Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1382: "·Fear of Enemies"

Although the grassland is wide, the road is always narrow.

——Mikhail Sholokhov (Famous Soviet writer)

Compared with the Mongolian army with complete intelligence, advanced tactics, diverse arms, and strong soldiers, the single-armed, tactically backward Tianlong Baqi is simply a second-rate army; if they count the recent rapid expansion, they may even count the second-rate army. Not on.

Bai Feng, who thought in this way, when he looked back at the cavalry of the two red flags and the two blue flags, his heart was no longer the satisfaction of the past, but his deep worries; with the current state of the two red flags and the two blue flags, if they meet As for the Mongolian cavalry, do they have any chance of victory?

After the leader of the Hidden Guards left, Bai Feng still stood alone by the water, and did not leave for a long time; until the night gradually came, after the four flag masters such as Alexander came to the water, Bai Feng, who was reluctant to return to the camp, took Bai Yi , Maxi and other attendants returned to the camp.

Bai Feng didn't eat dinner because he was very anxious. Even he didn't eat dinner. The four flag masters accompanying Alexander on the side naturally dare not go back to dinner; this is anyhow making Bai Feng feel anxious in his heart. Gratified.

After a heavy sigh, Bai Feng ordered directly to the Bai Yi waiters on both sides: "Bai Yi, you take everyone to guard outside the account. No one should be close to the 100m range of the camp without my order."

"Nuo!" Under the leadership of Bai Yi, the flaming swordsmen walked out of the camp directly.

"You, how powerful are the newly emerging Mongolian tribes in recent years, maybe you don't have a clear understanding; but you must have heard about the strength of the Mongolian tribes and the strength of the Mongolian cavalry." Bai Feng is playing. The seal of the Metropolitan Governor from the Bailing Ring asked them: "Can you tell me what the Mongolian tribes and Mongolian cavalry in your eyes are like?"

The four flag masters, such as Alexander, who looked at each other and did not know how to answer. After hesitating for a while, Antico, who was the most arrogant, stood up and replied: "Princess, I think the Mongolian tribe can destroy six grassland tribes in succession. , Then their strength must not be underestimated; but to say how strong their cavalry is, I don’t think, after all, it is also a prairie cavalry."

"Well, yes." Bai Feng, who did not show his disappointment, named: "Alexander, how about you?"

"Princess, I think the main cavalry of the Mongolian tribe must be more powerful than the cavalry of any other grassland tribe; otherwise, why do the Mongolian tribes wipe out the six tribes on the grasslands respected by the strong? Is it a trick? I don’t believe it."

Bai Feng, who was slightly shining in front of him, asked a new question: "So how strong do you think the Mongolian cavalry is?"

"Princess, the Zhenghongqi under my command now has 25,000 cavalry, of which only half are elite; if we are head-to-head with the main cavalry of the Mongolian tribe, I think our 25,000 cavalry in Zhenghong can only deal with it. Ten thousand Mongolian cavalry."

"How can our twenty-five thousand cavalry in the Eight Banners only deal with ten thousand Mongolian cavalry?" Du Du said with an incredible expression: "In my opinion, no matter how powerful his Mongolian cavalry is, the most ten thousand cavalry is only It can beat us fifteen thousand cavalry."

"If the main cavalry of the Mongolian tribe can only beat us 15,000 cavalry, will the six tribes of Xianbei and Roran be destroyed by the Mongolian tribe?" Nikan objected: "Know that Xianbei is A tribe stronger than our Jurchen."

"The Xianbei tribe is indeed stronger than our Jurchen tribe, but what about that?" Du Du repudiated: "Our Jurchen tribe is also divided into countless small parts of Jianzhou, Hercynian, and Savage. He Xianbei tribe Could it be impossible to get it right?"

Alexander pointedly said: "Even if the Xianbei tribe is not a monolith, their strength is stronger than ours."

"I don't think so." Antico's attitude is the same as Dudu's, and he doesn't think the Mongolian cavalry is powerful.

While the debate between the four flag masters was ongoing, Bai Yi, who was outside the account, came in to report: "Princess, there is a Zhenglan flag patrol cavalry outside the account to report that it is 15 miles northwest of this place, A thousand-man cavalry of the Mongolian tribe was found."

"Are you sure that it is a Mongolian cavalry of thousands of people?" Bai Feng asked.

"Princess, this team of Lanqi patrol cavalry and Mongolian cavalry found each other at the same time. They damaged more than forty cavalry before getting rid of the pursuit of Mongolian cavalry. They should have a certain error in the judgment of the size of Mongolian cavalry, but the error should not be Will exceed three hundred cavalry."

"Then count as 1500 cavalry." Bai Feng ordered Du Du instead: "Du Du, you know the size of this Mongolian cavalry, you immediately go to order 5,000 Zhenglan Qi cavalry to destroy this Support the Mongolian cavalry, I will lead the army to fight for you in the back."

"The master is assured that the minions will not be humiliated!" Du Du accepted the military order confidently.

"Alexander, Antico, Nikon, you each led the headquarters of five thousand fine rides, follow me to fight for Dudu!"


Although most of the cavalry of the Zhenglan Banner had already stopped in the camp, the cavalry responsible for the vigil in the middle of the night was still patrolling; the 3,000 cavalry patrolling, plus the 2,000 elite of the emergency collection, Dudu only spent 20 In five minutes, he led his 5,000 cavalry to the camp.

It took Dudu's Zhenglan Banner to gather 5,000 cavalry in 20 minutes, Nikon's Blue Flag inlaid 5,000 cavalry took only 17 minutes; the faster assembly of Zhenghong and Red Flag was only 15 minutes. Five thousand cavalry have been assembled.

Judging only from the speed of assembly, the strength of the four flags of Zhenghong, Red, Zhenglan, and Lanqi can be seen at a glance; I am interested in letting Du Du and others know how powerful the Mongolian cavalry is. Deliberately slowed down the attack speed of the army.

Almost ten minutes after the 5,000 cavalry of the Zhenglan Banner left the camp, Bai Feng led the 15,000 cavalry of the other three flags, advancing northwest along the marching route of the Zhenglan Banner, and the speed of travel was not too slow or slow.

According to Bai Feng at this moment, no matter how powerful the Mongolian cavalry is, it is not a true invincible division; no matter how bad the elite 20,000 cavalry is, it can definitely wipe out this thousand-men Mongolian cavalry. It's just how much it pays.

At the cost of sacrificing one or two thousand cavalry soldiers of Zhenglan Banner, in exchange for the experience of half the flag masters of Mongolian cavalry on the Mongolian cavalry, this is worthwhile for Bai Feng, and it is also extremely beneficial for the future preparation of the Tianlong Eight Banners.

Knowing oneself and knowing the other can be a battle, and every victory of the Mongolian army is based on its powerful intelligence system; without the assistance of their own intelligence system, the number of Mongolian troops that will never dominate can still be like this. Will you win every battle?

Bai Feng, who does not know much about the Mongolian tribes and the Mongolian cavalry, only heard some unproven information from the secret guard, so he could not give his commander generals much reliable information, but only let them go with their own eyes. Look.

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