tianlong Empire and switch to a completely strange winged human race; therefore, the negotiations must continue.

"My Excellency, thank you for your attention, but as a general of the Dragon Empire, I must always be prepared to dedicate myself to the empire. It is an unacceptable betrayal for me to switch to another country, not to mention switching to other races?"

"Your Excellency General is courageous and resolute, and indeed deserves to be the famous general who commands the army of millions of people!" Wisheim's praise did not make Bai Feng feel embarrassed; but, if something goes wrong, Bai Feng always feels that Wei Shihai Mu has another picture.

"Your Elder is wrong." After a humble sentence, Bai Feng said in a proper way: "At most two leases and provinces, this is already the biggest concession I can make. I don't know what the prince said, but I am willing to accept the conditions of the armistice in our country. ?"

"Three, at least three provinces on loan, this is also my bottom line!" Prince Sainsbury's eyes closed slightly, succinctly.

"Your Excellency, if you agree to lease the three provinces to us, then I can help you to pray to His Royal Highness and let His Royal Highness release all the soldiers captured by your orcs by ransom, including even two of them. Holy Power."

There are too many warriors who have lost contact with the various coalition forces. Although most of these warriors have been killed in the battlefield, there are certainly many who have been captured by the orcs for various reasons; to save these soldiers and give up a province , The value is not worth Bai Feng is not sure.

What really attracted Bai Feng's attention was not the large number of captured soldiers, but the two Saint-level strongmen in Wisheim's mouth; there are many Saint-level strongmen on the humanoid coalition, who can participate in the battle. But there are only two, John and Charles.

The Holy Knight John of the Holy See and Charles Ninth President of the Rhine Business League, the former is one of the important figures of the Bright Holy See in the Dragon Empire, the latter is one of the most powerful decision makers of the Rhine Business League, and both have a special status and distinguished status. Situation figures.

Such characters, if they died in the battlefield of the Dragon Empire, it was indeed a big trouble for the Dragon Empire, but it was only a trouble; but if they fell in the hands of the orcs, the Dragon Empire was in trouble that day. But it's big.

Bai Feng had no choice but to compromise: "What is the ransom of these captured soldiers?"

"Except for the two Saint-level strongmen, all the soldiers of your human race, each soldier has ten gold coins." Prince Sainsbury opened the bidding code: "But these ransoms cannot be paid with gold coins, but must be equivalent. Payment of food and other supplies."

"What about the two Holy Powers? What is their ransom?"

"The value of the saint-level strongman is not measurable by gold coins. If you want to redeem these two saint-level strongmen, you must promise us two conditions: first, normal business with us, and not to drive up prices and malicious competition; Second, establish a demilitarized zone in the border area."

"Normal non-governmental trade can have, but prices and competition are not under our control. Where there are merchants, there are price fluctuations and competition, which cannot be avoided by anyone." Bai Feng said in a matter-of-fact way.

Wisheim chimed in time: "General, reasonable price fluctuations and normal commercial competition, we can allow it to exist, but once we find that there are merchants in your country who deliberately bid up prices and engage in malicious competition, it should be How to do?"

"We can set up a business supervision agency that is jointly managed by senior executives of the two countries, and supervise the business conduct of the other party's business activities in the country; if someone finds any illegal operation, the agency will come forward to solve the problem." Bai Feng gave an immediate reply .

"Yes, I agree to set up this business monitoring agency." Prince Sainsbury directly clapped the road.

"As for the establishment of a demilitarized zone in the border area, it is too difficult to implement this plan, and I am afraid it will be difficult to implement it."

"Your Excellency, this matter may not be as difficult as you think." As the negotiations became smoother, Wisheim's face also had a faint smile: "After the orc empire was loaned to the three provinces, they can only stay in each province. Ten thousand soldiers and all other soldiers withdrew to the sunset fortress; in your country, the three provinces of Broyansson, Grenoble, and Nice can have no more than 50,000 troops stationed in each province."

"The demilitarized zone can be established, but the number of troops stationed in the province of Nice in our country must not be subject to any restrictions."

"My Excellency, if your country has heavy troops stationed in the provinces of Nice, is that a demilitarized zone or a demilitarized zone?"

"Your Excellency, do you think the demilitarized zone established as you said is fair?" Bai Feng questioned on the spot: "The orc army has a sunset fortress as a cover, and it can send more troops to the demilitarized zone at any time. This is for our country. But very dangerous and deadly!"

"We orcs will never betray the promises we made!" Prince Sainsbury glared at Bai Feng.

"It is not necessarily too stupid to build your own safety on the guarantees and commitments of the enemy, what do you say?"

Facing Bai Feng's questioning eyes, Wisheim could only smile with a wry look at Prince Sainsbury's eyes; after considering the latter, he finally nodded and agreed with Bai Feng's request.

After the establishment of a demilitarized zone on the border between the two countries was determined, the follow-up negotiations were much simpler; it was nothing more than trivial matters such as how the orc empire returned to prisoners of war one after another, and how the celestial dragon empire paid ransom. Complicated.

These things, from beginning to end, Bai Feng was talking with Elder Wiesheim. Prince Sainsbury, who was like a shopkeeper, did not say a word at all; when the armistice agreement was negotiated to about the same time, Bai Feng proposed again A new requirement.

"Your Excellency, people from the three provinces of Meng Dan, Lyon, and Toulon are both the people of the Tianlong Empire and the resources belonging to my Tianlong Empire. go!"

"This is absolutely impossible!" Prince Sainsbury, who has been silent for a long time, once again stated: "The people are the most precious resources and wealth in these three provinces. Without these people, we want you to be empty. What's the use of the three provinces?!"

The contradiction between Bai Feng and Prince Sainsbury has intensified again, and the otherwise smooth negotiation has once again reached a deadlock.

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