Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1386: "·Start Negotiation"

Life has taught me how to think, but thinking cannot teach me how to live.

-Herzen (Russian philosopher, writer)

Maxi dashed to the leader of the Zhengzhou Zhenghuang Banner and shouted with a higher voice: "Dragon Eastern Governor, Tianlong Eight Banners Khan, Duke Bailin Fengfeng, came to Jianzhou Eight Banners The Khan Emperor Tai Chi Banquet!"

Emperor Taiji called himself "Nuzhen Khan" and called Baifeng "Tianlong Empire General", which means that Baifeng was an outsider to the Jurchen tribe; Bai Feng's response was to call himself without denying his identity as the Tianlong Empire It is'Tianlong Baqi Khan', and put the title of Huang Taiji on his own'Jianzhou Baqi Khan'.

In the first round of the contest between the two, Huang Taiji's active attack did not take the slightest advantage, and Bai Feng's passive counterattack was not exceptional; both of them strictly adhered to the bottom line and controlled their temptation and counterattack to each other to be acceptable. In the range.

Seeing that his shouting did not produce the desired effect, this Jianzhou Zhenghuang Banner leader retired actively. The representative of Jianzhou Zhenghuang Banner came out after the horse was no longer a small person at the leader level, but Huang Taiji. He Heli, who is the most confidant of Jianzhou Zhenghuangqi.

No matter how much Maxi is trusted by Bai Feng, his identity is only a guard, and he is not qualified to talk to He Heli, the heavy minister of the Eight Banners of Jianzhou; therefore, Bai Feng sent Du Du, who is old knowledge with He Heli, to let him directly He Heli had a conversation.

Previously, the contest between Maxi and Jianzhou Zhenghuangqi was conducted with a shout. Now Du Du and He Heli's contest is no longer a shout, but a conversation about laughter and laughter; this is the intention of Huang Taiji. For this, on the other hand, Bai Feng's intentional cooperation.

The conversation between Du Du and He Heli lasted only three or five minutes, and He Heli, who turned the horse back, let the Jianzhou Eight Banner cavalrymen who were stuck in the south of the Jianzhou Jurchen camp open a parallel passage for the five riders. The posture of the visitor is very full.

After Du Du reported his meaningless dialogue with He Heli to Bai Feng, Bai Feng directly asked Du Du to lead the 5,000 Zhenglan Qi cavalry into their camp along the passage ceded by Jianzhou Eight Banners; followed by , Is the two red flag 10,000 cavalry led by Bai Feng.

The five thousand blue-flag cavalry of the Nikan Division did not follow the camp of Jianzhou Jurchen, but they were stationed outside the camp; Nican, who had a heavy responsibility, left his confidantes under his command to command him. The cavalry, he himself entered the camp.

With the acquiescence of Bai Feng, the 15,000-thousand-thousand cavalry soldiers who entered the Jianzhou Jurchen camp, with the enthusiastic help of the eight-horse cavalrymen in Jianzhou, let go of the shackles and scattered around the camp to find their relatives and friends.

"Your Excellency Bai Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time." Huang Taiji, who was standing at the gate of the sweat tent, greeted Bai Feng with a smile on his face.

Looking at Huang Taiji, who was wearing a yellow jersey for a lot of blessings, Bai Feng also smiled and greeted: "This is only a year or two of effort, and the formerly strong and sturdy Jianzhou Baturu has become a wealthy rich-hearted family. Weng, it seems that your life is very comfortable!"

Faced with the fun of Bai Feng, Huang Taiji was not angry, but just laughed: "General Bai Feng, I am no better than you, you are a young and promising hero, I am old now; if Jianzhou women are really in an increasingly difficult situation, Maybe I have to retire from the mountain forest to graze."

"Old Ji Fufu is still alive and ambitious, not to mention that you are in the golden stage of life's youngest and most powerful. How can you be old? As for the situation of your Ministry, on the prairie, the situation is more difficult than Jianzhou Nuzhen. ."

"General Bai Feng lives deep in the territory of Tianlong and also knows about the grassland?"

"The Mongolian tribe's name on the grassland has reached the point where children can cry, how can I not know?" Bai Feng's eyes stared at Huang Taiji and asked: "Now Mongolian iron ride is going south, I don't know if your department can have it What should be done?"

"Alas." Huang Taiji sighed aloud: "My Jianzhou women have limited real power, and they can gather no more than 250,000 warriors; you also know the strength of the Mongolian tribe. In the face of absolute strength, the so-called strategy It’s just Fuyun.”

"Your Emperor Taiji, you have heard such a sentence: the enemy of the enemy is a friend."

"General Bai Feng, please talk into the account again." Huang Taiji didn't say much, just invited Bai Feng into the account.

Bai Feng and Huang Taiji walked side by side into the big tent, followed by Huang Taiji with the two yellow flags and the two blue flags and two white flags, and followed by Bai Feng with the big tent. Du Du and Nikon, as well as eight personal guards including Bai Yi.

This big tent is Huang Taiji's sweat tent, and there will naturally be no shortage of Huang Taiji's personal guards; as expected, as soon as Bai Feng walked into the big tent, he saw one of the three great warriors in Jianzhou where Nurhachi had left a fortune. Aoai.

Haug is both the eldest son of Huang Taiji and the undisputed first heir to the ranks of Khan Taiji; his personal bodyguard captain worshipped and appeared in Khan Taiji’s sweat nets, not surprisingly, but only to show how Huang Taiji played against Bai Feng. The alertness is not reduced.

"General Bai Feng, just now it was inconvenient to talk about something outside the account. Now we can talk openly and honestly."

"Emperor Taiji, our Tianlong Eight Banners want to form an ally with your ministry to fight against the Mongolian tribes going south. I do not know what your intention is?"

"Although it is a good thing to form an alliance, but everything is scored a major and secondary, and allies are no exception." The amount of eyes received from Huang Taiji's eyes also stood out: "The general believes that the alliance between your ministry and our ministry should be based on Who is the first and who is the second?"

"Of course it's my ministry, and your ministry is the second!" The Jianzhou Eight Banners, one of the five ministers, also opened their mouths, and the Tianlong Eight Banners, Nikon came forward and said: "The nobles only have 25 strings. Shi, our department currently has 300,000 men who control strings. The strong should be the master."

"Our department really only has 250,000 men who control the strings, but this is only the strength of the Jianzhou Jurchen Headquarters; half a month ago, nine large tribes of the Haixi Jurchen went south and attached to our department. Our department provides 90,000 men of string control!" Fei Yingdong showed no weakness.

Nikan calmly said: "The other departments of the Hercynian Jurchen and the Savage Jurchen are negotiating with us to form an alliance; if there is no accident, there will be a result of up to ten days. Up to more than half a million!"

"Who can be right about things after ten days?" The young and vigorous Haug said disdainfully: "Do you think you are in contact with the Savage and Hercynian? We also send people Go get in touch with them, it is not known who deer died!"

Du Du, whose temper was a little impulsive and did not deal with Haug, retorted fiercely: "Even without the reinforcements of the Savage and Hercynian, I have the Tianlong Baqi and the Tianlong Empire as the backing. Is the strength comparable to the Jianzhou Baqi in your area? ?"

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