Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1375: "·Two Blue Flag Lords"

Science has no national boundaries, but scientists have national boundaries.

——Pavlov (Russian physiologist, psychologist, physician)

"This Mongolian tribe is so aggressive. Didn't the other grassland tribes think of a way to deal with them?" He walked to Baifeng next to the map and pointed to the tribe on the map: "Hun, Qidan, Turkic, Tiele, Uighur, Wu How did the six major tribes in Huan react?"

"Principle, a month ago, the Huns tribe's impassioned order was summoned to the leaders of all the grassland tribes in their Xiongnu king's court to discuss the matter; but the tribes that had little effect and fierce conflicts with each other, basically No one responds to the call to pretend."

"The Geely of the Turkic tribe, the Wanyan Agu of the Khitan tribe, the Gu Guwen of the Tiele tribe, the Kutun of the Wuhuan tribe, and the bone strength of the Uyghur tribe, they all tried their best to take the Khan position. , Don’t you even understand the truth of the cold lips?"

"Protagonist, these people don't understand the truth of the death of the lips, but they believe that the outside world will be settled first."

"You mean, there are problems within these tribes at the same time?" Bai Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Princesses, the internal problems of the grassland tribes are almost all long-standing historical problems, but some tribal internal conflicts are often fierce and need to be resolved by war. Some tribal internal conflicts can be resolved by a slight relaxation of some negotiations. "

"In this way, the destruction of the tribes such as Xianbei and Roran is not only due to the strength of the Mongolian tribe."

"Princess, no matter how powerful the current Mongolian tribes are, they cannot change the fact that they were once a branch tribe of the Shiwei tribe; from the branch tribe of the Shiwei tribe to the super tribe that destroyed six powerful tribes, the Mongolian tribe is powerful and Not overnight."

"The Shiwei tribe can rank with the powerful tribes such as the Huns, Jurchens, and Turks as the thirteen grasslands, and their overall strength must not be underestimated; it is such a powerful tribe that was forcibly annexed by its branch tribe. This explains some problems."

Bai Feng, who did not fully agree with Aguis’s view, pointed to the yellow area on the map representing the Mongolian tribes: “Freedom is scattered and the fighting is intense. This is one of the most prominent characteristics of the grassland tribes; other tribes are like this. Can the Mongolian tribe be an exception?"

Aegis said unclearly: "Princess, do you mean?"

"Mongolian tribes are also grassland tribes. They also have their own internal contradictions, which are only covered up by their seemingly invincible appearance and the offensive of successive victories; once their attack stops, their internal contradictions will naturally be revealed. "

"The hero is wise!" Feel convinced that the Mongolian tribe thinks that Aguis is a little too powerful.

"The distance of three hundred miles is not a long distance for the prairie cavalry who come and go like wind; since the threat of the Mongolian tribe is close at hand, then you should also be preparing for it if the Mongolian cavalry strikes , The Eight Banners cavalry alone cannot stop them."

"You can rest assured, heroes, our soldiers in the Roman camp have begun targeted and intensive training from half a month ago."

"That's good." After nodding, Bai Feng told Aguis again: "Wait for them when Wenke comes, you tell them to wait for me here. I'll go to Dorgon's camp and see now What is his response to the Mongolian tribe going south."


While thinking about the impact of the strong rise of the Mongolian tribe on the grassland situation, Bai Feng walked to Dorgon's camp; as a result, he met Dudu, the owner of the Zhenglan Banner, and Nikan, the leader of the Blue Banner, on the road. , So the three went to Dorgon’s camp together.

"Du Du, Nikan, I think the size of your two blue flag cavalry has expanded a lot, how do you feel?"

"Master Qiqi, I am expanding the blue flag cavalry from the original six thousand to the current twenty-five thousand. Although the scale has been expanded more than four times, the growth of the combat power has only been two to three times. The speed of Zhenglanqi's combat power growth has not kept pace with the expansion."

Knowing that Du Du was hypocritical and humble, Bai Feng still gave him a face and said in his words: "The current cavalry scale of each flag is expanded hastily. It is good that Zhenglan Banner can increase its combat power by two or three times. , You don’t have to be pretentious."

"The master is generous and the minions bear in mind." Du Du was completely grateful.

"Nikkan, what about your blue flag? How powerful is your growth?"

"Master Qiqi, my elite cavalry with blue flags and ordinary cavalry are grouped separately, so the overall combat strength is not as strong as that of the elder brother’s blue flag; but if there is an emergency, then the blue flag will be the fastest Speed ​​sent an elite force to the battlefield."

"Oh?" I always felt that Nikon was inferior to Dudu's Bai Feng. After hearing Yan Yan's immediate respect for the old solid wood, he smiled and praised him. !"

"Master Mizan, the minion panicked." Nikon said panic, but the look on his face was quite calm.

Bai Feng did not take Dudu's previous cleverness to heart, because the good performance of the two blue flags made him very fond of Dudu and Nikon, so he would prepare himself to discuss with Dorgon in advance. Say it.

"You all know about the Mongolian tribes going south, what do you think we should do?"

"Master, according to the servants, the Mongolian tribe's going south may not be a bad thing for us." Du Du said astoundingly.

"Using the hands of the Mongolian tribe, it is indeed a good choice to complete the unification of the Jurchen tribe." Bai Feng said Zhong Dudu's thought: "But if we really want to do this, then the last unified Jurchen tribe can still How many commanders remain?"

"Master, no matter how many string control men can be left in the last unified Jurchen tribe, there will be more than the string control men we have now. Isn't that enough for us?" Du Du insisted on himself. Commented.

"Brother, I think your idea is wrong." Nikon suddenly stood up to refute Du Du: "With the help of the Mongolian tribe to weaken the two parts of Haixi and Savage, it can indeed help us complete the unification of the tribe, but after the unification? Does the tribe living in Mongolia attack?"

"Nikkan, no matter how brave and good the Mongolian cavalry is, they are also prairie cavalry. They can’t beat the moat and can’t break the city walls; as long as we properly retreat south to seek the refuge of the Tianlong Empire, how can the Mongolian tribe’s cavalry help us? kind?"

"Brother, the Tianlong Empire, which is not under the rule of the Master, cannot protect our grassland tribe."

Feeling more and more outrageous Du Du, his brother turned his head and asked Bai Feng who was listening to their conversation: "Master, can you let the northern provinces of the Tianlong Empire protect us?"

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