Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1408: "· Slaughter One"

Self-esteem is a great lever in a person's soul.

-Belinsky (Russian democrat, philosopher, literary critic)

Tiemuzhen, who was silent for a long while, said suddenly: "You Tiele clan sent 400,000 troops, but you failed to leave Bai Feng and his army. Is this your Tiele cavalry is too incompetent, or is Bai Feng's army really What's the difference?"

Gu Guhuan, who had just suffered a major blow, could not speak at this time. He could only fight with his spirit and explained on behalf of the Tiele family: "Khan, our Tiele cavalry paid 250,000 cavalry. At the cost of annihilating at least 200,000 enemy troops."

"Are you sure you annihilated 200,000 enemy troops?" Tiemu really couldn't see the anger in his face, but he was powerful.

"This...Khan, our cavalry was defeated and retreated from the battlefield, so we can only roughly estimate the casualties of the enemy."

Tiemu really took a deep glance at Gu Guhuai, and then said in a light tone: "What happened today will pass, and the war will continue tomorrow morning; I will give you one night, tomorrow I will Want you to send half a million troops."

"Having 500,000 troops?!" The leader of the Absi tribe attracted everyone's attention with a breath.

"Why, you think you can't do it?" Tiemu asked him with a smile.

"Khan, we have less than one million tribes of the nine surnames of the Tiele family. Today, 250,000 cavalry were killed in battle, and we can't get 500,000 cavalry." For the life and death of our tribe, The leader of the Absi tribe can only speak with courage.

"Then tell me, how much can your Tiele family send troops tomorrow?"

After thinking a little, the leader of the Absi tribe gave a solid answer: "300,000."

After nodding his head, Tiemuzhen turned his head and asked Hasar: "What is the total population of the nine surnames of Tiele? How many are the young and strong? Can the population of the Absi tribe account for one of the nine surnames of Tiele? to make?"

"King Qi Yanhan, the current population of the Tiele Nine surname is about 6 million, and the young population is about 1.1 million; because the Abbus tribe is at the end of the Tiele Nine surname, there are only less than 500,000 people. , There are about 80,000 young and strong cavalry."

"Having a population of 500,000, and 80,000 young and strong, that's okay." After learning about the strength of the Absi tribe, Tiemu really ordered Muhuali without thinking: "Muhuali, after tonight, the name of Tiele Nine is The eighth surname of Tiele."

"Yes!" Mu Huali, who was so acquainted with her heart, suddenly pulled out her waist scimitar and slashed it toward the leader of the Absi tribe.

The leader of the Absi tribe is not even a holy-level strongman. How can he block the fatal blow of Muhuali, a holy-level strongman; when he was caught off guard, he was suddenly cut out by Muhuali before he could respond. The machete cut off his head.

The flying blood was so dazzling in the camps covered with white cashmere carpets, that even the leaders such as Gu Guhuain narrowed their eyes involuntarily, even the courage to see the body of the leader of the Absi tribe .

After killing the leader of the Absi tribe, Tiemu Zhen turned to Serg Huayin and asked, "Pu Guhuan, you used to be the co-election Khan of Tiele Nine. You told me that there is no Abs tribe Can the Tiele tribe gather together half a million cavalry tomorrow morning?"

"Khan, as long as you give an order, half a million Tiler cavalry can be assembled at any time!"

Do not want to follow the footsteps of the leader of the Absi tribe, Gu Guhuan showed very humility in front of Tiemuzhen; the reply to Pugu Huaien was very satisfied with Temujin, and Wen Yan encouraged him a few words, and then let Tiller The leaders of the ministries returned to the camp to prepare for the cavalry.

After these real outsiders left the camp, Tiemuzhen waited for a while before he waited for Bolhu, Zhebei and others.

"Khan!" The Mongolian generals will be on both sides, and they will salute the Timumu who has been crowned as Genghis Khan.

"Not fast, how is your intelligence department verifying the information provided to us by Huang Taiji?"

"King Qi Yun Khan, after our repeated verification, the intelligence provided by Huang Taiji is indeed not false. At least before we send troops to attack the army of Baifeng, the accuracy of this information is guaranteed."

"Then why the army of Bai Feng's army popped up from the beginning of our attack?" Hasar puzzled.

"According to the results of our investigations, it is speculated that there should be at least one extremely rare magister-level space magician next to Bai Feng; because only the space magister's teleportation array can help Bai Feng continuously transport the army to the battlefield."

"It's a good thing to be able to send the army space magisters anytime, anywhere." Temujin with an interesting expression on his face ordered directly to Su Butai: "Tomorrow's mission of your intelligence department is to catch Bai Feng alive. Find out this space mage."

"Yes!" Subutai knew he was unlikely to complete this task, but he accepted the order without hesitation.

"Borshu, Zhebei, you two will lead 50,000 Jingqi and 200,000 cavalry tomorrow, and I will also send you the 500,000 cannon fodder of the Tiele tribe; I will not ask you to wipe out Baifeng's army one day, But you have to find a way to test out his hole cards."

"Yes!" Borge, one of the four generals, and Zhebei, one of the four pioneers, responded in unison.

"Mu Huali, you have transferred 5,000 fine rides to Torre from timid Xue Jun. Tomorrow I will send Torre to the battlefield."


After the order of Tiemuzhen, except for the cowardly Xue Jun who commanded Mu Huali, everyone else had more or less some other ideas in their hearts; especially Torre’s three brothers Shuchi and Chahetai , Wo Kuaitai, their hearts are full of flavor.

Shuchi, Chahetai, Wokutai, and Torre are all sons of Tiemuzhen, all of whom are eligible to become the heirs of the Khan in Mongolia; this means that they will inevitably compete for the sweat Inherit the power, and produce contradictions and hostility.

The cowardly Xue Jun is the most elite guard of Tiemuzhen. When the cowardly Xue Jun is associated with Torre, the three brothers Shuchi, Chahetai and Wokuotai can’t think much; they can think of it. How could the four generals, four pioneers, four brothers, etc., never think of it?

Tiemu really knows more than anyone else can think of his son and his subordinates; but he still did it, and the deep meaning contained in it, I am afraid that no one other than himself can think of it .

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. Mongolian kings and generals who have too many things to think about. Everyone sleeps in their camps. The people of Tiele are passed by the Absi tribe camp. The continuous screams came, and the frightened night did not dare to sleep.

The 500,000 people of the Absi tribe are to be slaughtered overnight. Even for the murderous Mongolian cavalry, it is a task that is not easy to complete; but Genghis Khan’s order has been issued, Mu Huali no matter what Is to complete the task.

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