Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1422: "·Long night persuade"

Ten years ago, we were defeated by Napoleon in Germany; ten years later, we defeated Napoleon and Germany!

——Alexander I (14th Czar of Romanov Dynasty)

Bai Feng asked Bei and Qibeile in a chatting tone: "Bei and Qibeile, although you are a sideline of the Aixinjueluo family, they are also one of the only surviving elders of the Aixinjueluo family. What do you think?"

"He is really Khan of my Jianzhou woman, and is the leader of my love Xinxinluo family, we must unconditionally support what he does."

Seler, worried about causing trouble to his upper body, saw his father say this, and was anxious on the spot: "Ama, you..."

"Reverse son, you shut up for me!" Bei and Qibeier snapped at his eldest son: "You must always remember your identity, you are part of the Aixinjueluo family! It is the Taiji of Jianzhou Nuzhen Talking behind Khan, what should you do?!"

Originally just anxious Seler, he was scolded by Bei and Qi, but it aroused the resentment he had buried in his heart; he glared coldly at Ye Bushu, who was bandaged and bandaged on his face, and his words were fierce. :

"Ama, you also said that I am a member of the Aixinjueluo family, but where did his Taiji treat us as his sibling brothers? When Khan was in power, were we still somehow Baylor? Niu Lu's military power, now? What else do we have?"

"A member of the Aixinjueluo family, Jianzhou woman really Taiji, is just a joke!" Bakji, who was also angry in his chest, echoed angrily: "His emperor Taiji took our military power and cut us as soon as he was high. The title, he regarded us as brothers of the same race?"

Although Bashiji's cousin Ashbuk was not angry, he also sarcastically aimed at Huang Taiji: "Don't say that we are only his sibling brothers, even if it is his own brother? An empty Belle title There is no power to get out of the camp, and it is not as good as an ordinary herdsman. Is this our Khan, should he have the same attitude towards his flesh and blood?"

"Alas." Looking at his resentful nieces and nephews, not knowing how to appease their bei and qi, he sighed a long way: "He is our Khan after all, if even our fellow people do not help him, Who else can help him?"

"There are more people helping him. Isn't he the one who believes most in Heli and Huerhan? Those talents are his confidants. We are more like brothers in arms in his heart than he wants to get rid of him. What about the potential threat soon."

"My uncles, uncles, and nephews know that you have a lot of dissatisfaction with Ama, and you know that Ama has done a lot of things badly, but the son does not speak to his father. I am here to apologize to you on behalf of my Ama, I hope you can Forgive him."

Looking at the upper part of the body covered with bandages, Ye Bushuqiang knelt down on the ground with pain, and the anger instantly dissipated most of the three Seles. They could only helplessly retreat back, no more to say; the calmest Bakzi also took the initiative Before, he helped Ye Bushu kneeling to the ground.

After watching a big show with interest, Bai Feng asked Ye Bushu, who was full of guilt, "Ye Bushu, it's good to have a son without a father, but you are not only the son of Huang Taiji, but also the Jianzhou Jurchen. Baylor; you tell me, what do you think of your Khan’s betrayal?"

"General Bai Feng, you are a big and powerful person in the Tianlong Empire. You may not know very well the situation of our Jianzhou woman; I know that I am wrong to betray you, but I believe he also has his pains. I hope you You can forgive him."

Looking coldly at Ye Bushu who was kneeling down again, Bai Feng said coldly: "Some mistakes can be forgiven, some mistakes can't be forgiven; Among the mistakes that cannot be forgiven, the betrayal is The most unforgivable."

The unabashed murderousness in Bai Feng's tone made Ye Bushu's bent waist even more rickety, but this time no one dared to step forward to support him; even Bei Heqi closed himself slightly. The eyes have no meaning to justify Huang Taiji.

After all, Ye Busu was the son of Huang Taiji and one of the most favored sons. It was basically impossible to expect such a person to betray his father; however, Bai Feng also admired Huang Taiji, in order to pit himself. Willing to give up his own favorite son.

"Maxi, Yebushu Taiji is injured, you should send him back to the camp account to rest, lest the wound crack affect the hurry tomorrow."


Maxi lifted Ye Bushu from the ground, and then helped him out of the camp. After Ye Bushu left, Bai Feng sighed helplessly: "Tiger poison is still not a child, and his emperor Tai Chi can go to today. In this step, I am not worthy of the name of the hero."

"General Bai Feng, you came here late at night, but you had the decision to deal with me." Bei Heqi, who didn't want to talk more about the matter, opened the door.

"Carefully, you and I are both victims, and killing you doesn't make much sense to me; if it is possible, I hope you can surrender to me and become a part of our heavenly dragon and eight flags."

"General Bai Feng, I am already a man who is just about to die. I just want to keep my children and grandchildren for the rest of my life. I really don't want to touch the sword soldiers again."

Regarding Bei Heqi’s refusal, Bai Feng didn’t take it seriously. Instead, he said to Seler: “Seletaiji, my lord of the dragon and the eight flags are divided into four ranks: King of the County, Baylor, Beizi, and Taiji, as long as you want to return, I can seal you as shellfish and actually seal five cattle records."

"General Bai Feng, I have received your kind thoughts. No matter how dissatisfied I am with Huang Taiji, I cannot change the fact that I am a member of the Aixinjueluo family; even if the one waiting in front of me is a dead end, I cannot be the first. Aixinjueluo who betrayed his family."

"The first Aixinjueluo who betrayed his family?" Bai Feng directly poured him a pot of cold water to the end: "In addition to Dolgon and them, Baya La, Shulhaqi, and Mulhazi all have three veins. We have already secretly surrendered our Heavenly Dragon and Eight Banners; even the ten brothers of Huang Taiji’s brother-in-law, Abai and Mangguertai, have become my true Dragon Bells and Bells."

Bey and Qibeile, who were shocked by this unexpected truth, haven't responded for a long time; the three of Seler, Asb, and Bakzi, who have no doubt about the authenticity of this matter, are actually moved, but they are Can't surrender on his own, only wait for Baye and Zibel to make a statement.

"Ama, Uncle Bayara are down, you..." After all, Seler still didn't want to talk too directly to his father.

With a helpless glance at the three of Seler, Asb, and Bakji, the spirit of Bei and Qi became more and more depressed. He said bitterly: "You are still young, just fall, I am old. , Don’t want to toss about it anymore."

"Ama, you!" Seler, who was in a hurry, hadn't spoken yet, and Bei Heqi interrupted him: "You are our eldest grandson of Lidun. In the future, you will have to shoulder the important task of family revitalization; In the future, your two younger brothers will take care of you."

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