Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1381: "·Mongolian Cavalry·Next"

People live for their own hopes.

——Mikhail Sholokhov (Famous Soviet writer)

"Duke, most of the tribes on the grassland, their cavalry are not well-trained and well-equipped elite divisions, and the herdsmen who graze in the army during the war are the real grassland cavalry!"

Bai Feng, who knew what the other party said was correct, nodded and said, "You keep talking."

"The Mongolian army, sometimes relying on this kind of light cavalry attack to destroy the enemy, then it is not necessary to carry out an assault charge; if the attack cannot defeat the enemy, then they will order the light cavalry to retreat, and the heavy cavalry will initiate the charge; There are two ways of transmitting commands: signal flags and pennants are used during the day, and lights or fire are used at night."

"When fighting, the cavalry squadrons of the Mongolian army are very close to each other; however, if the troops in the center have already engaged the enemy, then the two wing troops will turn away from the flanks, around the sides of the enemy and Back."

"During this outsourcing movement, the two-wing troops often used smoke screens and dust to confuse the enemy, or use the hillside or valley cover. After the encirclement of the enemy, the various departments launched attacks from all directions, causing a chaos in the enemy line, and finally the enemy. Defeated."

"Mongolian tribes are extremely good at using similar strategies and strategies in the battle to destroy Xianbei and other tribes. This makes them often very preemptive in combat, which not only reduces their losses, but also increases the casualties of the enemy."

"For example, the most common smoke screen used by the Mongolian army in combat is that they sent a small unit of the size of a hundred horses to burn a fire on the grassland or the herdsmen's residence to confuse the enemy and cover up their true combat intentions or actions."

"Mongolian army commanders often send a 5,000-pioneer vanguard to harass the enemy, and then withdraw after the fight, luring the enemy to chase after the enemy; their retreat may last for a few days, until the enemy finds themselves in the trap of the Mongolian army. There is no way to escape."

Speaking of which, the Commander of the Hidden Guard stopped his hands that had been manipulating the magic sand table, and looked dignified: "Duke, no matter how flexible the combat tactics of the Mongolian army are, it is not terrifying; what they are really terrifying is that they have their own Of an intelligence system!"

"How long has it been for the Mongolian tribe to rise? How can it be possible to establish an efficient intelligence system?" Bai Feng, who knows how difficult it is to establish an efficient intelligence system, feels abnormal that the Mongolian tribe has its own independent intelligence system. Shock.

"Duke, how did the Mongolian tribes build their intelligence system, our secret guards did not figure it out, but the people of our secret guards did fight with them more than once; it was this time and again that made us discover the Mongolian tribes The existence of intelligence systems."

After a moment of silence, Bai Feng, still incredulous, said in a deep voice: "Tell me what your secret guard knows about them."

"Our Secret Guard believes that the thorough and extensive intelligence system of the Mongolian tribe has played a vital role in the repeated defeats of the Mongolian army; as far as we know, the tactics adopted by the Mongolian army in every battle are well-prepared Plan carefully."

"Their intelligence system is not only an important department involved in the formulation of combat plans, but also a key department in which combat plans can be formulated, because the basic premise for formulating combat plans is to carefully study and analyze complete and accurate intelligence."

"The information network of the Mongolian tribes is spread across the grasslands of northern Xinjiang. Its large organization and thorough work not only surpasses all the tribes on the grasslands, but it does not allow us more than our secret guards!"

"The spies of the Mongolian intelligence system are generally engaged in intelligence activities under the coat of merchants. After these spies send the information back, after the rear has made an analysis of the intelligence, the marching route of the entire battle will be determined. The route and combat objectives of the cavalry column will also be formulated, and the lower-level commanders will have some autonomy without violating the overall combat plan."

"When the war begins, the transmission of orders and the exchange of combat information are achieved by the heralds quickly and agilely between the combat command and the subordinate units. This ensures the unity of the intelligence and commands of the command institutions at all levels of the Mongolian army. At the same time, the general commander of the Mongolian army will finally be able to personally command the combat operations within the maximum range until he wins the final victory of the war."

After listening to the narrative of the Secret Guardian, Bai Feng said with a little helpless emotion: "Genghis Khan is indeed worthy of Genghis Khan. In this world, the freely prairie cavalry can be turned into a desperate lion of the hundred battles, I am afraid he is the only one Alone."

"Duke, how did you know that the leader of the Mongolian tribe Tiemuzhen was crowned Genghis Khan?!" The commander of the secret guard was shocked: "Tiemuzhen was crowned Genghis Khan three days ago, even I was two hours I knew it before, how did you know?"

Bai Feng, who was speechless, could only say haha: "Isn't that what you just said?"

"Did I ever say that?" The always-smart hidden guard commander suddenly felt a little ignorant.

"Of course! If you didn't tell me, how could I know that Temujin was crowned Genghis Khan?"

"This is also true."

After uncovering this paragraph in an unsophisticated way, Bai Feng, who has roughly understood the situation of the Mongolian tribe and the Mongolian cavalry, did not continue to ask the secret guardian commander about the Mongolian tribe, but thought hard about the strategy to deal with the Mongolian cavalry south. .

This Mongolian army built by Genghis Khan and his generals with bows, arrows and spears as the main weapons, and light and heavy cavalry as the main body, is a strong military system that has undergone rigorous military training, has good discipline, and an unparalleled military system. army.

They traveled round-the-clock in combat and understood and made full use of the principles of sudden attacks and flexible maneuvers, while adopting tactical means of outsmarting. The practice of war proved that this was indeed a formidable and invincible cyclone force.

To a certain extent, they can be regarded as armored forces in the cold weapon era, which can maneuver 100 kilometers a day and night, combining firepower and maneuverability; they use amazing bows and arrows and great lethal javelins at long distances , Approaching is the assault of light cavalry and heavy cavalry. Such combat capabilities are not available to ordinary troops, so their record is extremely brilliant.

Enemy against such a powerful army is not a wise choice, but it is a choice that Bai Feng had to make; because the Mongolian tribes are too aggressive, their world has only enemies and vassals, and there is no third Kind of relationship.

In Bai Feng's view, since he is destined not to be a vassal of the Mongolian tribe, it can only be the enemy of the Mongolian tribe!

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