Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1378: "·Crossing the River and Demolition"

Happiness can make you feel every beat of life, and every impression of life is easy to feel, no matter whether it is physical or mental pleasure, it can make the body develop and the body strong.

——Pavlov (Russian physiologist, psychologist, physician)

"Master, the overall strength of the nine surnames of Tiele is not very strong, especially the three surnames of Huipu, Tongluo, and Absi. The maximum number of sergeants who can be used for each surname is no more than 40,000; , It is likely to cause their misunderstanding."

"If these three surnames have only 120 thousand warriors, what is the total number of cavalry combined by the nine surnames?" Bai Feng felt that the power of the nine surnames was a little weaker than he expected.

"Master, the three most powerful surnames of the nine surnames of Tiele are Gugu, Sijie, and Bayegu. Each surname has about 100,000 cavalry. The second-ranked surnames are Qi, Hun and Gulun. There are about 60,000 to 70,000 cavalry surnames, and the total number of cavalry of the nine surnames should be around 600,000."

"There can be 600,000 cavalrymen, and Tiele's surname is not weak, but it is just too scattered."

"The Master said very much, but this is also a common problem of all grassland tribes. Everyone only recognizes the tribe and not the ethnic group."

In response, Bai Feng smiled irresponsibly and said, "It is not necessarily a bad thing to only recognize the tribe and not the ethnic group."

"Master, the third surname of Tiele is not strong, you don’t need to lead the Four Flags Cavalry to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings; it’s the Emperor Taiji, you may only take the Four Flags to go. Recuperating and recuperating, Huang Taiji's strength cannot be underestimated."

"What has Huang Taiji done in recent years?"

"Master, the imperial Taiji who withdrew all the way to the north not only established a foothold in the foundation of our Jianzhou Jurchen, but also attracted a large number of Hercynian Jurchen and Savage Jurchen tribes to join his Eight Banners through marriage; to this day, under his command There are hundreds of thousands of string control men!"

"If he only knew of blindly expanding the army, it would be a good thing." Du Du said with a dazed face: "In these years, except for the good father and son and the five ministers, all the other eight banners and ministers, all of them were all emperor Taiji. The military power was abolished."

"Huh, they all blame themselves!" Azige said indignantly: "When Father Khan passed the Khan bit to Dorgon, wouldn't it be possible for the Emperor Taiji to win the Khan bit if they supported the emperor Taiji? This is where they chose to betray that year!"

"Brother!" Dorgon quickly stopped him when he saw that his elder brother said more and more.

Azige, who knew he was wrong, quickly apologized to Bai Feng and acknowledged the mistake: "Master, it's a servant who said nothing."

"Things have passed, and no more will be mentioned in the future." Bai Feng didn't blame Azige, he was more interested in what Du Du said just now: "Du Du, now the Eight Banners under Huang Taiji have all Who is the flag master?"

"Master Qi Qi, Huang Taiji himself directly commanded the two elite yellow flags of his eight flags, and his sons Hauge and Edu, An Feiyanggu, Fei Yingdong three ministers were divided into two blue flags and two white flags. Shan and his eldest son Yue Tuo share two red flags."

"Dorgun, you know a lot about Dai Shan and Yue Tuo. Do you think it is possible for their father and son to betray Huang Taiji?"

"Master and son, acting as good fathers and sons are not weak, and their ambitions are not big. The biggest feature is to see the wind and rudder; if one day our strength is enough to crush the emperor Taiji, then only need to send them a persuasion messenger, they will definitely rate Ministry came."

"How about Mangguertai, Abatai, Tangguo and others? They are the heirs of Nuerhachi like you, and they are descendants of the Aixinjueluo family of Jianzhou women's strongest family, but they were seized and abandoned. Will he betray Huang Taiji?" Bai Feng continued to ask.

"Master, the servants' brothers, all of them are arrogant and proud people. If you let them betray the Aixinjueluo family, that would be impossible; but if they only betrayed the Emperor Taiji who crossed the river and demolished the bridge, they Certainly will not hesitate."

After hearing Dorgon's words, Bai Feng raised his head and took a deep look at Dorgon, who lowered his eyebrows, and said paradoxically: "If there is a day, I will not let them betray their own family, but they will not give The opportunity for their family to make a comeback."

Dorgon, who also heard the deep meaning in Bai Feng's words, just lowered his head and said nothing.

After all the discussions and discussions were completed, Bai Feng took Dudu and Nikan away from the camp, and Dorgon and Azig were all sent 100 meters away from the camp before they each left to perform their latest tasks.

Before the two red flags and the two blue flags officially leave the camp, the two yellow flags of Dorgon and Azig must independently assume the responsibility of defending the camp; not only that, Dorgon also has the responsibility of persuading the descendants of Haxi Jurchen and Savage Jurchen Ministry of responsibility.

Returning to the camp area of ​​the Roman battalion, as soon as he walked into the military account of Aegis, Bai Feng saw the three generals Goto Kiji, Wink, and Leonardo. Also seeing the three generals of Bai Feng, he immediately turned to salute: "We will see the hero at the end!"

"Let's get up." To his darling generals, Bai Feng's attitude is still very easy-going. He smiled and asked the generals who stood up: "The Eastern Metropolitan Government is vigorously expanding its army and the demand for generals. Very big, does any of you want to go back?"

"Princess, you think I should be where I should be!" Wink's attitude is as clear and firm as ever.

"Princess, I want to go back to the East and work for you under your command!" Leonardo's choice is also expected by Bai Feng.

After looking at each other, Akis and Goto Kiji said in unison: "I don't want him to think, but at the command of the hero!"

After understanding the idea of ​​the four generals who led the army to Sebei for a long time, Bai Feng made a decision immediately: "Leonardo, I will give you three days, and you will hand over the five army camp to Wink; Goto, I also You are given three days, and you hand over the Shogunate to Agis.

"Thank you for your grace!" "Hi!"

Bai Feng first smiled at Leonardo and Gotoji, and then he converged with a smile, and solemnly warned Wink and Agis: "Wink, Agis, the future of our army against the Dragons and Eight Banners. Monitoring, but it’s all up to you two."

"The final will not be disappointed by the protagonist!" Wink and Aegis spoke in unison.

"I believe you will not let me down, but the size of your army is not enough!" Bai Feng said succinctly: "I need you to at least double the number of soldiers under your command in the next three months!"

"Princess, are we recruiting Jurchen cavalry to expand the army on the spot?" Aguis asked.

Bai Feng directly delegated authority: "The soldiers you expanded may or may not be Jurchen cavalry, it is all up to you. I do not limit the source of your soldiers. What you need to do is complete the expansion within three months. "

"Strictly obey the hero's order!"

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