Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1372: "·Guardian establishment"

No matter when, never think that you already know everything. No matter how highly people judge you, you must always have the courage to say to yourself: I am a ignorant person.

——Pavlov (Russian physiologist, psychologist, physician)

"Dudu, you asked us to form ten Eastern legions in one month. How can you give us some veterans and generals?"

Dare to bargain face-to-face with Bai Feng in this way, the entire Metropolitan Government also called Slim and Reichenu the two guys who have recently complained; when they heard they were complaining again, Bai Feng directly rejected them and said:

"Neither the veterans nor the standing army of the generals are enough. Can it be your turn to the Eastern Army? In the next half month, the Interior Department of the Duke of Mediz will provide you with 100,000 new recruits. The Military Department of Count Moritz, 100,000 sets of weapons and equipment will be provided to you five times."

"Dudu, what can one hundred thousand new recruits do, wait for us to train these one hundred thousand new recruits, then it will be a year of the monkey; you will give us a few veterans, let's not have too many, each army is divided into 1,000 veterans! "Unrelenting Reichnu is still working hard.

"One thousand veterans of an army? Don't even think about it!"

"Du Du, we don't want to always annoy you, but we really have no way!"

"Yes, Governor, our veterans have been added to the standing legion by you, and we are bitter!"

Bai Feng, who was really annoyed by these two guys who sang one harmoniously, finally compromised: "For the sake of you having no credit and hard work, I will give you 500 veterans for an army; if you dare to say one more word , I don’t give you a veteran!"

"Xie Dudu!" The two men agreed cheerfully.

It's a pity that the cleanliness in Bai Feng's ears hasn't been maintained for a minute, and Reichenu said again: "Dudu, this can't be accomplished without soldiers; I heard that you have carefully selected dozens of troops It’s better to give us a few more captains who are well-trained."

Looking at Reishenu and Slim, who was looking forward to the face, Bai Feng really wanted to punch them in the face of their ridiculous face; tolerate Bai Feng, who was impulsive to punch himself, just wanted to quickly send these two guys away , Then compromised again:

"Becker, Hirschberg, Guinant, Witzleben, Vollar, these five captains are the most experienced and versatile of all captains. More than enough."

"Xie Dudu!" The two smiling at each other were more and more excited.

"Du Du......"


After scolding Slim and Reichenu who were cheeky on the door every day, Bai Feng only had time to discuss with Steve, Milken, and Myers about the formation of the Guard House; to the Guard House, Bai Feng looked at It is much heavier than the Eastern Legion.

Although the empire did not limit the number of governor's regiments under each metropolitan government, it limited the size of the governor's regiment; each governor's regiment could only have a maximum of 10,000 soldiers. To a certain extent, it also Restricted the formation of the combat power of the Dufu Legion.

In the current trend of increasing war scale, even a standing army of 20,000 soldiers can no longer meet the needs of war. Bai Feng needs to set up a warlord to command at least three standing army as combat units, not to mention 10,000 people The scale of the Governor’s Corps.

Since the governor's regiment has been completely reduced to an auxiliary combat unit, the governor's guard with no restrictions on its structure will naturally become the future main force that Bai Feng focuses on training; for such a main force, its composition and composition need to be targeted. Determined by the needs of the war.

The need for war arises in response to the object of the war. The key to the question now is who is the main target of this main force; everyone, including Steve, the commander of the Governor’s Guard, should take it for granted. The target of the Dufu Guard was the orcs of the orc empire. Only Bai Feng knew in his heart that the possibility of another war between the own army and the orc army was not high.

But such words cannot be said anyway, so when Bai Feng discussed with Steve and others on the specific establishment of the Governor's Guard, he inevitably had to act arbitrarily and determine the establishment of the Guard's Guard according to his own ideas.

Steve is used to unconditionally obey Bai Feng's orders, and Melken and Myers are too inconvenient to express too many opinions at first. This is a favorable condition for Bai Feng to form the Dufu Guard according to his own ideas.

In order to avoid the duplication of the Dufu Guard's establishment and the current establishment of the Imperial Army, Bai Feng changed the name of the senior combat unit under the Dufu Guard and the composition of the intermediate combat unit; the smallest combat unit squadron and squadron of the Dufu Guard adopted the The original establishment.

The new establishment of the Governor's Guard is this: every ten soldiers are a squad, every ten squadrons are a squadron, and every ten squadrons are a big team; The squad is the first-level combat unit with an official military flag.

A flag regiment consisting of 25,000 soldiers per five flag teams is not only a second-level combat unit with an official military flag of the Dufu Guard, but also a backbone combat unit of the Dufu Guard; when the Dufu Guard sends troops to fight in the future, the flag The regiment is its basic unit for sending troops.

Unlike the corps in the Imperial establishment, which is the highest standing combat unit, the Qi regiment is the most important backbone combat unit in the Dufu guard. It is not false, but it is not the highest standing combat unit of the Dufu guard. The highest standing combat unit of the Dufu guard is General flag.

Under the four flag regiments, the general flag composed of 100,000 soldiers is the highest standing combat unit of the Governor’s Guard; in Bai Feng’s view, only an army of 100,000 scale can be used in the future war of increasing scale. , To play the role of the mainstay.

In the process of determining the general establishment of the Governor’s Guard, Steve and others have no objection to Bai Feng’s decision. However, when it comes to the specific armament composition, Bai Feng’s initial idea was immediately received by Melken and Maier. The two brothers jointly questioned.

Bai Feng's idea is that each standard flag team consists of four infantry brigades and one brigade composed of archers and light cavalry, and each standard flag regiment consists of four standard flag teams and one consists of heavy infantry. Flag team.

Among the four flags under the jurisdiction of the General Administration, the first three flags are the above-mentioned standard flags, and the fourth flag is a flag composed of three phalanx spearman flags and two heavy cavalry flags. group.

Milken and Miles questioned Bai Feng’s idea not because they thought the system was bad, but because they thought it was not suitable for dealing with the orc army; in their view, archers, light cavalry and the like Arms, fighting against the orc army is purely tasteless. Arms such as heavy infantry and heavy cavalry are far too cost-effective to be used by ordinary infantry and spearmen.

Even the two military school graduates who have just returned from the internship of the frontier army can see the problem. How can Steve, who has been trained in the battlefield, not see it? It's just that he doesn't have too many ideas like Milken and Miles, he will only obey him and will never question Bai Feng.

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