Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1363: "·Head-on collision"

Reason is the highest talent, but if emotions are not restrained, it cannot win.

——Gogol (Great Russian Critical Writer)

The centrally regulated Wisheim, to appease Prince Sainsbury, who represents the orc empire, and persuade Bai Feng, who represents the Dragon Empire, but unfortunately, whether it is Prince Sainsbury or Bai Feng, in this principled issue The above are all inconsistent.

The two understood in their hearts that compared to those monetized fixed wealth, the population that can create wealth is the real source of wealth; whoever gets these millions of people will be able to use these people to create gold and silver Unmeasurable wealth.

Prince Sainsbury insisted on obtaining all the people in the three provinces of Mengdan, Lyon, and Toulon, while Bai Feng would rather continue the war than give up the people in these three provinces; this unresolvable contradiction has already become a negotiation shackles.

After about two hours of stalemate, Wisheim offered to temporarily adjourn the meeting. Bai Feng, who was so interested, asked Maxi to arrange two rooms next to the meeting room for both of them to rest.

As soon as Bai Feng returned to his study, the voice of Wisheim came from the door: "Lord General, can you open the door and see?"

"Maxi, let Elder Wisheim come in." Bai Feng, leaning slightly on his seat, pretended to be angry at Wisheim with a wide smile: "The Elder, the asking price of the orc empire is too high, this is our empire. I can't accept it anyway."

"Your Excellency, the reason for negotiating is negotiating, that is, you have to talk slowly. Why are you so impatient?"

"It's not my impatience, but the sincerity of the orc empire that doesn't have peace talks at all!" Bai Feng said unmovedly: "Negotiations are a bargaining price on one side, and one party sits on the ground to bargain, and then the two sides negotiate a price that is acceptable to each other. Not a negotiation."

"My Excellency General, I don’t know why you think Prince Sainsbury’s opening to the lion, you know that your country’s situation is really not very good; once the war continues, your country will lose more than three lines. Save, I think you understand this."

"Your Excellency, will you choose to negotiate a truce with the enemy on the premise of gaining the upper hand?" Bai Feng then asked.

"If you can achieve your stated goals by means other than war, why not?"

"Your Excellency, as you said, our country’s situation is indeed not very good; the size of the orc army under Prince Sainsbury’s, not to mention the three provinces of Mengdan, the six provinces in the east, are also orc empire. In your pocket."

"If you understand this, why don't you compromise?"

"The reason is very simple. I don't believe that the orc empire gave up their benefits because of good intentions. In my opinion, the so-called armistice agreement is likely to be the guise of the orc empire to withdraw troops."

While speaking, Bai Feng's eyes stared at Wisheim's face, and as a result, there wasn't even a single wave on Wisheim's face, as if Bai Feng had just said something that had nothing to do with him.

"My Excellency General, I hope you can understand one thing: even if the orc empire needs to withdraw troops because of some things, your country can’t change anything; if Prince Sainsbury’s will, his army was half a month earlier. There are many provinces."

"What if the army of the orc empire can capture many provinces of our country in a short time?" Bai Feng confidently said: "As long as the orc's army retreats, our army can regain all in the same short time. These provinces, right?"

"What if I have half a million garrisons in these provinces? Can you still recover these provinces?" Prince Sainsbury's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Bai Feng waved his hand to signal that Bai Yi and others who were hiding in the dark did not have to come out, and then mocked Prince Sainsbury who had pushed the door into the study: "His Royal Highness is unsolicited, but has something to say?"

"Bai Feng, you are a personal talent, I appreciate you, but this does not mean that I will be merciful to your men." Prince Sainsbury, who answered the question, said self-servingly: "If you can't promise me on behalf of the Dragon Empire Conditions, I will still kill you."

"His Royal Highness, are you threatening me?" Bai Feng asked with a smile on his face.

"No, I'm just telling you, no matter who it is, it's very important to learn to understand the current affairs, even more important than commanding ability."

"His Royal Highness, do you know where you are now?"

"It's you alone?" Prince Sainsbury's expression was disdainful.

"No, no, no, my prince, I am not very good at fighting, but I have some guards who are good at fighting. Whether they have the ability to leave you, it depends on your ability."

With that, Bai Feng patted his palm a few times, and the original empty study immediately rushed in with 16 guards; among them, eleven of them were dressed in black, and surrounded Prince Sainsbury with a circular battle line. The five people were wearing red costumes and guards in front of Bai Feng.

Five people in red costumes are fierce swordsmen with the same fighting strength as high-level swordsmen, eleven people in black costumes are dark council swordsmen sent by Victoria to rescue Bai Feng from Mondan City; now, they His weapons were pointed at Prince Sainsbury.

Faced with the siege of sixteen saint-level strongmen, the still calm Prince Sainsbury sneered and said with a sneer: "I have underestimated you, but I did not expect a general of the Tianlong Empire in your area. There are also sixteen saint-level strongmen."

"His Royal Highness, you just taught me the importance of knowing about current affairs. Now I don't know how you should know about current affairs?"

"On the basis of these rubbish, also deserves to make me aware of the current affairs?" After a wanton smile, Prince Sainsbury slammed the leading juggernaut with the strongest strength; even if the leading juggernaut was already prepared, However, he was struck back a few steps by the fierce slap of Prince Sainsbury.

"Poof!" The sacred saint leading his face turned white in a flash of blood.

"Bai Yi, you go to teach the prince's skills."

With Bai Feng's order, Bai Yi was ready to go like a predator cheetah, rushing towards him with Prince Sainsbury; he mistakenly thought that Bai was a normal mid-level swordsman, Prince Sainsbury , Turned his backhand and gave another palm, patting Bai Yi's chest.

"Fire attribute grudge!"

Between the sparks of the calcium carbide, Prince Sainsbury, who was shocked by the rich fighting spirit emanating from the sword in Bai Yi's hand, exclaimed and withdrew his right hand directly, avoiding Bai Yi's slash to his long side. sword.

"Huh!" Bai Yi, who couldn't hit, just snorted, and then chased Prince Sainsbury who dodged.

The battle between Bai Yi and Prince Sainsbury is not bloody, but it is very fierce; it is just that it is not the arrogant Prince Sainsbury who has the upper hand, but Bai Yi, who exudes a red fighting spirit all over his body. .

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