Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1384: "·Expand Contact"

The truth is brilliant, as long as there is a gap, it can illuminate the whole field.

-Herzen (Russian philosopher, writer)

The battle under the moon night allowed the leaders of the two red flags and the two blue flags to see for themselves the power of the Mongolian cavalry; compared to the Mongolian heavy cavalry who had not joined the battle from beginning to end, the riding was superb, the cooperation was tacit, and the decision was advanced. The Mongolian light cavalry even dreaded the flag owners.

Especially in the hands of the Mongolian light cavalry, Dudu, who is the main leader of the Zhenglanqi banner, who had damaged nearly a thousand cavalry, was painful, and his contempt for the Mongolian cavalry was swept away; this is the young eagle on the grassland, which must be experienced Only after repeated failures can we grow into an eagle!

The battlefield full of the dead cavalry corpses of Zhenglan Banner was eventually cleaned by Zhenglan Banner itself. In order to prevent the departing Mongolian cavalry from killing a carbine, Nikan’s blue flag has been cruising on the edge of the battlefield to clean up the battlefield. Blue flag provides protection.

Near midnight, the Zhenglan flag with nearly a thousand dead cavalry bodies returned to the camp with the blue flag; at this time, the two red flag cavalry who had returned to the camp early had fallen asleep, and the large camp had only each Qi's night watchmen are still patrolling back and forth.

The patrol range of the night watch cavalry was 500 meters around the campsite. After confrontation with the Mongolian cavalry, their patrol range extended beyond three miles around the campsite. The impact of the Mongolian cavalry on the flag masters can be seen in general. .

In the early morning of the next day, the East Sky had just revealed a hint of white fish, and the flags in the campsite blew the horn of the assembly; after having some breakfast with horse milk, the mighty army set foot on the northward journey. Road.

Continue to go north, the army deployment has been slightly adjusted compared to yesterday: the most powerful Zhenghong flag was deployed at the front of the army to open the way for the army, and the red flag was divided into 10,000 cavalry deployed on both wings of the army, responsible for the rear of the palace It is Nikan’s blue flag, Dudu’s Zhenglan flag and most of Antico’s red flag, which together constitute a stable Chinese army.

During the march for the next day and a half, the army found no trace of the Mongolian cavalry, but two small tribes that were slaughtered were found by the open red cavalry; the charred corpses and the burnt camps, which can be seen at a glance What happened to the slaughter.

Judging from the costumes on the corpses, these two tribes should also belong to the Jurchen tribe, but it is unclear which of the three Jurchen tribes belong; because almost everything that can prove their identity The burnt face is beyond recognition.

Among the four flag masters, although Alexander and Antico have the name of the flag master, they are not Jurchens, and naturally have no feelings about the slaughtered Jurchens; Dudu and Nikon are different, these two small tribes The miserable situation made them full of anger and hatred towards the'killer'.

Most of the tribes on the grassland have the tradition of only killing enemy soldiers, but not slaughtering the old women and children; therefore, no matter how impressed the hatred of the two warring tribes, they will not start with the old weak women and children. It is one of the survival rules of grassland tribes.

Of all the tribes currently known on the grasslands, dare to regard this survival rule as a tribe of nothing, only Mongolian tribes with strong strength and unscrupulous behavior; the problem is, knowing who the "killer" is is the same thing, is there strength to revenge that It's another matter.

At the same time as the Zhenghongqi cavalry, they found another cavalry. This cavalry, also wearing red cotton armor, their identity is self-evident; after the two cavalry discovered the existence of each other, they also There is no intention to go to war, just keep a considerable distance.

After learning that the Zhenghongqi cavalry who was investigating the slaughtered tribe encountered the Zhenghongqi cavalry of the Emperor Taiji, knowing that Baifeng, which is not too far from the Jianzhou Jurchen camp, ordered the army to stop advancing and camp on the spot, while ordering Dudu to send the other party. The cavalry leader please.

After all, Du Du is the eldest son of Nurhaci's eldest son Chu Ying, and one of the members of the Aixinjueluo family. Even though he has left Jianzhou Nuzhen now, he still has a certain position in the Jianzhou Nuzhen ethnic group. Not suitable.

Under the guard of more than a thousand Zhenglan Qi cavalry cavalrymen, Du Du came directly to the ruins of the two tribes of the red flag cavalry who were still guarding the confrontation; after showing his identity, Jianzhou Jurchen, the commander of the red flag cavalry, really did not refuse Du Degree of invitation.

Du Du, who returned to the army, did not bring the Jianzhou Zhenghongqi Zuo who came with him alone to Bai Feng, but first came back to report the basic situation of this Zuo Ling to Bai Feng and asked Bai Feng what he needed There is no need to meet each other immediately.

Because there was no need to meet each other in person, Bai Feng just relayed his invitation to Huang Taiji to Du Du, and then Du Du told the Jianzhou Zhenghongqi Zuoling to let him go back and send his invitation to Huang Taiji .

The Taizhou Division of the Emperor Taiji, which still adheres to the original eight-flag system, measures the strength of each ministry and each flag by the number of cattle records; Bai Feng now only knows that there are about 400 cattle records under Huang Taiji. As for these cattle records, How he divided it was not very clear.

But there are some things, even without detailed information to support, Bai Feng can roughly guess the result; with the suspicious personality of the Emperor Taiji, Jianzhou women really have 400 cattle records, he must at least control more than half, otherwise he even I couldn't sleep well.

Not his heart but the father and son of the dragon's merits, although they are still the masters of the two red flags, Baylor, but their two red flags are certainly not too strong; how can others allow them to sleep soundly on the side of the couch, how can the imperial Taiji put it Too much military power is handed over to the loyal and indiscernible father and son.

Bai Feng gave Du Du and Nikan an order in advance while waiting for Huang Taiji to be invited; if everyone had the opportunity to go to Jianzhou Nuzhen camp, their task was to find a way to find Abai, Mangultai and others And waited for the opportunity to persuade them to go wrong.

Although Tianlong Baqi is a vassal tribe that is actually controlled by Bai Feng, it is undeniable that the four flags in the Tianlong Eight Banners are all members of the Aixinjueluo family's heirs; in addition, the two white banners are still the Jianzhou Jurchen The old minister of the Nurhaci era.

Such eight flags are not so much as the eight flags under Bai Feng’s command, but rather the eight flags of the Aixinjueluo family; it’s just that Bai Feng’s arrogant strength and decisive decisiveness pressed against Dorgon and Dudu and others dared not resist. This is the origin of Tianlong Baqi.

Abai, Mangguertai and others are all members of the Aixinjueluo family and are heirs to Nurhachi, the founder of the Manchu Eight Banners. How special their status is in Jianzhou, it is not necessary to repeat. So Bai Feng offered them excellent prices.

Taking Nurhaci’s third son and Dorgon’s third brother Abai as an example, as long as he is willing to return to the Tianlong Eight Banners, Bai Feng promised to transfer ten cavalry cavalry from a certain flag of the Tianlong Eight Banners to his command and grant him Tianlong Viscount of the Eight Banners.

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