Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1385: "·Going North for a Banquet"

The wide river is calm and the educated people are humble.

-Herzen (Russian philosopher, writer)

The title system of the Tianlong Eight Banners was developed by Bai Feng based on the original title system of Jianzhou Nuzhen, combined with the Qing Dynasty title system in another world. It is divided into five levels; the lowest level of title is Taiji, followed by Beizi , Baylor, County King, King.

The reason why the highest rank is a king, not a prince, is mainly determined by the relationship between Baifeng and Tianlong Baqi; if Bai Feng is compared to the emperor of Tianlong Baqi, then only his relatives can be crowned princes, and Tianlong Baqi’s People are not relatives of Bai Feng.

The two ranks of county king and king are the top ranks set by Baifeng for the further development of Tianlong Eight Banners. At present, no one in Tianlong Eight Banners can be granted these two ranks; Dorgon, Azig, Alexandria, Antico, Eight flag masters, such as Dudu, Nikan, Sorgo, and Subahai. Their knighthood is Baylor, and the knighthood of their subordinate flags is the lowest level of Taiji.

The title of Viscount between Taiji and Baylor is temporarily unavailable in the Tianlong Eight Banners; this means that as long as Abai, Mangguertai and others are willing to return to Baifeng, they can immediately become second in the Tianlong Eight Banners. Due to the existence of eight flag masters.

The five ministers with a higher prestige than the Nurhaci sons in Jianzhou Jurchen, they are loyal to the Huang Taiji, and the Huang Taiji also trusts them to entrust them with a heavy responsibility; therefore, Bai Feng listed them as divorces from the beginning, rather than buying , Draw objects.

Bai Feng's task to Dudu was to buy Abai, Mangguertai and other people who were neglected by the Taiji, and the task to Nikan was to find opportunities to deliberately approach An Feiyanggu and Fei Yingdong. And create some coincidences that misunderstood Huang Taiji in order to achieve the purpose of separation.

The essence of the alienation is not whether it can achieve the goal immediately, but whether it can bury the seeds of distrust deep in the hearts of both parties; for Bai Feng, if you want to bury the distrust in the heart of the suspicious Huang Taiji Seeds are not difficult.

The Jianzhou Nuzhen camp was only twenty or thirty miles away from the temporary camp of the army of the Baifeng headquarters. It took the emperor Taiji’s messenger more than three hours to arrive at the camp of the Tianlong Eight Banners Army.

As soon as he walked into Baifeng's account, the messenger bowed and saluted: "Under the deputy capital of Xiazheng Huangqi, he has met General Bai!"

"Deputy Da Luo Ke Tong, I invited your Khan Emperor Khan Taiji to come to narrate the old, why did he not come, but worried that I would be against him?"

"The general laughed, my Khan is the hero of the world, how can he be the belly of a general gentleman with the heart of a villain?" Deputy Commander Daluoke said, "It's just that my Khan feels that your army is coming from afar. For the sake of difficulty, our ministry has prepared the best horse milk and roasted sheep for your army at the camp, just waiting for you and your generals to go to the banquet."

"Since your ministry is ready for the banquet in the camp, then I will go to the banquet; but, I can't just ignore the soldiers I eat and drink, but if we all the soldiers go to your camp Is it good, feast?"

"There are rumors on the grassland that the general loves soldiers like a child. At first sight, it was indeed well-deserved!" Da Luo Ke first praised insincerely, and then politely refused: "But our camp is limited in size, it can't accommodate your army. One hundred thousand soldiers."

"Your Ministry's camp is limited, I wonder how many soldiers can hold our army?" The smile on Bai Feng's face has slowly converged.

Da Luo Ke smiled and said: "The general can choose five thousand soldiers to accompany you to our camp to feast."

"I have four flags and one hundred thousand soldiers with my dragons and eight flags. I can't just take one flag and five thousand soldiers to your camp."

"General, you took 20,000 soldiers to our camp for a feast, it is too much."

After staring at Da Luo Ke for three seconds, Bai Feng, who seems to be smiling, said: "If your ministry thinks that our army has more than 20,000 soldiers going to the banquet, then your ministry can only wait for this prepared banquet. The Mongolian cavalry who is about to head south to your camp will go to the banquet."

"This... twenty thousand is twenty thousand! I hope to start as soon as possible. My Khan is waiting in the camp for you."

"Lieutenant General, please wait, I will make a few arrangements." Bai Feng ordered to the personal guards who were waiting in the tent: "Maxi, you will bring the deputy Dalok to rest; Darnell, you go Please invite the four flag masters of Alexander and Dudu."

"Victory of Daluoke, please." Maxi, who led the way, led Daluoke out of the military account.

"Princess (Master)!" Da Luoke left at the forefoot, and Alexander, who was waiting in the tent next door, walked in with his back.

"Alexander, Antico, you immediately go back and adjust five thousand fine rides to me."


"Du Du and Nikan, you each led the headquarters of 5,000 Jingqi to follow me to the Jianzhou Jurchen camp for the feast of the Emperor Taiji."

"Minions obey!"

The collection of four flags and twenty thousand fine rides could have been completed in at most twenty minutes, but for the purpose of hiding things, Alexander and others spent more than half an hour before bringing together their five thousand fine rides. complete.

Before leaving, Bai Feng warned Alexandria and Antico who were staying in the camp: "Alexander, you are in charge of Zhenghongqi and Zhenglanqi in charge of the guards in the camp; Antico, you are in charge of the red flag and blue flag in charge of the camp. Vigilance and patrol outside."

"Please rest assured, the humble office will be fortunate not to humiliate the camp for you!" Alexander and Antico said in unison.

Bai Feng took Dudu, Nikan, the two flag masters, and 20,000 Jingqi, followed by more than one hundred Jianzhou Zhenghuangqi cavalry led by Daluoke, galloping all the way to Jianzhou Jurchen camp.

Whether Huang Taiji prepared a banquet in his camp, Bai Feng didn't know. Anyway, when Bai Feng approached the Jianzhou Jurchen camp, what he saw was not a hot banquet, but a team of Jianzhou Eight Banners cavalry with neat flags.

"Daluoke deputy governor, is your family Khan planning to give me a disembarkation?" Bai Feng asked Daluoke with Shen Rushui.

"The general laughed, and Khan from my family sincerely invited you to the banquet. How could he do this villain's move?" Da Luo Ke explained with a smile: "It's just that the Mongolian cavalry is rampant recently, which has repeatedly harassed our camp and my family. Khan sent a large army just in case."

"That's why I blamed your family for Khan." Bai Feng, who scoffed at this statement, didn't tear his face directly.

When Bai Feng and other people walked to a position nearly 100 meters away from Jianzhou Eight Banners, a knight wearing a cotton vest in Jianzhou Zhenghuang Banner, Zema came to the queue of Jianzhou Eight Banners and shouted: "Nuzhen Ke Khan Emperor Tai Chi, welcome General Bai Feng from the Dragon Empire to the banquet!"

"Nuzhen Khan?" Bai Feng sneered at the corner of his mouth, turned his head and whispered to Maxi around him.

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