Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1410: "There are plans in the plan"

If we see ugliness but do not need to point it out with angry fingers, then we are not far from ugliness.

——Krelov (Russian writer, world-famous fable, writer)

Looking at the Jianzhou cavalry outside the camp, Lucurus was not afraid at all, even if the total number of the cavalry of the other party would not be less than 80,000; the unknown enemy hidden in the dark was the most Terrible, enemies who reveal their identity are not terrible.

Not to mention that there are only 80,000 Jianzhou cavalry outside the camp, even if there are 800,000 Jianzhou cavalry outside the camp, Lucurus, who has the geographical advantage of the camp, is confident that he can block the other party’s attack here; so, with full confidence, No fear of the enemy outside the camp.

Five minutes after gazing quietly at the Jianzhou cavalry outside the camp, Lucurus waved violently: "Open the camp door!"

"There is a command from the headquarters, open the barracks door!" The herald soldiers behind Lucurus quickly whispered to convey the order.

Twenty-four Roman heavy infantry guards at the gate of the camp leaned their shields against the bottom of the camp wall. Then the twenty-four men worked hard together to slowly open the thick camp gate; until the two camp gates were fully opened, The twenty-four Roman heavy infantry returned to the team with shields.

In the face of the camp door opened by Bangrandong, Huang Taiji, who had the idea of ​​cheating the camp door, suddenly felt that behind the camp door was probably not the prepared food and drinking water, but the defending army in the camp.

Huang Taiji has always been extremely trusting in his own intuition, but if he gave up the opportunity to swindle the camp because of his intuition, this is too much a joke; after careful consideration, Huang Taiji turned his head and pointed with a whip Yue Tuo on the side of the front camp door ordered:

"Yue Tuo, I will give you the red flag for the task of capturing the camp gate; you must remember that your cavalry with red flag will not attack immediately after passing the camp gate, and try to take it from the other party by deception as much as possible. Camp Gate."

"Khan King is assured, my warriors with red flags will not live up to your expectations!" Yue Tuo accepted this task confidently.

From the beginning to the end, Yue Tuo, who did not put the defenders in the camp in his eyes, had a red flag under his command and clearly had 25 cattle recorded 7,500 cavalry, but he only sent 10 cattle recorded 3,000 cavalry; The three-thousand cavalry is really nothing to the defenders in the camp.

After discovering that Jianzhou Jurchen only sent 3,000 cavalry, Lucurus modified his established strategy. All the soldiers who were ready to attack were ordered to take away their weapons and immediately put on a line of welcome. Gesture.

With the order from Lucurus, the ultra-long pikemen who listed the phalanx of pikes straightened their bodies. The pistols in their hands were also pointed at the lances; the heavy infantry and Roman heavy infantry also used their weapons. Inserting it back into the waist, the shield received its side.

The deputy capital of Jianzhou's setting red flag led his three thousand set red flag cavalry slowly through the barracks gate. When he saw the defending soldiers on both sides, he instinctively put his right hand on his own. The long knife hanging on the left waist is put on the handle.

Waiting for him to see clearly the standing posture of these defending soldiers, he never put down his guard, he put his right hand back for the sake of deceiving the other party; because his identity is only the deputy capital of the red flag, so he came forward to greet him Legion Becker.

Becker, who did not ride a warhorse, asked the three thousand red flag cavalry to dismount and walk, and claimed that his soldiers could help the cavalry to take care of the warhorse. The cavalry who had been working hard just entered the camp to enjoy Food is enough.

Fang Tongqi, who didn’t want to dismount, but didn’t know how to refuse it, hesitated for a long time, but decided to dismount and stabilize the defender first; however, after dismounting and walking back to dismount, their horses would not be handed over to the defender. Look after.

With the appearance of embarrassing and annoying their masters, the deputy embellished with red flags euphemistically and resolutely rejected Becker's "good intentions"; then, six hundred emplaced red flag cavalry with 3,000 war horses in the first infantry wing Under the guidance of the second brigade, walk to the left of the camp.

The 2,400 red flag cavalry who handed over the war horses, under the guidance of the third brigade of the 1st Infantry Wing, walked to the right of the camp where the camps were slightly denser; there was the grain storage of the auxiliary legion, which was everywhere All kinds of food will not make people doubt.

Seeing that the first cavalry dispatched by him successfully entered the camp, and mistakenly thought that the guards in the camp really had no doubts, Yue Tuo immediately sent five more cattle 1,500 cavalry under his command to the camp, further increasing his The number of cavalry soldiers enlisted in the red flag under his command.

After the four thousand five hundred red flag cavalry soldiers entered the camp in two batches, there was no movement like a stone sinking into the sea. This unusual phenomenon made Huang Taiji’s ominous feeling even worse; he did not hesitate any more, and sent his entourage directly. Huang Qi's twenty cattle recorded six thousand cavalry.

In the Jianzhou Jurchen, the two yellow flags directly under the Huang Taiji not only had more cattle than the other six flags, but their fighting power was far superior to the other six flags; the elite cavalry of the six thousand positive yellow flags, compared with the red flags Four thousand five hundred cavalry, at least twice as strong.

At this time, the two groups of 4,500 red flag cavalry who entered the battalion before and after were already controlled by the swarming auxiliary legion sword shields and tomahawks; all the red flag cavalry who dared to resist would be hesitated by them. Chopped into puree.

The death of nearly three hundred red flag cavalry soldiers made the remaining red flag cavalrymen dare not resist much; it was precisely because of the'cooperation' of these red flag cavalrymen that Luculus successfully took six thousand under the Taiji Zheng Huangqi elite cheated into the camp.

The six thousand Zheng Huangqi Jingqi, who slowly entered the camp with a strict formation of horses, were keenly aware of the hostility and murderousness emitted by the defending soldiers; therefore, as soon as nearly 1,000 cavalrymen entered the camp, they decisively launched a confrontation Attack of the defenders in the camp!

Even the defensive soldiers who cheated the two red flag cavalrymen were caught off guard, but they suffered a lot of losses; but as soon as the battle began, the ultra-long pikemen who quickly pierced the ultra-long guns in their hands were given too much formation. The serious riders of Zhenghuangqi took a heavy hit.

It is not easy to talk about the Zhenghuangqi cavalry who desperately charge forward and want to break through the pike phalanx of the long pikemen and the shield wall of the Roman heavy infantry. Coupled with the elite Roman infantry who shot from time to time, the casualties of the Zhenghuangqi cavalry were even worse.

The enlisted Zhenghuangqi cavalry, on both sides were a lance phalanx of lances, and directly in front were the shield wall constructed by Roman heavy infantry and Roman elite infantry and the defense line of the lance; they were attacked on three sides, let alone broke through into the camp , Not even self-protection.

The four or five thousand Zheng yellow flag cavalry who were not encamped near the camp gate were even worse. The longbowmen and crossbowmen on the camp wall shot them after a wave of arrow rain, and the dense arrow rain The Zhengqi Qi cavalrymen could not lift their heads at all.

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