Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1367: "·The Holy See"

Honoring this thing will not bring pleasure to someone who steals it, but does not deserve it; it will only cause constant tremor in the heart of someone who deserves it.

——Gogol (Great Russian Critical Writer)

The signing of the armistice agreement with only the name of Bai Feng and Prince Sainsbury does not have legal force. It must be stamped with the big seal of Charles Emperor and Beast Emperor. A peace agreement to stop the war will only take effect.

Needing the armistice agreement used by Charlie the Great was handed over by Bai Feng to Lei Zhe, who was resting in the city the next morning, and he rushed back to the capital with this armistice agreement; the armistice agreement over Prince Sainsbury’s side, Winged people help to return to the rear naturally faster.

This armistice agreement, which was put on the bright side, was made public on the day it was signed, but Bai Feng and Prince Sainsbury who signed the agreement did not take it into consideration. The agreement that everyone knows is the real armistice agreement.

In order to cover the eyes, Prince Sainsbury will send an army of 50,000 ordinary orc warriors to the commander-in-chief of St. Douglas, the wild beast sword who has now sworn allegiance to Bai Feng, pretending to be the Orc Empire and staying in the East. Dispatch troops in the three provinces.

Determined to lend to the province of Mendan in the orc empire, Bai Feng is to be handed over to Prince Sainsbury. The garrison in Mendan province in the next ten years will also be left by Prince Sainsbury's army of orcs. It has nothing to do with Bai Feng's Eastern Metropolitan Government.

The two provinces of Lyon and Toulon, which were nominally leased to the orc empire and actually controlled by Bai Feng, served as camouflage dispatch troops led by Douglas, but the army that actually controlled these two provinces was Bai Feng transferred from Rome. Roman Legion and Barbarian Legion.

The orc empire stationed a 100,000-scale orc army in Mengdanxing province, and the Eastern Metropolitan Government in Lyonhang and Mengdanhang provinces each had two Roman legions and two barbarian legions. This is Baifeng and Sainsbo. The agreement reached by Prince Li on the formation of the demilitarized zone.

The 100,000 orc army and the 130,000 or 40,000 army cannot form a fatal threat to each other in scale, and they can control the provinces where they are stationed in just right, which is a relatively suitable scale.

As for the number of troops stationed in the three major provinces of Broyansong, Grenoble and Nice, and the number of troops stationed in the sunset fortress in the Eastern Metropolitan Government, it is not within the scope of the negotiation. Bai Feng and Prince Sainsbury will neither Blind faith in the other party will not overdo it.

Prince Sainsbury and Elder Wisheim stayed in the Warlord’s Palace for another morning, and they left before noon; they came from the sky when they came, but they walked out of the city of Mendan from the open city gate. Because this war is over.

At noon that day, the orc army surrounded Mendan City and took the initiative to retreat for ten miles. At the same time, the tens of thousands of winged soldiers under Wisheim also completely disappeared above the city of Mendan, and the atmosphere of war was quickly dissipating. .

In the evening, the orc army of more than 400,000 warriors was evacuated in the afternoon, and more than 30,000 coalition prisoners of war were sent to the city of Mengdan, including Bai Feng’s name to request the return of the captured coalition holy-class strongmen, the Rheinland Business Association 9 President Charles.

The other captured Holy Knight, Paladin John of the Allied Forces, originally Prince Sainsbury prepared to ask for a ransom to release him, but Bai Feng rejected Prince Sainsbury’s kindness and turned to Sain Prince Spree and Wisheim had an idea.

The genocide revenge between the Wings and the Bright Church, the orcs know, this time the Wings made a contribution to the orc’s battle, and now let the Wings use the Paladin pit of the Lights to capture the Holy Church, Sainsbury The prince had no reason to refuse.

Bai Feng’s plan was simple: let the orcs directly hand over the captured paladin to the wing man, and then the wing man would come forward to discuss the ransom with the Guangming Holy See; with the hatred of the wing man clan and the Guangming Holy See, no matter how the wing man opened his lion The Holy See will compromise.

When listening to Bai Feng’s plan for the first time, although Prince Sainsbury had no objections, Elder Wiesheim had doubts; he was worried that his ethnic group would ask the Bright Holy See for a huge ransom and would call the Bright Holy See against the Wings. Retaliatory blow.

In this regard, Bai Feng lifted the sun **** Apollo behind him to dispel the concerns of Elder Wiesheim; Apollo, who was shaped as a fire **** by Bai Feng, was in Wisheim and Sainsbury in due course. The prince showed his presence.

Prince Sainsbury, who had felt the majesty of the beast **** more than once, came to a conclusion immediately after feeling the coercion contained in the breath of air released by Apollo, that is the name Bai Feng believed in. Vulcan, the strength is definitely not weaker than the beast god!

Prince Sainsbury said so, and Wisheim, who is a human spirit, does not understand where the strength of this fire **** is definitely stronger than that of the beast gods believed by the orc empire; the protection of such a powerful **** For the Wing Human Race, it is definitely something that can be encountered but not sought.

Had it not been for Wisheim himself to decide the future of the Wings, he would agree with the belief that Bai Feng had put forward at the moment when he felt the existence of Apollo; even if he could not immediately make a commitment on faith, He still decided to implement Bai Feng's plan.

After the negotiation between Bai Feng and Wisheim, the ransom that the Wings will request from the Bright Holy See includes: grain and grass materials worth 5 million gold coins, various minerals worth 5 million gold coins, weapons and equipment worth 5 million gold coins, cash Fifteen million gold coins paid.

Is a Paladin worth 30 million gold coins? The answer to this question must be no. For the Light Holy See, who can mass-produce the Holy Power, the cost of training a Paladin will not exceed five million gold coins; 30 million gold coins, which is a real ransom.

The crux of the matter is that redeeming the captured paladin is not a simple equivalent exchange with the Holy See; if the Holy See gave up their captured paladin because the wingman's asking price is too high, then they are on the entire continent. Prestige will be devastated.

The bright Holy See, who cherishes its feathers very much, is definitely impossible to make that kind of stupid decision; therefore, as long as the asking price of the Wings does not force the Holy See to an unacceptable level, the Holy See will break its teeth and swallow into the stomach. , Accept the conditions issued by the wing man.

Facts have proved that Bai Feng’s prediction of the Holy See’s reaction is extremely accurate. The cavalry sent from the city of Mengdan just sent the news to the nearest church, and the highest person in charge of the Holy See in the Dragon Empire sent a negotiating team. Go to Mendan City.

The negotiating team sent by the Holy See is still an old acquaintance of Bai Feng. The former Cardinal Innocent of Llorente Province; however, he is now not the White Cardinal of Llorente Province, but the Holy See is stationed One of the six Cardinals in the Dragon Empire!

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