Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1370: "·Reconstruction of the Army"

Happiness makes life last. Happiness is the spirit and vitality of the body, it is hope and conviction, it is the confidence in one's present and coming, it is the confidence that everything should proceed in this way.

——Gogol (Great Russian Critical Writer)

The largest problem encountered during the reconstruction process of the standing legion in the Eastern Metropolitan Government’s battle sequence was the shortage of mid- and senior generals; Bai Feng had previously emptied the 30 standing legions that had been evacuated, and only solved the reconstitution legion alignment. The needs of low-ranking officers, the most difficult problem for middle and high-ranking generals to solve, have not been solved here.

In addition to Montgomery’s Blast Legion, the total number of standing legions in the Eastern Metropolitan Government is 29. In theory, there should be 29 army commanders and 58 division commanders; in fact, the Eastern Metropolitan Government can be equipped. Only one-third of the legions of the regiment commanders and division commanders

The immediate consequence of the death of a large number of middle and senior generals is that some standing legions do not even have a senior general who can preside over the overall situation; for example, the fifty-third legion, whose head has been killed, is a typical problem legion.

The commander of the fifty-third legion and two commanders of the division have all been killed in the previous battle, and even seven of the ten captains have been killed; during the reconstruction of the legion, Moritz and List From the officers of the withdrawn legion intercepted by Bai Feng, seven coalition captains were carefully selected to be assigned to the regiment, and then the ten coalition captains needed for the full formation of the legion were matched.

The shortage of mid-level officers of the wing captain level can still be solved by the Ministry of Military Affairs. The lack of division commanders and senior generals at the level of the regimental commander is not a problem that the Ministry of Military Affairs can solve; those who are qualified to select and appoint these generals are only Military Department and Metropolitan Governor Bai Feng.

Knowing the problem, Bai Feng held a full-night military meeting with the warlords in the camp, and it was not until noon the next day that a charter was negotiated; afterwards, all generals of the army and generals of the rank of general, All were assembled in the meeting room.

After all the generals came to the conference room, Bai Feng, as the governor, officially announced the personnel transfers for the various military forces: General Demi still served as the commander of the 32nd Army, and the 33rd Army was still General Andrew served.

The head of the thirty-fourth legion is still General Billy, the head of the thirty-sixth legion is still general Davis, the head of the thirty-ninth legion is succeeded by General Bonella, and the head of the fortieth legion The head of the regiment is still General Bella.

The head of the 42nd Legion was succeeded by General Carol, the head of the 44th Legion was still served by General Giannu, the head of the 45th Legion was succeeded by General Lennon, and the head of the 46th Legion The commander-in-chief is succeeded by General Remy.

The head of the 47th Legion was succeeded by General Antonelli, the head of the 48th Legion was succeeded by General Darren, the head of the 49th Legion was succeeded by General Lopez, the Legion of the 50th Legion The general was succeeded by General Borg.

The commander of the fifty-first legion was succeeded by General Bartrolli, the commander of the fifty-second legion was succeeded by General Vermalen, the commander of the fifty-third legion was succeeded by General Ward, and the commander of the fifty-fifth legion The head of the legion was succeeded by General Sandy.

The head of the sixty-first legion was succeeded by General Tracy, the head of the sixty-second legion was succeeded by general McGovern, the head of the sixty-fifth legion was succeeded by general Nishizawa, and the head of the sixty-seventh legion The head of the regiment was appointed by General Brauchic.

The head of the seventy-fourth legion is still General Barsaromu, the head of the seventy-seventh legion is still General Felix, the head of the eightyth legion is succeeded by General Morris, and the eighty-first legion The head of the army was succeeded by General Kettle.

The head of the 82nd Legion is still General Leopold, the head of the 86th Legion is succeeded by General Clare, the head of the Blast Legion is succeeded by General Caswall, and the leader of the death camp is still by General Rui.

In addition to the battalion of downsizing to ten thousand people, the 58 division heads of the other 29 standing legions are all rookie generals promoted by Bai Feng from the captain of their old ministry. They are not loyal to the empire and the empire. The emperor promoted their Baifeng instead.

After such adjustments, Bai Feng’s control of these standing legions has reached an unprecedented level; and although this is what Bai Feng wants, it is not the only thing Bai Feng needs.

Because the number of standing legions is more powerful and stronger, as long as Bai Feng does not raise his flag to betray the empire, these legions must first obey the orders of the Imperial Ministry; this team of extremely controlling Bai Feng is really difficult to accept.

Therefore, while strengthening his control over these reconstructed standing legions, Bai Feng also needed to form more governorate regiments and governorate guards not under the control of the Imperial Ministry to strengthen the military power in his own hands.

For a long period of time in the future, Bai Feng will need to devote more time and energy to the two regiments of the Dufu Corps and the Dufu Guard. Taking advantage of this opportunity to re-appoint the generals, they will directly divide these regiments into no one. Warlords with specific duties.

The thirty-second, thirty-third, and thirty-fourth regiments were assigned to Assassins, and the thirty-sixth, thirty-ninth, and forty regiments were assigned to the Uppadama governors. Forty-four and forty-five legions were assigned to Warlord Atos.

The forty-sixth, forty-seventh, and forty-eighth legions were assigned to Governor Gabitus, and the forty-ninth, fifty, and fifty-first legions were assigned to Governor Dambrosio, fifty-two, five. The thirteenth and fifty-fifth legions were assigned to the Montgomery Warlord.

The sixty-first, sixty-two, and sixty-fifth legions were assigned to Warlord Eric, and the sixty-seventh, seventy-fourth, and seventy-seventh legions were assigned to Warlord Giskar; eighty, eighty-one The Legion was strengthened to the Hanlin's Yulin Legion, and the 82nd and 86th Legions were strengthened to the Rodriguez Fire Legion. Troops.

The Blast Corps and the Death Defense Battalion are the permanent troops selected by Bai Feng personally. They are different from the other troops that are going to the new station to prepare for combat. The main task of these two troops in the future is to defend Broyan Songcheng.

In one day, Bai Feng solved the problem of lack of senior generals encountered during the reconstruction of the standing legion. The new problem that emerged was that there were no more qualified generals in his hand, which could be used in the governor’s regiment and governor’s office. The formation of the guard.

After careful calculation, Bai Feng found that he still has the ability to serve as a general of the first army, and only Slim and Reichenu are left; even if he counts Steve, the leader of the war cavalry who followed him to the south and the north. On, there are only three people!

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