Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1409: "·Jianzhou Attack"

The reality is this bank, the ideal is the other bank. There is a turbulent river in between, and the action is a bridge over the river.

——Krelov (Russian writer, world-famous fable, writer)

Early the next morning, the rising sun had not yet radiated enough light and heat, and Lucurus, who was stationed in the abandoned camp of the Tong Luo tribe, took his general guard with the Roman Legion of the First Cavalry Brigade Under the guard of the cavalry, they came to the upper reaches of the river outside the camp.

The third Roman Eagle Flag Corps in Lucurus has two top generals of the system level of the generals. Their command capabilities are about the same as that of the battlefield. One person is responsible for the twelve infantry wing, and the other is responsible for the cavalry wing. Squadrons, equipment wing and other directly affiliated troops.

Coupled with the Third Auxiliary Corps affiliated with the Third Roman Eagle Flag Corps, under the command of its commander Harold, Luculus, as the commander of the army, still has great freedom in action; unless necessary, It’s okay for him not to stay in his army.

How fierce the situation was yesterday. The ghost of the battlefield under Adrien had already informed Lucurus. Knowing that someone had set up secretly, Lucurus always felt that the situation of his army was not very safe, so one Early in the morning he took people out to investigate the nearby terrain.

The Tongluo camp built along the water will normally have no water problems, and the grains and grasses are even more worry-free; the space ring that can be purchased in the Roman city market anytime, anywhere has now become the standard configuration of the various legions of the Roman city Every officer of the rank of captain or independent captain will have a space ring with a lot of food and fresh water on their hands in case of unexpected needs.

At the scale of the Third Roman Eagle Flag Legion and its auxiliary legions, they only have enough food and fresh water stored in the space ring to support them for three months in the dilemma of water and grain; such an advantage is any other on the mainland. No army can match.

Knowing that his army had no shortage of food and water, the reason why he also led people to check the situation near the river was mainly because he himself did not know from which direction potential enemies would appear, and there was no target. He can only run to the upper reaches of the river.

Walking around, Lucurus suddenly found that there were dozens of floating bodies floating on the smooth river! The bodies of these floating corpses were filled with thick and short arrows, which at first sight were shot and killed in the river with a crossbow.

The cavalry on the grassland are generally all kinds of short bows. Basically, no tribe’s cavalry will use a crossbow with a range that is not as good as the short bow. Having said that, Luculus has not ruled out that the murderer is a certain grassland. The possibility of tribal cavalry.

He sent two teams of Roman legions of cavalry to the river to salvage all the drifting corpses, and then stepped forward to check on these swollen bodies; even the arrows inserted on the corpses were pulled out by him. Take a closer look at the two.

After more than half an hour wasted on the corpse, Luculus, who didn’t have much harvest, just knew that these corpses should be cavalry of the Tylers before they were born, and there was no other gains; he was very reluctant. Take away a large amount of arrows.

In the direction of the floating corpse, Lucurus drove forward for about twenty miles; still not discovering anything unusual, he took his general guard and cavalry brigade on their way home.

Lukurus, who did not return fast, suddenly found that there was a soaring smoke on the south side of the camp when he was still ten miles away from the camp. Obviously, this is a large cavalry from south North came running wildly.

Luculus immediately rushed to his camp and finally returned to the camp from the back door of the camp before the cavalry arrived at the camp; as soon as he entered the camp, a lieutenant general hurried up and reported to him :

"Commander, this cavalry is the two yellow, two red, two white and six flags belonging to Jianzhou Jurchen. They claim to have received intelligence from our governor’s attack in the north and are about to go to the north to reinforce our governor and ask us to open The camp let them replenish some food and water."

"The governor’s attack was yesterday. Even if their Jianzhou women really broke down all the way back, it wouldn’t be possible to return to their Jianzhou women’s camp so soon; How unclear is the prophet?"

"Commander, I also think there is a problem with this Jianzhou cavalry." The lieutenant general said his findings: "Although they said they had only 50,000 cavalry, but from the scale of the smoke they marched, they The number of cavalry should not be less than 80,000."

"That's a problem." Lucurius looked cold and turned his head to order directly to the cavalry captain behind him: "You immediately headquartered the cavalry to go outside the camp and tell each other that we need an hour Time to prepare grain and fresh water for them."

"Nuo!" The captain of the cavalry brigade immediately led the five cavalry of the Roman legions under his command to the main entrance of the camp.

"Bono, you mobilized six infantry wing to the front wall of the camp to prepare for the possible attack of the cavalry outside the battalion; the remaining six infantry wing, you transferred them all near the main entrance of the camp, I want Prepare a gift for Jianzhou Cavalry!"


The corps deputy Bono had just left, and the deputy corps deputy commander Becker, who was in charge of the corps’ command, came again; as soon as Luculus saw him, he ordered him: "Becker, you hurry up and put your scorpion under the equipment wing Crossbow troops and ballista troops were deployed to the camp wall, stone crossbow troops and the battle masts were deployed to the main entrance of the camp, and the cavalry wing was transferred to the rear entrance of the camp."


Lukurus went straight to the camp of the auxiliary legion. He found Harold who was dispatching troops and ordered him: "Harold, all the longbowmen and crossbowmen of the auxiliary legion immediately went to the camp wall. , Heavy infantry and super long pikemen followed me to the main entrance of the camp."

"Commander, should my army's sword shield soldiers and battle axe soldiers also be assembled at the main entrance of the camp?"

"Sword shield soldiers, battle axe soldiers, light cavalry soldiers, all temporarily stay in your own camp area, waiting for my next arrangement."


After hurrying to the camp's main entrance, Lucurus divided five of the six infantry wing groups that had been assembled on both sides of the camp's main entrance; the elite first infantry wing was killed by him Deployed at a distance of 800 meters from the camp gate facing the camp gate array.

The width of the battalion door was only 20 meters. The Roman heavy infantry and the elite Roman infantry on each side of the battalion were nearly 50 meters apart. The extra 30 meters was quickly overtaken by the auxiliary legion. The pikemen and heavy infantry fill up.

At this time, the time was five minutes before the half-hour promised by Lukurus to the Jianzhou Cavalry outside the camp; Lukurus, who had already made all the deployments, left the soldiers who were standing in line at the gate of the camp. About six or seven meters on the camp wall.

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