Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1376: "·Potential Allies"

Never fall into pride. Because of pride, you will stubborn on occasions that you should agree; because of pride, you will refuse the advice of others and the help of friendship; because of pride, you will lose your objective standards.

——Pavlov (Russian physiologist, psychologist, physician)

"Du Du, I am now the Governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government of the Dragon empire. My orders are only useful in the Eastern Provinces of the Eastern Dragon empire; the northern provinces are subordinate to the Northern Metropolitan Government. Once you request asylum from the Northern Metropolitan Government, There is a price to pay."

Immediately listening to the deep meaning of Du Feng in Bai Feng's words, he quickly knelt to admit the wrong way: "Master, the slave is wrong, and also ask the master to punish."

"Du Du, you are Belle, the leader of the Zhenglan Banner, and my senior prince of the Eight Banners. How can you kneel easily?" Bai Feng said to Du Du while he lifted him up, "You must remember, loyal Prairie warriors should stand upright rather than kneel."

"Thanks to Master's grace, the servants vowed to die allegiance to the Master!" Du Du swore with excitement.

"Loyalty is proven by actions, not promises, I believe you will do well."

The rather bumpy growth experience is both Dudu's strengths and his shortcomings; it is precisely because of these experiences that he is satisfied with the status quo without much ambition, but also because these experiences make him dare not live too much, moment They are all conceiving various ideas for survival.

On the contrary, it is Nikon who has been under Dudu's protection. He does not have much mentality and castles, and he does not have the restlessness and anxiety that he has lived in panic for a long time. He is straightforward and easier to get Baifeng than Dudu. Goodwill.

After Bai Feng took Dudu and Nikan all the way to the outside of the camp of Dorgon, the veterans of Zhenghuangqi who stood outside the camp recognized Baifeng who was walking in the forefront; after greetings from the respectful salute, the two veterans of Zhenghuangqi Without reporting, the camp curtain was opened directly.

Dorgon and Azige, who were in discussion, saw Bai Feng walk into the camp, they stood up quickly, and walked to the center of the camp to salute Bai Feng: "Minor Dorgon (Azige), see Master!"

"Let's get up." After supporting them both virtually, Bai Feng sat directly on the main seat directly in front of the camp, and asked Dorgon standing below: "I have known about the Mongolian tribe. You are the Zhenghuang Banner." Banner Master, what are your plans?"

"Master Qiqi, the minions have been strengthening my Tianlong Baqi since the discovery of the Mongolian cavalry by Zhenghongqi half a month ago. After half a month of military expansion and preparation, I have two cavalrymen. One hundred thousand, one hundred thousand warriors."

"Two hundred thousand cavalry plus one hundred thousand commander of the string, I am not mistaken, this is the sum of the number of our young and powerful dragons?"

"Master Yingming, the total number of young and strong in the Dragon and Eight Banners is 330,000."

"From the perspective of the number of young and strong, the formation of 300,000 cavalry is already the limit of my dragons and eight flags, but with only 300,000 cavalry with uneven combat strength, it is still not enough to fight against the Mongolian cavalry who are heading south; you Think, what should we do?"

"Master, the minions thought that relying solely on the strength of one of my dragons and the Eight Banners was simply not enough to confront the Mongolian tribes. In the face of such strong enemies, it was appropriate to choose some tribes with similar strengths to our alliances. Is the wisest choice."

"Since you think you should choose potential allies to form an alliance, why didn't you respond to the rash call to Shan Yu?"

"Master, the strength of our Tianlong and Baqi is very different from that of the Xiongnu tribe. The covenant with the strong on the grassland is a nightmare for the weak; more importantly, we are too far away from the Xiongnu tribe and there is a Khitan, Tiele couldn't really respond."

"You don't believe in the covenant with the strong, what are the potential allies you choose?"

"The Master, the Rilian and Yuling Departments of the Qidan Tribe, the Huixi, Tongluo, and Absi Tribes of the Tiele Tribe, the three parts of Hercynian, Savage, and Huangtaiji, which are the same origin as our Tianlong and Eight Banners. The potential allies selected by the minions for your selection."

After Dorgon's words were finished, Du Du looked angry and said, "Are you Dorgon crazy? His Emperor Tai Chi is the real culprit in splitting our women in Jianzhou, our life and death enemy, you How can he be selected as our ally?!"

"Dudu Baylor, you may have misunderstood. I did not choose any tribe as our allies in the Dragon and Eight Banners. I just selected some potential alliance objects worth aligning for the choice of the master." Dorgon is not soft. Hit back.

"You!" Du Du wanted to say more, but Bai Feng was stopped with a sharp eye.

"Dorgon, the overall strength of the two parts of Hercynian and Savage should be stronger than ours. Why did you choose them?"

"Master, the strength of Hercyn and Savage are indeed stronger than ours, but that is overall strength, not individual strength; the two parts of Hercyn and Savage that have never been unified are divided into large and small Dozens of tribes are simply not enough to pose a threat to us."

"The minions thought that our choice of the Hercynian and the Savage as an ally would have at least two major benefits: First, they are migrating southward gradually under the pressure of the Mongolian tribe, and it is almost impossible to refuse our invitation to form an alliance; Secondly, after the formal alliance, we can use the advantages of the same race between each other to differentiate and pull together the two internally severed divisions to enhance our own strength."

Bai Feng, who was very satisfied with Dorgon’s response, continued to ask: "What happened to the two Qidan and the three Tiele?"

"Master, Thirteen Departments of Grassland is a collective name for the 13 ethnic groups on our grassland, and it does not mean that there are really only 13 tribes on our grassland; taking our own as an example, our Jurchens are divided into Jianzhou Jurchen and Hercynian. There are three parts of Jurchen and Savage Jurchen, each of which is composed of dozens of tribes, large and small. Although tribes have the same clan name, there is not much fighting between them."

"The Khitan tribe is actually an alliance of eight tribes. These eight tribes are: Siwandan, He Dahe, Fufuyu, Yuling, Rilian, Pima, Li, and Tu Liuyubei; Tiele tribe is an alliance of nine clans, these nine clans are: Hui Pu, Gu Gu, Hun, Ba Ye Gu, Tong Luo, Si Jie, Qi Zi, Absi, Gulun house bones. "

"Among the eight surnames of Qidan and Tiele, the three surnames that have always had a good relationship with us are the three surnames of Rilian, Yuling, Huipu, Tongluo, and Absi; and the distance between their tribes and us is two. It’s about a hundred miles away, and it’s also convenient to support each other.

After carefully listening to Dorgon’s narrative, Bai Feng, who had a better understanding of the grassland tribe, suddenly thought of another question: “Dorgon, you know the internal relations between the eight divisions of Qidan and Tiele nine. ?"

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