Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1379: "·Mongolian Cavalry·Go"

Don't spit into the well, maybe you will come to drink the water in the well.

——Mikhail Sholokhov (Famous Soviet writer)

Although Goto Kiji and Leonardo have been transferred from the Shogunate and the Fifth Military Barracks, the expansion of the Shogunate and the Fifth Military Barracks are temporarily under the responsibility of the two of them; however, their identity is no longer the command of the two camps But a helping hand to assist Agis and Wink.

The next day Bai Feng officially ordered the two red flags of Alexandria and Antico to return to the camp; plus the two white flags that rushed back almost at the same time, all the cavalry of the Tianlong Eight Banners had all returned to the camp.

The 200,000 armored cavalry of eight flags, the 100,000 cavalry of gray herdsmen, and the camps of tens of thousands of miles have become the sea of ​​cavalry. There are cavalry galloping everywhere, and everywhere are flags waving in the wind.

After the return of the four flag masters, Baylor, such as Alexander and Solgo, Bai Feng convened a meeting of the flag masters of the eight dragons and flags to inform the flag masters who had rushed back to the army and warned Solgo and Su. Bahai must cooperate with Dorgon.

Dorgon, who is the leader of the Zhenghuang Banner, has the power to control the people of the Dragons and Eight Banners, but he does not have the power to command the other flags. Except for the Zhenghuang Banner of his headquarters, the other seven banners are commanded by the commander of their own banner, Baylor. Dolegon does not even have the power to interfere.

Azige, the owner of the yellow flag, is Dorgon’s brother. He will definitely cooperate with Dorgon; the two white flags of Solgo and Su Baihai will not work. Their relationship with Dorgon Not intimate, Bai Feng specifically ordered them to cooperate with Dorgon.

After arranging the two yellow flags and the two white flags properly, Bai Feng took the two red flags and the two blue flags and began to go north; the mighty 100,000 cavalrymen were drawing at the same time, and their movements can be described as shocking, even the ground is on the cavalry. Trembling under the galloping horse.

The tribe camp of the Emperor Taiji is about a hundred miles away from the camp of the Tianlong Eight Banners. Under the premise of maintaining the fighting power, the two red flags and the two blue flags have a march distance of 20 kilometers per day. It takes two and a half days to reach the destination .

After a day of stopping and walking, Bai Feng chose a place with lush vegetation and flat terrain as a camping place tonight; while the flag masters such as Alexandria were busy camping, they were on the waterfront of Bai Feng and saw a man who should have been for three days. People I saw before.

"The low-ranking secret guardian of Northern Xinjiang, I have seen the Duke!" This unsophisticated, secret-guarding northern Xinjiang leader with a few short braids, which does not seem to be much different from the prairie people, took the initiative to ask for sin when he met: Late, I hope the Duke will atone."

"It's okay, I'm looking for you to see if your secret guards don't understand the newly rising Mongolian tribe in northern Xinjiang."

"Duke, this Mongolian tribe is a newly emerged tribe, but you must not underestimate them!" When referring to the Mongolian tribe, the original expressionless secret guardian commander immediately showed a solemn and solemn look.

"Who dares to despise a powerful tribe that has continuously destroyed six grasslands? Tell me about your understanding of the Mongolian tribe."

"Duke, the organization of the Mongolian tribe, we haven't got detailed information from our secret guards yet, but the Mongolian tribes have destroyed the six grasslands of the six branches of the cavalry. We know a lot about them."

"Want to hear the details." Bai Feng nodded and motioned to continue.

"Mongolian cavalry is a well-trained, disciplined, flexible, wise, and daunting whirlwind force. They are strong and able to meet the needs of combat. They can turn back and shoot the enemies that follow them when they retreat quickly. , Able to endure hardships and endure harsh climatic conditions, not greedy for comfort and delicious food, even the female color has no effect on them!"

"What is more not to be ignored is that the strict disciplinary system formed by the Mongolian cavalry during the training process makes them all obey orders and be rigorous, which is unheard of in other tribal troops on the grassland."

"A typical Mongolian army has about 40% heavy cavalry and 60% light cavalry. The heavy cavalry is mainly used for assault, and it is necessary to fight in close combat; the armor equipped by the Mongolian heavy cavalry is Zhajia, and occasionally chain mail and leather armor."

"This kind of armor is a unique armor of the Mongolian tribe. It can withstand the stab of the sword and the puncture of bows and other throwing weapons; the most effective way to crack is to use the sword to cut the rubber band that fixes the armor. Chopping can cause the iron armor to crack."

"The light cavalry is very important in the Mongolian tactical system. It can shoot long distances, lure enemies, alert, roundabout, or even close combat. The main means of attack is intensive shooting; light cavalry generally only wear round helmets, and the body and horse armor are very good. Less, the performance of the composite recurve bow made of wood, horns and tendons is better than the best bow in the empire: the effective range is as long as 320 meters!"

"The melee weapons used by Mongolian heavy horses and light horses are all scimitars and spears, with the aid of hand axe and iron bones; scimitars are the weapons commonly used by the grassland ethnic groups in northern Xinjiang. The scimitar has a thick back and a narrow and long blade. A good curvature is more conducive to close combat."

"The scimitar will slide along the curved surface of the blade when it touches the enemy's body, which can cause larger wounds. It will not be cut into the enemy's body and cannot be pulled out. The armor is not easy to be shaken, so it can be cut continuously; The straight swords of the Imperial Cavalry are mostly used for charge and thrust. If the stabbing can cause a greater threat, but because the straight sword is not easy to cut, it is easy to be broken by the shock."

"Mongolian light cavalry also carry a spear or gun with a hook, which can be used to pull the enemy off the horse. Because the gun head has a hook, it will not penetrate the enemy's body too deeply and it is easy to pull out; the imperial cavalry's assault weapon is a spear, Long and heavy, it is very deadly to infantry and knights, but the spear is a one-time assault weapon. It will break after the charge, and the melee combat has no effect. It is not practical for the flexible Mongolian cavalry."

Bai Feng suddenly asked: "Do you mean that the cavalry of our empire does not have the strength to confront the Mongolian cavalry at all?"

"Duke, not only is it difficult for the cavalry of our empire to resist the attack of the Mongolian cavalry, but even the cavalry of other tribes that belong to the grassland ethnic group of the Mongolian tribe are not opponents of the Mongolian cavalry; the combat strength of the Mongolian cavalry has reached the peak of the cavalry. !"

"The Imperial Knights of the Empire, the Bright Knights of the Holy See and the Paladin, and the Gothic Knights of the Rhine Business League. If these top knights play, can they fight against the Mongolian cavalry?" Bai Feng, who believes in the arms, must have the principle of reciprocity , I never believed in any invincible arms.

"Duke, the same number of duels, these top knights are naturally more likely to win; the question is how many knights can be added to these top knights. The Mongolian tribe has more than 200,000 main cavalry, which has caused qualitative changes. Quantity advantage."

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