Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1383: "·First confrontation"

Life always dominates humanity with its own unwritten laws.

——Mikhail Sholokhov (Famous Soviet writer)

The 5,000 cavalry of Zheng Lanqi headed by Du Du headed backwards in the direction of the retreat of the patrol cavalry. After 20 minutes of galloping, the trace of the Mongolian cavalry was found; after seeing the Mongolian cavalry, the confident Du Du Did not immediately attack the opponent.

Thousands of Mongolian cavalry soldiers who had been waiting for him were not such terrible enemies in his eyes. He even thought about the modest words he should say when he returned to life; the reason why he did not attack immediately was because he wanted to be his master Express yourself in front of you.

Without hurrying, he rushed to Baifeng near the battlefield. Through the bright moonlight, he saw the two armies confronting the battlefield; compared with the scattered blue cavalry, this Mongolian cavalry of thousands of people was already in Discipline and momentum have formed an overwhelming advantage.

Alexander looked solemnly and said: "The hero, this Mongolian cavalry, seems a bit wrong."

"It's not just something wrong? The killing breath of this Mongolian cavalry is stronger than our armored cavalry!" Antico said with a daze: "If the Mongolian cavalry is like this, I take back what I just said."

"Is this Mongolian cavalry so strong?" Nikon, who has too little actual combat experience, dazed: "They only have more than a thousand cavalry, but they listed five thin single-row horizontal lines. This is not to disperse their limited strength. ?"

Bai Feng, who was all focused on the Mongolian cavalry, didn’t answer Nikan’s question by himself, but just gestured to Alexander; then, Alexander explained to Nikan: “Nikambale, look carefully between the columns listed by the Mongolian cavalry. the distance."

"The distance between them is very wide, which seems to disperse their originally limited strength, in fact, they are strengthening their mobility; you look at the composition of their arms, the first two lines should be heavily armed Cavalry, the last three lines are light cavalry."

"How can there be so many cavalry among Mongolian cavalry, aren't their heavy cavalry afraid of cavalry?" Nikan puzzled.

Alexander did not answer Nikan's doubts this time, because the battle had officially started; the two armies separated by about three miles, Zheng Lanqi had just started to move, and the light cavalry scattered in front of the first column of the Mongolian cavalry, even more so Rushed out quickly.

The extremely fast Mongolian light cavalry, after narrowing their distance to Zhenglanqi to 300 meters, while using the bow and arrow in their hands to shoot the accelerating Zhenglanqi cavalry, continually separating the cavalry and running back.

"The Mongolian cavalry's riding and shooting skills are really superb!" Nikon, who had practiced riding and shooting from a young age, saw at a glance the reality of Mongolian cavalry.

Alexander Shensheng added: "What is more terrible than superb riding and shooting is the range of their bows and arrows."

When the flag owners talked about the performance of the Mongolian light cavalry, the tightly lined Mongolian cavalry finally acted; the five columns of Mongolian cavalry, and at the same time, drove the horse forward, but their advance speed was not fast, it seemed that they were intentionally suppressing them speed.

Seeing the distance between the two armies getting closer and closer, the three light cavalry troops behind the Mongolian cavalry suddenly began to accelerate and quickly moved forward through the gap between the two heavy cavalry in front of them.

After crossing their own two heavy cavalry, the three light cavalry of the Mongolian cavalry immediately used their compound bow with amazing range to pour arrows into the blue cavalry in the charge; after the distance was closer, their arrow rain again Turned into a more lethal javelin!

Although the cavalry of the Zhenglanqi are also prairie cavalry proficient in cavalry, the range of bows and arrows in their hands is limited; when the Mongolian light cavalry is pouring rain, a group of fallen cavalry companies of the Zhenglanqi return. Has no ability, can only desperately accelerate to rush forward.

When the Zhenglan Qi cavalry had just brought the distance between them and the Mongolian light cavalry within the range of their bows and arrows, and had not waited for them to shoot their first round of arrow rain, the Mongolian light cavalry flew out their javelins, and once again threw Pour a large piece of blue cavalry.

The faster Mongolian light cavalry has been controlling the rhythm of the battle. They sometimes slow down some speed, shorten the distance from the Zhenglanqi cavalry, and focus on killing the Zhenglanqi cavalry with javelins; sometimes they speed up and use their range. The advantage point is to kill the cavalry.

The horses’ endurance and explosiveness are not as good as the Mongolian light cavalry’s Zhenglanqi cavalry, and they have always been unable to catch up with each other. This makes Dudu, who was out of the limelight, very angry; fortunately, they are getting closer to the Mongolian heavy cavalry, and the Mongolian heavy cavalry can Not running fast.

Seeing that the three teams of light cavalry under his command failed to destroy the enemy by this attack, knowing that it is also useless Mongolian cavalry captains to send heavy cavalry for assault charges at this time, and directly ordered the torch and retreat of the light cavalry to accelerate the retreat with the torch. .

The Mongolian light and heavy cavalry still maintains a neat formation. The two heavy cavalry in the rear turn their heads to retreat first, and then the light cavalry retreat in turn; compared with their orderly order, the blue flag cavalry are in dense arrows There was a little shaking under the attack.

The Mongolian cavalry in front withdrew undefeated, and the Zhenglanqi cavalry following them was chasing hard with arrow rain, Bai Fei always felt something wrong, intuitively this battle may be a trap, but he did not Interfere with Dudu's pursuit.

In order to avoid the chasing of the Zhenglanqi cavalry who fell into the trap of the Mongolian army, Bai Feng ordered Alexandria and Antico to each lead the five thousand cavalry to provide cover for the Zhenglanqi still pursuing from the left and right wings, and he led the blue inlay. Qi Qiqian Jingqi was in the back.

After the retreat of the Mongolian cavalry lasted for about half an hour, the cavalry of the Zhenglan Banner killed in the chase has reached hundreds; even though the casualties were so heavy, Dudu still clenched his teeth and insisted that he did not give up the plan to pursue. .

The chase that you chase after me is still going on, and the farther north sky suddenly has a fiery red signal arrow piercing the sky; as soon as I saw this signal arrow, I was hanging the blue flag cavalry of Mongolia. The cavalry sprinted at full speed.

No matter how Dudu urged the Zhenglan Qi cavalry under his command to accelerate, they could not change the reality of this Mongolian cavalry. The Zhenglan Qi cavalry who had eaten a lot of robes and had a lot of robes, could only watch. Watched the Mongolian cavalry slowly disappear into the darkness.

The first confrontation between the Tianlong Eight Banners and the Mongolian Cavalry came to an end. So Dudu, who most denied the Mongolian cavalry’s combat effectiveness, had a force of 5,000 cavalry in his Zhenglan Banner, but the result was that he did not even have a Mongolian cavalry. Killing killed more than nine hundred cavalry.

Five thousand to one thousand, he played a battle-loss ratio that damaged more than nine hundred and failed to kill the enemy. Du Du, who wanted to be out of the limelight, was completely lost in the face; however, Bai Feng did not blame him. Because he has achieved his goal.

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