Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1411: "·Short confrontation"

The more despicable your own thoughts are, the more you have to pick the faults of others.

——Krelov (Russian writer, world-famous fable, writer)

The fighting strength of the Zhenghuang Qi cavalry is also outstanding among the Jianzhou cavalry. They hard against the arrow rain that was poured down from the camp wall and used their short bows to fight back; although the arrows they shot back were not dense , But there are still longbowmen and crossbowmen falling arrows.

This kind of non-dominant shooting is purely self-destructive for the attacking Zhengqi Banner cavalry. With the passage of time, the high-ranking battalion guarding the army will not take long before it can be used. The Zhenghuangqi cavalry in the struggle struggled to die out.

Unexpectedly, his ominous hunch came true so quickly that Huang Taiji ordered An Feiyanggu and Fei Yingdong to lead the 60 cattle records of the two white flags, and the soldiers attacked from the left and right sides of the camp in two ways; Huerhan’s Inlaid with yellow flags, he was also instructed to send 20 Niulu cavalry to bypass the back door of the camp.

Recording 24,000 cavalry with 80 cattle and attacking the other three sides of the camp at the same time is only the first move of Huang Taiji to regain the disadvantage; his second move is to add 20 red records of Zhenghongqi and 2 of Zhenghuangqi. Ten cattle records, a total of 12,000 cavalry continue to hit the camp door!

After six thousand Zhenghuangqi Jingqi and six thousand Zhenghongqi Jingqi rushed to the vicinity of the camp gate, they did not rush into the crowded Zhenghuangqi cavalry cluster, but used their hands while galloping back and forth. The short bow shoots the arrow at the defending soldier on the camp wall.

Because the space on the camp wall is not very large, the longbowmen and crossbowmen of the auxiliary legion are arranged very densely, so when a large number of Jianzhou cavalry were intensively shot, the soldiers on the camp wall were very injured. Is not optimistic.

The Roman heavy infantry responsible for protecting these longbowmen and crossbowmen, their shields can only block the arrows shot from the front, but the Jianzhou Cavalry's shooting method is projectile, and the arrows shot against the sky are all What falls from the sky is simply not shielded.

The Longbowmen and Crossbowmen of the Auxiliary Legion were adapted from barbarian warriors. For these sturdy barbarian warriors, it is not afraid of who they are!

On the battlefield where arrows are coming and going, every minute and every second, the red and yellow flag cavalry who are attacking are shot into hedgehogs, and the defensive longbowmen and crossbowmen fall; but in the emperor Taiji and Luculus It seems that these are just the numbers in his victory report.

More than a thousand cavalry soldiers entering the camp at the Zhenghuang Banner, after repeated rushing by the defenders, are now less than 500; Lucurus, who is fully in control of the situation, only left the super-long spearmen and heavy infantry to continue to block here. The enemy, the other six infantry wing were transferred to him elsewhere.

On the left and right sides of the camp, there are five Sword and Shield units of the auxiliary legion. The Jianzhou Cavalry’s attack could not pose a threat to them for a while. The back door of the camp of the five Tomahawk teams is afraid. It is difficult to resist the impact of a large number of Jianzhou cavalry.

Lucurus transferred six infantry wing from the main entrance of the camp. The purpose is to let them go to the back door of the camp to strengthen the defense. However, the back door of the camp has limited space, and the six infantry wing Roman soldiers are difficult to deploy. Therefore, only three infantry wings were sent.

After the fierce battle lasted for about an hour, the Jianzhou cavalry who had been in an offensive posture had lost at least 5,000 cavalry, and the defensive third Roman Eagle Eagle Corps, which was still able to defend, was not lost, and there were not enough soldiers killed. one thousand.

Huang Taiji, who felt that the loss was too heavy, did not continue his attack. After the multi-faceted attack failed, he decisively chose Mingjin to withdraw his troops and temporarily stopped the Jianzhou cavalry's attack on this camp.

Stopping the offensive does not mean that Huang Taiji will give up on this. While removing the cavalry from each flag, he also draws ten cattle from each flag and records three thousand cavalry, so that the eighteen thousand cavalry can be divided into six groups, and the distance from the camp wall is 500. M location cruising patrol.

The long-range range of the Longbowmen of the Auxiliary Legion is 400 meters, and the Jianzhou Cavalry who is 500 meters away from the camp wall is actually outside their range. Obviously, through the battle just now, Huang Taiji has already figured out The longest range of defending archers.

At this time, it's time for the equipment unit that has not been engaged in combat to play its role; the ten ballistas and ten scorpions that have already moved to the camp wall, under the control of the equipment soldiers, quickly aimed at the patrol speed is not fast Jianzhou cavalry.

"Boo!" "Boo!" "Boo!"

With a piercing sound of breaking the sky, the crossbows fired by the ballista and scorpion crossbow flew into the red flag patrol closest to the main entrance of the camp with a thunderstrike. The red flag cavalry who was caught off guard has not responded yet. Dozens of cavalry companies were shot on the spot with horses.

Looking at his robe nailed to the ground, the horror-mounted red flag cavalrymen panicked; the red flag-cavalry cavalry who withdrew recklessly was shot by the ballista and scorpion crossbow for two rounds, Only then escaped the range of the ballista and scorpion.

The range of the ballista and scorpion is far less than the range of the stone crossbow. The red flag cavalry who escaped from the range of the ballista and scorpion is still within the range of the stone crossbow; but Luku, who deliberately uses the stone crossbow as a secret weapon Ruth, but ordered not to use the stone crossbow temporarily.

The amazing range of ballistas and scorpions has successfully made the vicinity of the main entrance of the camp a restricted area for Jianzhou cavalry; not only the repelled red flags dare to come closer, but even the other five-flag cavalry will deliberately avoid here when patrolling .

After the frontal fighting between the two armies ended, Lucurus went to the place where the red-flag prisoners were held, and the red-flag cavalry who had taken off his armor did not seem to be languishing, but the fear on their faces The color can't be concealed.

In stark contrast to the calmness of Lucurus, Jianzhou Jurchen's red flag Belle Yuetuo's anger was badly corrupted; his red flag was damaged by fifteen cattle records in World War I. Such a heavy loss, he was completely unable to Accepted results.

Among the eight flags of Jianzhou Jurchen, the strongest is the Zhenghuang Banner directly controlled by Huang Taiji, which has 115 cattle records; the weakest one is Yue Tuo’s inlaid red flag, with only 25 cattle Record, less than a quarter of Zheng Huangqi.

There are only twenty-five cattle recorded with red flags, and fifteen cattle recorded in World War I. Can Yue Tuo be corrupted in a hurry? If it weren’t for Zheng Huangqi’s loss, Yue Tuo would have to wonder whether Huang Taiji was deliberately borrowing a knife to kill.

Knowing that Yue Tuo would definitely be dissatisfied with Huang Taiji, the first thing after camping on the spot was to make a promise to Yue Tuo; Huang Taiji promised Yue Tuo that after destroying Bai Feng’s army, he would be from Haixi Ten Niulu groups in the Jurchen Group were placed under the red flag.

The compensation of the ten Niu Lu, although not much, is always better than nothing; Yue Tuo, who has nothing to say, has no resentment in his heart. He can only blame his cavalry under his luck for not being able to blame Huang Taiji.

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