Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1421: "·Withdraw troops late at night"

Whether I can defeat Napoleon, I don't know. But I knew that if even I fell, no one could stop him.

——Alexander I (14th Czar of Romanov Dynasty)

Whether it is free trade in the future or the handover of equipment at the moment, Bai Feng’s principle is that he must wait for his army to withdraw from the Dragon and Eight Banners before trade can begin and equipment can be handed over; before this, he will never hand over equipment Out.

After insisting on Bai Feng, Tie Muzhen made a relatively fair suggestion after opposing it to no avail several times: that is, he first let the army of Bai Feng’s army withdraw south, and when Bai Feng’s army withdrew to the Tongluo camp, Bai Feng had to Hand over half of the equipment to the Mongolian army.

The so-called negotiation is that one side is asking for the price and the other is sitting on the ground. Now Tiemuzhen has made a compromise, and Bai Feng is not good to continue with it; after finalizing some details, Baifeng and Tiemuzhen turn their heads back to camp. .

After Bai Feng returned to the camp, he only waited for ten minutes, and the Mongolian cavalry who repelled the water around the camp quickly retreated northward; within half an hour, Bai Feng, who was standing on the observation tower, was already in his field of vision No trace of the Mongolian cavalry could be found within.

Although the Mongolian cavalry had all been withdrawn, Bai Feng did not mean to immediately lead the army south; on the one hand, it was because his soldiers had just experienced a **** battle and needed a rest to hurry, on the other hand, because he did not completely believe Temu is really sincere.

With the strength of Mongolia, even a strong attack can win this local war, but the casualties will be a bit heavy; under the premise of absolute superiority, giving up the victory at your fingertips, Temu's true approach is essentially still There is a certain possibility of fraud.

However, Bai Feng is still more willing to believe that Tiemu really takes the initiative to reconcile and is serious, rather than devising a strategy to reduce casualties; the reason is very simple, because winning this local war, for Mongolia, apart from increasing casualties, there is no Other substantial benefits.

From Bai Feng's point of view, the army under his command ranged from 120,000 at the beginning to more than 300,000 today. During the period, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed. As long as Temujin thinks a little, he will definitely know that he has The ability to teleport the army in a special way.

The existence of this special ability means that even if the entire army under his command is wiped out, he can easily escape from the battlefield and return to the Tianlong Empire in a safe and sound manner. This very real problem, can't Tiemu really think of it?

Since it is impossible to endanger the future, then try to find ways to turn the enemy into a friend. Tiemu's practice is very consistent with the logic of normal people; however, after all, a master like Tiemuzhen is not an ordinary person. Trust Temujin.

During the day, the soldiers seized the time to rest. At night, Bai Feng began to use the teleportation array to send all the soldiers transferred from the Roman city to the Roman city. In this way, Bai Feng will be able to light up tomorrow, with two red flags and two blue flag cavalry. They went straight south.

With the help of Yue'er and Bing Lan, Bai Feng only took two or three hours to transfer the various legions of the Roman city back to the Roman city; the two cavalry wing of the Roman Eagle Flag Legion returned. Rome City was sent to the racetrack by Bai Feng for reorganization.

Because all the Roman Legion cavalry of the two cavalry wing did not have a structured death, so only one night reorganization, these two wing that damaged nearly a thousand cavalry can return to full state.

After sending the legions back to the city of Rome, there is still a more difficult thing that needs to be handled by Bai Feng, that is, who should be the commander of the wolves after the death of Nelson; the wolves of more than 3,000 cavalry who died in World War I today, It can be described as a heavy loss. The next successor to the legion must be able to bear the heavy task of rebuilding the wolves.

Among the existing generals in the city of Rome, the most suitable person to succeed the commander of the Xunwol Legion is definitely the general Li Liasi; but let Li Liasi command the commanding light cavalry corps, which is not strong. Qu Cai.

In the barbarian continent, the Swift Corps, which is still good in combat power, faced the frontal battles that neither defeated the orc’s loose battle array nor the prairie cavalry’s cavalry, and it has basically been reduced to useless and regrettable. 'Legion.

It stands to reason that such a'chicken rib' legion with little actual combat value must be disbanded on the spot sooner or later; but because the Wolf Corps is after all a well-established old legion in Rome, Bai Feng cannot easily disband them.

It was precisely through this Nelson's death that Li Lias succeeded the position of the commander of the Xunwol Legion, Bai Feng decided to reorganize and reorganize the Xunwol Legion, and build the Xunwol Legion into a main force in Rome, not inferior to the Hammer Legion. Cavalry Corps.

If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your weapon. To build a strong cavalry, you must first have excellent weapons and good blood horses; for these two requirements, as long as Bai Feng runs a horse race in Rome Markets and large markets, it can be easily solved.

In the Swift Wolf Regiment full of 8,000 cavalry, there are only 4,700 cavalry remaining. Recovering the full version will require the recruitment of 3,300 cavalry again; Bai Feng, who came to the racetrack, directly purchased 4,000 high-quality horses , To Li Liasi, who has succeeded the army commander.

When buying weapons and equipment in the big market, Bai Feng did not purchase the previous Roman Light Cavalry standard weapons and equipment for the use of the Swift Wolf Legion, but directly purchased 8,000 sets of Roman Legionary Cavalry Standard weapons and equipment and placed them in the space ring. Li Lias.

Determined to make the Swift Wolf Legion into the white peak of the main cavalry corps in Rome, the first step of planning was to let Li Lisi adapt the Swift Wolf Cavalry to the Roman Legion Cavalry; as for the future, the Wolf Wolf Cavalry can have the Roman Legion Cavalry The combat strength depends on Li Liasi's ability. Anyway, weapons and equipment and the war horse Bai Feng have been given to the Xunwol Legion against the Cavalry of the Roman Legion.

Bai Feng returned to the camp after he was busy in the middle of the night. At this time, there were still three or four hours before dawn. Without sleepiness, he inspected the camp area of ​​two red flags and two blue flags, and came with a personal guard Arrived at the camp of Bay and Ziber.

The events that have occurred in the past two days have made the beating hearty Bei and Qibeile suddenly aging a lot, and even the mental state of the four Taijis, Ye Bushu, Seler, Asb, and Bakji, is also very weak.

Huang Taiji led the Eight Banners to launch an attack on Bai Feng’s garrison who stayed in the abandoned Luo camp. Bai Feng had already informed Bei Heqi and others, so they had not slept in the middle of the night and had gathered in Beihe. Qi's camp discussed the countermeasures.

With Bai Feng’s unsolicited invitation, their deliberations came to an end; after taking the initiative to give Bai Feng, Bei and Qibeile wanted to go down to stand with Seles and others, but Bai Feng pulled him, Let him sit beside him.

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