Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1366: "·God and Faith"

If God wants to punish a person, he must first take his reason.

——Gogol (Great Russian Critical Writer)

"My elders, I hope to know the specific course of the war ten thousand years ago, how the twelve angels slaughtered thousands of winged people.

"General, for the battle ten thousand years ago, what my family knew was nothing but the bits and pieces passed down from the ears of more than one hundred ancestors who had luckily escaped. According to legend, the twelve angels would throw their hands between them. Tens of thousands of our warriors have disappeared."

"Then how strong are their strengths?"

"Although angels are not gods, their strength should not be much worse than real gods; the key is that there are always only a few gods above, but there are more angels, and only twelve people were killed by slaughtering our race. "

"Are the twelve angels second only to gods?" For the first time, on the high-end combat strength, I felt how powerful Bai Feng was in the end. The self-confidence generated by the opening of the legion recruitment by the Roman system has completely dissipated at this time. In his mind.

The flaming swordmaster summoned by the power of faith in the temple of Apollo is indeed stronger than the ordinary Saint-level strongman, and even stronger than Prince Sainsbury, one of the strongest in the orc empire. Weak; they are too weak and too weak compared to the angels of the Holy See.

The flaming swordsman who can fly with imperial power, if he is in combat with a winged human warrior, he must be able to defeat the opponent in a crushing posture. This is undoubtedly; the problem is how many flaming swordsmen can shoot together overnight. What about Wanyi?

Is it a thousand? Ten thousand? Or maybe 100,000? Even if the Wing Man is like a flying bird that only scatters, a flaming swordmaster can only kill four or five thousand at most in a night; if you kill ten million Wing people in one night, you need at least two thousand flames Juggernaut!

On one side is something that at least two thousand flaming swordsmen can barely do, and on the other is something that twelve angels can easily do. Now these two things are marked with an equal sign, which shows how powerful and bright the angels are. How terrible the Holy See is.

Bai Feng's face became more and more ugly, and he almost guessed the Wisheim in his heart, explaining: "General, things are not as pessimistic as you think; if the angels can truly charge for the bright church, the bright church The mainland has long been unified."


"Because of our Wing-Man family, although it is claimed to be one of the ancient "four strongest races", we are the only race among the four races that has no protection from the gods; the dragon race has the dragon, the giant race has the Titan god, and the undead bird race There is a phoenix, only we have nothing."

"It turns out so!" Bai Feng suddenly realized: "Do all the races on the mainland have their own gods?"

"This is nature, the elves believe in the goddess of nature and the goddess of life, the dwarves believe in the gods of wine and craftsmen, the orcs believe in the gods of beasts; even the high-level Warcraft living in the depths of the Sunset Mountains and the Holy Light Mountains, Believe in their God of Warcraft."

"Does our world really have so many real gods?" The gods with so many names made Bai Feng feel terrible.

"The real gods are more than what I said? There are more than a dozen gods of the three major factions of light, darkness and neutral in light of the gods your human race believes in. Which of these gods are not real? Fictional gods, but no Ability to protect believers."

"Since there are so many gods, why don't you wing humans find a **** to believe it?"

Wisheim smiled bitterly: "It's not that we don't want to find a **** to believe in, but that no **** is willing to shelter us; from the time God sent an angel to slaughter our family, our family was abandoned by the gods, no matter which **** we believe in. , No response at all."

"If I recommend a powerful **** willing to protect you, would you believe in him?"

"Your Excellency Bai Feng, I know there must be a refuge from a fire deity behind you, but if a new deity would offend the powerful light deity, the consequences would be unimaginable." Scheim, kindly reminded.

"You can rest assured that He is stronger than you think. As long as you are willing to believe in Him, He will be able to protect you."

"This is not a trivial matter, and I will return to you after discussing it with the clan." Wiesheim still hesitated.

"Sir Elder, let me take the liberty to ask, what is the total population of your Wing people now?"

Do not understand why Bai Feng had such a question, Wisheim, paused a little before saying, "There are about five million."

"If the five million winged people of your winged people can all believe in the **** I told you and can pray daily, he will choose two of the most devout believers from your winged people every year, Raise their strength to the level of the Flaming Juggernaut."

The price tag offered by Bai Feng is not too high, and Wisheim's face also showed a moving look; however, he still did not immediately make a decision: "I will rush back to report this matter to my patriarch and The Presbyterian Church, let them decide."

"Hopefully we can be allies of the same camp!" Bai Feng smiled and extended his right hand.

"This will be the best result!" The two right hands were held tightly together.

After sending away Wisheim, Bai Feng said to the empty study room: "Wings are only five million people, is it worth the price you pay? Two flaming swordsmen every year, that requires a lot of faith. "

"Does your kid think that this special race favored by heaven and earth has the same power of faith as ordinary human races?" Apollo, who appeared in the study out of thin air, mocked: "A wing man insists on praying The power of faith generated in one year is only a lot more than the power of faith generated by one hundred people and people praying in one year; five million wing people, do you know what this concept is?"

"Of course I know what this is." Bai Feng smiled cunningly: "The power of the faith that 500 million people of the people pray for a year is really amazing! You said, if I withdraw my promise to the wing people, what will happen? kind?"

"Five Flame Juggernauts, as long as you help me achieve this, I will give you five more Flame Juggernauts every year!"

"Twenty flaming swordsmen, and must be high-level swordsmen!"

"Five flame swordsmen at the mid-level swordsman level, and a flame swordsman at the high-level swordsman level, this is my limit!"

"Ten flame swordsmen at the mid-level juggernaut level and five flame swordsmen at the high-level juggernaut level, this is my minimum requirement!"

After some fierce bargaining, Bai Feng and Apollo reached a mutually satisfying agreement: Bai Feng promised to help Apollo promote the wing people’s faith, and Apollo promised to provide 14 mid-level and high-level flames every year after the promise. Juggernaut gave Bai Feng.

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