Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1454: "·Mancheng Holy Class"

Science is a huge treasure trove of knowledge accumulated by mankind.

-Krupskaya (outstanding Soviet educator, proletarian political activist)

The mad beast sword Saint Douglas has been staying outside the giant bird nest for the past few days, ignorant of everything happening in the bird nest; so that when he saw Bai Feng and his team coming out again, his eyes were shocked. Almost jumped out.

The Wing Man Clan and the Orc Empire have lived next to each other for hundreds of years. Can the Orc Empire not know the Wing Clan? If it weren't for the Wings that did not threaten the strength of the Orc Empire, sometimes they could help the Orc Empire. How could the Orc Empire keep the Wings forever.

How can one allow someone to snore on the side of the couch? Not to mention the territorial orcs. Because Douglas knew the strength of the Wings, he was shocked by words when he saw Alfred, Persson, and others.

Seven hidden elders all became mid-level juggernauts in their peak state, and ten contemporary elders all became primary juggernauts in their peak state; Douglas didn't believe that the strength of the Wings in the short period of time he left Soaring so far.

In the past, there were only a dozen or so famous Juggernauts, and most of the Juggernauts were newly weak Juggernauts, and their overall strength was not comparable to that of ordinary tribes in the Orc Empire. It's not inferior to the orc's strongest tribe!

On the way to the king capital of the orc empire, I saw Douglas' doubtful Bai Feng and told him everything he could say; including the arrival of the sun god, the gift of the **** fruit, and the possession of the dark swordsman, none of these Bai Feng Without Douglas.

Douglas, who is already a high-level swordsman, did not have much interest in such a god-defying thing as God Fruit. He was really interested in the advent of the sun god; seeing the legendary **** jacket, for anyone All have great appeal, and Douglas is no exception.

Douglas, who was so sorry that he missed seeing the gods, could only lament his bad luck; however, he also clearly told Bai Feng that it was not an easy thing to persuade the orcish empire to agree to the wing man clan to go south. .

Douglas did not conceal anything from Bai Feng to the well-known things between the Orc empire. He told Bai Feng bluntly that the seniors have always regarded the Wing Human as a part of the Orc Empire, so they will never be allowed to leave the Orc Empire.

Bai Feng said that Glass was not false, but he did not take Douglas's reminder too seriously; in Bai Feng’s view, the value of the Wings is not incalculable, as long as he can pay the price to impress the high level of the orc empire, the problem can be has been solved.

On the way south to the king capital of the orc empire, Bai Feng and his entourage learned in a Tago town passing by that the prince Sainsbury of the orc empire was no longer in the capital a few months ago. Don't continue to go south. There was a little hesitation.

The wisdom of Prince Sainsbury is extremely rare among the high-level of the orc empire, and even rare in the history of the orc empire; unable to negotiate with such a person who understands the essence of negotiation, Bai Feng does not feel that he will go to the orc king city What are the gains.

The so-called high-level of the orc empire is actually composed of the leaders and elders of the various tribes of the orc empire; most of these people are the fierce personality like the wolf king Sacker, and few are as calm as the fox king Cahill People, this is Bai Feng's embarrassment.

Negotiations with someone like the fox king Cahill may not necessarily be able to talk about the result, but at least there will be no conflict outbreak; negotiation with someone like the wolf king Sacker, then nothing is right. To know that they are people who can talk about themselves.

A group of people spent a whole night in this town. Baifeng decided to continue southwards the next morning; since he had already arrived in the orc empire, it would be unreasonable to visit the beast emperor without going to the king. In order to truly achieve peace, Baifeng could only Choose to go to the capital.

It has long been known that Bai Feng and his party are about to arrive at the Beast Emperor of the King Capital. In order to welcome the first human clan mission to visit the Orc King Capital in hundreds of years, he deliberately placed the leaders of several tribes not far from the King Capital. It was temporarily recruited to Wangdu to receive the guests.

As a result, these tribal leaders had known the composition of Bai Feng's envoys just two days after they arrived at the king. Thirty-four powerful swordsmen, plus seventeen winged human swordsmen, this combination was immediately stimulated. They filled their hearts with alertness and caution.

If there is only guard and guard in your heart, it is not a serious matter; the key to the problem is that the stimulated tribal leaders directly transferred the holy class strong men of their respective tribes to their kings. Now, the king will be lively.

The Bimont clan resident in the capital of the city already had more than one hundred ranks of strong ranks. The kings of these tribes transferred all their ranks to the capital of the king, and the density of the ranks of the orcs On the day of Bai Feng’s arrival, I am afraid that it is higher than the Holy Mountain of the Holy See.

The city of the orc king capital is not tall, but the neatly arranged Tiger warriors on the city wall at a glance are elite battles; what really makes Bai Feng stunned is to greet his beast emperor guard at the gate of the city. The Bimon warriors, all the 100 people are actually Saint-level strong men above the intermediate level. Their momentum scared the Leopard Leopard to tremble and tremble with fear of moving forward.

Bai Feng, who could only walk down, walked forward with the sword saints behind him; after walking through the two rows of saint-class Bimon warriors on both sides, Bai Feng saw the orc representative who was responsible for welcoming him. Romero, the tauren king of the orc empire.

If Romero didn’t have nearly thirty holy tauren warriors standing behind him, Bai Feng might think this was a courtesy of the orc empire; if so many holy tauren warriors were watching, Bai Feng could still I think this is a courtesy, then there are ghosts!

First, twenty-eight holy warriors, then twenty holy warriors, thirty-eight holy warriors, thirty-six holy warriors, and finally stood at the entrance of the palace. There are also eighteen saint-class elephant warriors, and Bai Feng is speechless.

But I just brought nearly fifty sword saints with me. Is it worth the orcs to dispatch more than two hundred saints? Bai Feng, who wondered whether he should cry or laugh, knew in his heart that the more the Orcish Empire did this, the more they showed that they did not mean to be hostile to themselves.

Dogs that bark every day generally do not bite, and dogs who really bite never bark. This is still known to Bai Feng; if the orc empire really intends to do something, then the most they should do is hide the Holy Power Rise, instead of putting it on the bright side.

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