Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1371: "·Relationship Processing"

Forgiving yourself is the beginning of depravity.

——Pavlov (Russian physiologist, psychologist, physician)

Slim and Reichenuben are the generals of the Eastern Army under Bai Feng, and it is appropriate to use them to rebuild the Governor’s Corps; the ability and loyalty are Steve Wu, who is the most suitable person to rebuild the Governor’s Guard, But Bai Feng still hesitated about how to use him.

Steve’s father was Earl Adunis, the Attorney General of the Metropolitan Government, which was both his advantage and his disadvantage; the reason why Bai Feng reused him was because his father was the confidant of Prince Pros, and was the Governor One of the heavy ministers of the government.

Now that Prince Prosperus has left the Metropolitan Government, Bai Feng has become the new Metropolitan Governor of the Metropolitan Government, so that the status of Count Adunis is more embarrassing. After all, he is known to the prince of Pros.

The Count Moritz and the Count Salah, the Minister of Finance, and the secondary ministers of these two departments are all the confidants of Bai Feng. The new Duke of Midas, the Interior Minister, is a close and important ally of Bai Feng. .

The Earl of Abraham, who was relegated to the rank of Minister of the Interior, had no foundation and no dependence, and could not form any threat to Bai Feng’s rule in the eastern provinces. Instead, it was Earl Adunis, who inadvertently became the governor’s office. The only'outsiders'.

Count Adunis, who is not unclear about his own situation, had voluntarily resigned from Bai Feng as judicial magistrate three times within two days, but Bai Feng did not agree; however, since Count Adunis had already expressed his attitude, Bai Feng There is no need to hesitate anymore.

While officially appointing Steve as the commander of the governor's guard, the two sons of Madison who had returned home, namely the two roommates of Bai Feng, Melken and Myers, were officially appointed by Bai Feng as the deputy commander of the governor's guard. Responsible for assisting Steve to manage the governor's guard.

The governor's guard without a fixed establishment is not only one of the three major military forces of the metropolitan government, but also the private military of the metropolitan government. Its status is much higher than that of the general standing army and the governor's army; but the formation of the governor's guard However, more external factors need to be considered.

The standing legion is provided by the Imperial Ministry of Military Affairs on time. The governor's regiment is provided by the Metropolitan Government on time. Supported the Dufu Guard?

During his tenure as the governor of the capital, Prince Pross has never paid much tax to his financial department; his funds for the formation of the Eastern Legion and the expansion of the guards of the government house all came from the support behind him. By.

As an important supporter of Prince Prosperus, Bai Feng and the Southland Family Alliance behind him, the financial assistance given to Prince Pross was enough for him to form a million army; otherwise, how could Prince Prossibly put Bai Feng in the capital of the Metropolitan Government What to do with nothing?

Bai Feng, who has much more money than Prince Pros, has almost unlimited financial support, but he can't form an unlimited formation of the Eastern Legion and expand the Guard House; this is because the number of young and strong provinces in the East is limited Excessive recruitment of young and strong people will limit the speed of development of these provinces. On the other hand, it is because Bai Feng must consider the consequences of military expansion while expanding his army.

A prince who served as the great governor and formed a million troops in his jurisdiction, the empire will not have any reaction, because the emperor who owns this empire will tolerate his son; but if Bai Feng did so, the empire and the emperor Will you not ask?

Twenty-nine standing corps plus two royal corps, the total number of soldiers in the full series is as high as 680,000; the Imperial Ministry or Charlie the Great, why the so many troops are handed over to Bai Feng, the key lies in the orcs The empire.

From the empire's perspective, the armistice agreement signed between the empire and the orc empire will be torn unilaterally sooner or later; either the orc empire will attack again, or the empire will initiate the counterattack on its own. Peace cannot be maintained for fifty years at all.

Once the war resumes, it is conceivable what kind of blood and fire test the Eastern Metropolitan Government will still be at the forefront of the war; why did Charlie the Great choose to transfer his son from the Eastern Metropolitan Government at the end of the war? , Precisely because of this consideration.

In such a large environment, Bai Feng's formation of the Dufu Corps and expansion of the Dufu Guard in the Eastern Provinces can be accepted by the Empire and Charles the Great; however, the number of Dufu Legions and the size of the Dufu Guard must not be excessive. Otherwise, it will inevitably attract the suspicion of the empire.

For Bai Feng at this stage, most of his ancestors in the empire have just suffered devastating damage. Although the reconstructed legions are more loyal to him than before, these legions are in combat strength. The shortcomings cannot be compensated in a short time.

Bai Feng, who is in the east, has already felt the distrust of Charles Charlie himself, and has been supported by the secret guard command Ames; however, Ames's help to Bai Feng is far more than that.

What is the limit of the size of the governor's army formed by the Great Metropolitan Government in the East that Charlie himself can accept, and Ames also gave a specific range to Bai Feng, that is, no more than 300,000; if the Eastern Metropolitan Government The total number of soldiers in the governor's regiment and governor's regiment exceeds this number, and then the emperor Charles will inevitably take coercive measures.

What exactly was the coercive measure? Ames didn't say it, and Bai Feng didn't ask, but Bai Feng knew it in his heart.

The more Ames helped Bai Feng, the deeper the guilt in Bai Feng's heart; the seemingly single Ames, the three most important people in his life are undoubtedly his wife, son, wife and brother, and his wife Brother Stark was killed in the battle in the previous battle.

For the death of Stark, Ames didn’t say much from beginning to end, but Bai Feng couldn’t fail to say it; Bai Feng, as his own governor, first awarded Stark who had died in honor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government. The Military Superintendent then carefully selected three rather prosperous cities in the province of Nice, and gave the Stark family a permanent reward as a fixed enclosure.

Because Stark himself has no wives and no children, his sister’s son, Fury, is his only heir; through this relationship, Fury, who is still the leader of the death camp, has become the first general of Baifeng’s descendants. Generals with their own fiefdoms.

In fact, after Stark's death, Bai Feng did not intend to risk keeping Fury in the defense camp; he wanted Fury to withdraw from the army, and went to Nice to make a wholehearted management of his own land. Noble, as a result Fury rejected his kindness.

If only Fury was unwilling to agree, then Bai Feng could force Fury to withdraw from the army in the form of an order; beyond Bai Feng’s expectation, Ames actually explicitly opposed this, which made Bai Feng only continue to keep Fur Rui stayed in the army and stayed in the defense camp.

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