Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1387: "·Become an ally"

The most important thing in life is politeness, which is more important than the highest wisdom and all knowledge.

-Herzen (Russian philosopher, writer)

"Tianlong Empire?" Haoge just sneered but didn't say anything. There were also other sneers of Jianzhou Eight Banners.

Du Du, who was speechless for a while, saw how stupid he had said, and immediately realized what stupid words he had just said; he did not want the negotiations to turn into Bai Feng, a hatred outbreak conference, and could only make recommendations to Huang Taiji:

"Huang Taiji, the two flag masters of Dudu and Nikan followed me northward, and before lunch, it was already hungry for lunch. It’s better to let your flag masters accompany them to the banquet first. , OK?"

"Let the noble guests go hungry, but our taboo people, if it spreads, wouldn't it make us Jianzhou Jurchen become the laughing stock of other ministries?" Huang Taiji boldly laughed: "Hog, you bring Du Du, The two flag masters of Nikon went to the banquet first."

"Yes, Father Khan (sweat)!" Haug and the five ministers walked out of the tent with Dudu and Nikon.

The eight guards such as Bai Yi and Maxi remained in the big tent, and the top masters of Ao Bai and the Jianzhou Eight Banners beside them stood still on both sides; without Haug, Du Du and others, Bai Feng, Bai Feng It was finally possible to talk openly with Huang Taiji.

"General Bai Feng, I know your intention, I can promise to form an alliance with your ministry, because the Mongolian tribes going south do threaten the survival of our ministry; but the premise is that the alliance between your two ministry must be an equal alliance, absolutely Can’t tell what’s important!”

"If there is no distinction between primary and secondary, how can we coordinate the joint actions of the two departments? If we cannot coordinate the actions, how can the two still disperse your Mongolian Tieqi going south?" Bai Feng Shen Sheng asked.

"After the formation of the coalition, our ministry can send 50,000 troops to participate in the formation of the coalition army. The highest commander of the coalition army is elected by the coalition members."

"Why do you believe that the members of the alliance are more than you and me?"

"Just with this map!" Huang Taiji took out a map and pointed to the colored parts on it: "Allies you can choose, apart from our Jurchen ministry, there are only the mausoleum of Khitan, and the two companies of Rilian. Tiele's surnames Hui, Tongluo and Absi."

"But the Khitan tribe has recently fought the Khan battle between the Yao department and the Die thorn department. Yuling and Rilian have no time to take care of them; even so, there are three surnames Tiele and Hercyn and the Savage. You draw, so there must be a lot of members in this alliance."

Bai Feng shook his head and refused: "Dolgon is the Khan's heir to Nurhachi. Your Emperor Taiji is now the Jianzhou Jurchen Khan. Both of you can represent the Jianzhou Jurchen, and both the Tianlong Eight Banners and the Jianzhou Eight Banners have the override. The strength of Yu Haixi and the Savage; if there is any so-called voting election, wouldn't it give us the geographical advantages of our Tianlong Eight Banners and give you Jianzhou Eight Banners?"

"General Bai Feng, Mongolia's Tieqi is going south, and you must understand the ideal of Dao, who is cold and cold." Huang Taiji said quietly.

"After the death of the lips, the teeth will definitely be cold, but the cold does not mean death; if it is forced to that part, I will have a way to retreat, and where can you retreat?

"The Eight Banners of Jianzhou will not die for a day, and I am the supreme Khan of the Jianzhou Jurchen!" Huang Taiji's attitude was very tough.

"Is the dead Jianzhou Jurchen Khan and the living Jianzhou Eight Banners Khan so difficult to choose?" Bai Feng's meaning is also obvious.

Huang Taiji, who no longer spoke, was silent for a long time before saying: "Allied commanders can be sent by your dragons and eight flags, but the number of troops sent by my Jianzhou women must be reduced to 40,000; in addition, you must draw out a prairie Make us a new camp."

"The new camp can be allocated to you. In exchange, you must send 80,000 troops!" Bai Feng didn't all agree.

"80,000 is too much! Our Jianzhou Jurchen has only 120,000 cavalry, and at most can only send 60,000 troops. This is our limit!"

"Emperor Taiji, just now your ministry still has 250,000 warriors and 90,000 vassals. How can there be only 120,000 cavalry?"

"Twenty-five thousand warriors, it is not the number of cavalry in the Eight Banners of Jianzhou, but the total number of young and strong women in Jianzhou. As for the tributaries, my assimilation of Jianzhou Jurchen to them has just begun. At this time, it is not appropriate to force the recruitment of their cavalry.

"The point of life and death is here, what else should we do?" Bai Feng asked straightforwardly: "You send 60,000 troops in the Eight Banners of Jianzhou, and 20,000 troops in your tribe. This is my bottom line."

"Okay, wait for you to prepare a new camp for you with the Dragons and Eight Banners. After we migrate, the 80,000 cavalry will give you!"

"Tomorrow noon I will continue to go north to find the camp of the third surname of Tiele. Before that, you must provide me with 20,000 cavalry; when I come back, you will provide me with another 20,000 cavalry, and the remaining 40,000 The cavalry can stay until you move to a new camp and give it to me."

Seeing Bai Feng's attitude was very resolute, Huang Taiji just hesitated for a moment and agreed.

After all the prerequisites have been negotiated, some small details will be easier to talk about. Bai Feng and Huang Taiji have discussed in detail in the big account for about an hour, and the alliance between Tianlong Eight Banners and Jianzhou Eight Banners was officially announced. .

That night, Bai Feng only sent Maxi to return to the camp with a team of cavalry to report his safety. He himself took Dudu, Nikan and others to stay at the Jianzhou Nuzhen camp; indeed, he prepared the banquet for the Taiji, this All the members of the Aixinjueluo family were brought out.

Among them, there are not only the kings of the same generation as Nurhachi, but also the Baylors of the same generation of Abai, Mangultai and Huang Taiji; these old or young members of the Aixinjueluo family, their common feature is that they have no Real power.

The Jianzhou Jurchen in the Manchurian Eight Banners era, Nurhaci, the heaviest family ruler, will be used by all members of the Aixinjuelo family regardless of their parents; at that time, as long as they are members of the Aixinjueluo family, they will at least have There are three or five Niu Lu's military power.

With the passing of time, the current Taiji is not Nurhachi, but it is also the Taiji of the father’s inheritance. It is extremely harsh to treat his peers; even his brothers are deprived of their military power one by one, not to mention those Uncle brother and nephew of the same family.

Bai Feng, who was sitting on the throne with Huang Taiji, looked at the members of the Aixinjueluo family with uncomfortable colors on the face below, and smiled and nodded Du Du, who sat down at the opposite end; , Then stood up with a glass of wine.

Du Du walked straight to Huang Taiji's fifth uncle, Aixinjue Luobayala, holding a glass of wine and toasting to him: "Five uncle, my father was unfortunately killed by an adulterer. My two brothers, this is my brother's status today; your brothers and sisters, my two brothers will never dare to forget, my nephew is here to thank you!"

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