Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1377: "·Kidan Civil War"

We only live once in the world, so time should be cherished. Must live a real life and live a valuable life.

——Pavlov (Russian physiologist, psychologist, physician)

"Master, Qidan eight is said to be eight, in fact there are ten; in addition to the Siwandan, Hedahe, Fufuyu, Yuling, Rilian, and Pima, which have been in existence since ancient times, In addition to Libei and Tuliuyube, there are two new tribes, Yaoyao and Diejian.

"The rise of the Yao Department and the Diethorn Department is not much different from the rise of the Mongolian tribes; however, the cavalry of these two tribes is far less terrifying than the Mongolian cavalry, so their rise affects only The internal power division of the Khitan tribe."

"Did Qidan's eight parts fail to suppress Yao and Dian?" Bai Feng's interest in Qidan's two parts is not small.

"The master, the eight Qidan ancient divisions are already in conflict with each other. When the Yao Department first rose, the strongest Siwandan Department just announced a war with the Yao Department that invaded their grassland. Yuling, Rilian, Tou Liuyusan sent their cavalry to reinforce the remote department."

"The war between the Siwandan Department and the Yao Department quickly evolved into a civil strife that affected the entire Khitan tribe; the Diethorn Department was in this Khitan civil war, and a tribal alliance of more than a dozen small and medium tribes eventually developed. New tribe."

"So what is the situation of the Khitan tribe now? Which one is the strongest?"

"The master, the Yao Department and the Die Branch Department later became the two most powerful of the 10 Qidan Departments. The current Qidan Khan is the leader of the Yao Department after finishing the Yan Agu fight; the leader of the Die Branch Department Yelv Abaoji is the Qidan Tribe. Second only to Wan Yan Agu."

"In the other eight parts, the declining Siwandan, He Dahe, Fu Fuyu, Li and other four parts formed an ancient Khitan alliance, and the Yuling, Rilian, Tuliu and other three parts formed an East Khitan alliance, The weakest horse department is attached to the stab department."

Bai Feng, who heard the question at once, immediately asked: "The strength of this stabbing department is second only to the Yao Department. After being attached to one of the ten departments, their strength should not be weaker than that of the Yao Department. Is that right?"

"The master is wise!" Dorgon continued: "The Qidan tribe is no longer the sole boss of the Yao Department, and it has the strength to challenge the Yao Department. So these two conflicts in recent years are also increasing."

"Wan Yan Agu is not a good stubble. Will he sit back and watch the stab department grow stronger?"

"Master, the battle of going south a few years ago was the plot of Wan Yan's bones to consume the thorns; as a result, the cavalry of the thorns at the forefront seized countless times. When the cavalry of the thorns was withdrawn, he was away. 'S cavalry just rushed forward but lost a lot."

"Under this trade-off, the strength of the Die-thorn Department has surpassed the trend of the Yao Department; more importantly, the 10-year Khan election conference of the Khitan departments will be held again. The Khan position will directly determine whether the civil war of the Khitan tribe will break out."

"Isn't Khitan Khan always served by the Wan Yan family? How can there be another Khan election meeting?" Bai Feng asked curiously.

"Master, the Qidan tribe has a history of thousands of years, and the Yao Department is only 500 years since its birth. No matter how strong the Yao Department is, it is impossible to change the tradition of the Qidan Tribe since ancient times. At that time, the Khan of the Khan election was only a passing scene for the Wan Yan family patriarch to be crowned as Khan. Now that the Dianbi department is strong, the significance of the Khan of the Khan election is extraordinary."

"Then you see, is there a better chance for Yao Yanbu's Wan Yan Agu to fight, or is Yelu Abaoji of the Die Spur Department?"

"Master, the minions thought it was Yao Yangu's Wan Yan A Gu Da who was more likely to succeed Khan." Seeing that he had a chance to speak, Azig said first: "After all, Yan Yan Gu Gu Da has been the Khan of the Khitan tribe for 20 years. Well, his reputation is still very high."

"Master, the minions thought otherwise." Nikon objected: "The Khan on the grassland will always be served by the most powerful person; the strength of the Dagger Department has already surpassed the remote Department, Yelu Abao The opportunity will definitely challenge Wan Yan Agu."

"Master, the minions thought that whether the Khan of the Khitan tribe was defended by Wanyan Agu, or was taken away by Yelu Abaoji, the Khitan tribe should never have a civil war, because the Mongolian tribe is heading south." Du Du is confident. Analysis.

After nodding frequently, Bai Feng asked Dorgon: "Dorgon, what do you think?"

"Master, the minions think that the civil wars of the Khitan tribe can't be avoided." After listening to Dorgon for a while, he said another answer: "Wan Yan Agu Da and Yelu A Bao Ji are both Xiaoxiong, we No one will give up the sweat bit."

Bai Feng nodded irreproachably: "If you are outside, you must first settle down. It is indeed a choice that Xiaoxiong should have."

"Wanyan Agu has a higher prestige, Yelu Abao has a stronger machine, and the negotiation will certainly not solve the problem; because there is no price in any form, it can be comparable to the temptation brought by the sweat, the remote department and the thorn department are selected. There must be a battle before the Khan Conference!"

As soon as Dorgon's words were over, the voice of the gatekeeper was heard outside the camp account: "Lord Master, send a white flag to the emergency military newspaper!"

After Bai Feng nodded in agreement, Dorgon ordered: "Come in."

After receiving the emergency military newspaper sent by the nearby servants, Dorgon directly opened a ten-line scan. After browsing, he presented the military newspaper and reported: "The master, the remote department of the Qidan tribe and the stab department have fought. ."

Although the military newspaper did not say very clearly about the scale of the engagement between the Yao Department and the Diethorn Department, the response to the Qidan Departments was clearly written; the ancient Qidan Union headed by the Wandan Department and the Yuyu Mausoleum Department The East Khitan Alliance, led by the East, is gathering cavalry on a large scale.

Putting down the military newspaper, Bai Feng frowned slightly: "Dorgon, do you think the ancient Khitan alliance and the East Khitan alliance will participate in this battle?"

"The Master, the Ancient Khitan Alliance and the East Khitan Alliance have never been very close to the Yao Department and the Die Branch Department, but the relationship is very big, they will not stand by; if nothing unexpected happens, these two alliances will soon Join the battle."

"The outbreak of Khitan's full civil war is not a good thing for us." Bai Feng pointed to the Yuling Department and the Japanese Department on the map and said: "Our potential allies are missing two at once, the status of other potential allies It seems more important."

"Master, to form an alliance with Hercynian Jurchen and Savage Jurchen, you only need to give an order, and we will send a team of messengers to facilitate this; as for the surnames of Huang Taiji and Tiele, Huang Taiji is naturally cunning and Tiele 3. The surname is small and careful, and you need to negotiate in person."

The visit made an immediate decision and ordered: "Since this is the case, the alliance with the Haixi Jurchen and the Savage Jurchen is really up to you. I will take two red flags and two blue flags to'visit' them personally. ."

"Strictly obey the order of the master." Dorgon, Dudu and Nikan responded at the same time.

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