Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1373: "·Equipment Distribution"

If you want to know it all at once, you don't know what it means.

——Pavlov (Russian physiologist, psychologist, physician)

In the face of the doubts of his two former roommates, Bai Feng, who has been in the high position of the Metropolitan Governor, did not explain to them as they did in the past, but directly determined the composition of the Governor’s Guard in the form of an order. Myers refuted the opportunity.

The huge organization is a major feature of the Dufu Guard, but this does not mean that Bai Feng will now expand the Dufu Guard with the general flag as the unit; the basic combat unit of the Dufu Guard is the flag team, and then the independent combat unit flag Regiment, the highest combat unit is the general flag.

Taking into account the current status of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, while rebuilding the Ten Eastern Corps, the excessive expansion of the Governor’s Guard will inevitably lead to a reduction in the development speed of the Eastern Provinces. To minimize the impact of the expansion of the military on the Eastern Provinces, Bai Feng decided to temporarily Do not significantly expand the Dufu Guard.

"Steve, the Interior Department of the Duke of Mediz will add 50,000 recruits to your governor's guard in the next month, enough for you to form two flag regiments; one of these two flag regiments is personally organized by you. The other is organized by their two brothers."

"Dudu, General Melken and General Myers have never had the experience of forming a new army before. Do I need to send some experienced veterans and middle and low-level officers to assist them?"

Bai Feng did not immediately answer Steve’s question, but turned his head and asked the two brothers of Milken and Miles: "How many middle- and low-level officers and veterans do you need to be able to organize you in three months? Qituan form combat power?"

After Milken and Myers looked at each other, Milken stood up and said: "Dudu, a flag regiment has five flag teams and twenty-five brigades. We need at least five flag captains and twenty Five large captains; low-ranking officers at the squadron captain and small captain levels can be served by experienced veterans, so that we need at least 2,750 veterans."

"Thirty intermediate officers, I can let Steve transfer to you, but enough to win the veteran of the squadron leader and squad leader, I can only give you 300 people at most; as for how to use these 300 people to form you Flag group, it depends on your own."

"The end will certainly be fortunate!" Melken said with a strong voice.

"Three months later, I will let the Blast Corps resident in Broyongsong test the combat effectiveness of your two flag regiments. I hope that your performance will not let me down." When speaking, Bai Feng's expression was unprecedentedly dignified. .

"Please rest assured that you will not let you down at the end!" Steve, who followed Bai Feng for the longest time, was very determined.

Although Milken and Miles did not say anything ferocious, their confident expressions already explained everything.

After properly arranging the expansion of the Dufu Guard, Bai Feng ran a non-stop Thundercloud Base; the Thundercloud Base under the leadership of Hess, after a long period of accumulation and development, has become a tolerant territory in the Metropolitan Government A small force.

There are 40,000 well-equipped soldiers under the Leiyun garrison under Paresi. The Thundercloud Knights, who have been alone in the army, have compiled more than 500 Thundercloud Knights, and the domesticated Thundercloud Leopard has reached more than 1,000 heads; Even the output of the equipment manufacturing center has almost doubled.

The equipment manufacturing center that initially produced 8,000 sets of weapons and equipment per month has been in an overloaded state since the beginning of the war; workers and craftsmen from various eastern provinces have been absorbed into the Thunder Cloud Base and quickly converted into equipment The productivity of the manufacturing center.

By the end of the war, when Bai Feng returned to the Thunder Cloud Base, the equipment manufacturing center, which nearly doubled the number of workers and craftsmen, had a monthly output of weapons and equipment that had soared from 8,000 to 23,000. Room for improvement.

But with the end of the war, it would be a bit inhumane to continue to allow the workers and craftsmen of the equipment manufacturing center to produce weapons and equipment day and night; this is like a tight string, if it has not been loose, sooner or later One day it will break.

After coming to the Leiyun base to learn about the production situation of the equipment manufacturing center, Bai Feng directly ordered Hess to immediately stop the current high-intensity production status of the equipment manufacturing center and restore the original production status of the equipment manufacturing center.

The direct consequence of this order is that the monthly output of weapons and equipment of the equipment manufacturing center has been sharply reduced from 23,000 to 15,000. According to Bai Feng, the output of 180,000 weapons and equipment a year is enough for the East The daily use of the Metropolitan Government.

The existing army of the Eastern Metropolitan Government is divided into three parts. The first part is the 680,000 soldiers of the Standing Army and the Royal Army, the second part is the 100,000 soldiers of the Eastern Army, and the third part is the 50,000 soldiers of the Governor’s Guard. Generals, the total strength is 830,000.

Because the quality of the weapons and equipment provided by the Imperial Army for the Standing Army and the Royal Army is too poor, the weapons and equipment of the Eastern Army and the Dufu Guard need to be prepared by the Eastern Metropolitan Dufu; therefore, Bai Feng needs to provide excellent forging for these 830,000 soldiers Weaponry.

The 200,000 sets of weapons and equipment regularly provided to Bai Feng by the Holy Charity of Charlotte on behalf of the Holy See are indeed better than the standard weapons and equipment provided by the Imperial Ministry to the Imperial Legion, but they are no better than those of the Royal Army. How much stronger.

On the contrary, the equipment produced by the equipment manufacturing center in the Thundercloud base is more sophisticated than the weapons of the Holy See; only the equipment output of the Thundercloud equipment manufacturing center requires at least five years to complete the rule of the Metropolitan Government. Dress up all the troops.

The crux of the matter is, no one can guarantee that the Eastern Metropolitan Government will have five years of development time, and the appropriate use of some inadequate weapons and equipment for the installation of the army has become Bai Feng’s only choice; only in this way, the Metropolitan Government’s The army can form combat power as soon as possible.

In the future military planning of the Metropolitan Government of Baifeng, the two Royal Legions and the Governor’s Guards will be the absolute main priority of the Metropolitan Government to equip the most well-equipped weapons; the second is the Oriental Corps directly under the Metropolitan Government. They are all key training objects.

There are twenty-nine imperial standing legions, although they are all of the same nature, but they are also divided into three, six, nine, etc.; the legions under the command of the generals of Baifeng, such as Assassis and Atos, must be better than Montgomery. The legion under the general has more priority.

The specific manifestation is that when the army was rebuilt and reconstructed, the logistics department under the Ministry of Military Affairs collected a total of 300,000 sets of sophisticated and intact weapons and equipment; 100,000 sets of these weapons and equipment were allocated to the two Royal Legions and 50,000 sets. It was allocated to the two regiments of the governing guards under formation, 100,000 sets were allocated to the ten eastern legions under formation, and 50,000 sets were allocated to the three legions under Assasis.

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