Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1455: "·Meet the Beast Emperor"

Human knowledge is power, and youth should be intellectually powerful.

-Krupskaya (outstanding Soviet educator, proletarian political activist)

After Bai Feng took the front feet of the people behind him into the palace, the wolf king Sacker, who was leading the way, turned back suddenly and scolded the elder Gustav who came in, scolding: "Today my emperor met the messenger of the human race , What are your wingmen behind?"

Perhaps it was accustomed to being inferior to the kings of the orc empire, as the elders of the current elder council of the wing people, Gustav, actually took two steps back under the rebuke of the wolf king Sacker, and even took the other eight elders. He also retreated to the door of the palace.

Among the elders of the Wings who still remain in the hall gate, except for the seven hidden elders headed by Elder Alfred, only one of the current elders is Wisheim; such a scene has just found a few days ago. The hidden elders, whose strength soared, were immediately dissatisfied.

The elder elders were originally retired elders of the Wings, and now the elders such as Gustav suffered the same feelings. They did not suffer much. At the top of the orc empire, only Prince Sainsbury really treated them. No one of the other orc kings can talk.

Alfred, who did not dare to assert himself, looked at Bai Feng with his own inquiry, and felt that the orcs had done too much of Bai Feng. No, because this is the king's palace of the orc empire, he let his own people swallow and swallow. His eyes were firm on Alver. Red nodded.

With the consent of Bai Feng, Elder Alfred immediately retorted the wolf king Sacker: "Your Excellency Sacker, even if you are one of the kings of the orc empire, can’t control the head of my wing human race; if Your country does not welcome me to wait, I will leave as soon as I wait!"

"You!" Unexpectedly, the people of the Wing Humans dare to refute themselves uncharacteristically. The wolf king Sacker will deal with Alfred on the spot; the tauren king Romero, who stood side by side with him, just stopped in time. Wolf King Sacker did not let the conflict break out.

"This is the palace of my emperor!" The head of the bull head stared at the red wolf king, and Shen Sheng reminded him; instantly awake a lot of wolf king Sacker, took a step back, coldly said: "I Is it wrong? In what name did your wing human races see my emperor today?"

"In the name of my Baifeng ally." Bai Feng, who was dissatisfied with the aggressiveness of the wolf king Sacker, said with a very tough attitude: "I brought my ally to visit the beast emperor, but not to be humiliated by you; you If we dare to speak up again, then we will leave immediately!"

"You!" "Sacker!"

Under the glare of the bull-head king Romero, the wolf king Sacker swept away on the spot; without the hustle and bustle of the wolf king, Bai Feng and his party quickly came to the main hall where the beast emperor was located, and saw the highest ruler of the orc empire, Bi The patriarch of the Mongolian royal family-beast emperor!

If Prince Sainsbury is the most graceful existence of the Bichon royal family, then the beast emperor is a typical combination of muscle and strong; even if it is Baifeng's barbarian slave Yum, a real iron tower giant, and the beast emperor It’s just a kid.

The beast emperor who reduced his body using the secret technique of the royal family of Bimeng still has a height of nearly three meters, which shows how terrifying he really is! What makes people feel even more oppressive is his explosive muscles, which can feel pressure across dozens of meters of Baifeng.

The beast emperor is the emperor of the orc empire, and Bai Feng is the prince of the dragon empire, so when bowing, you can bow slightly to pay tribute; the informal beast emperor does not care about these details. He asked Bai Feng directly: "You Say Wings are your ally, have you ever obtained my consent? Wings have been protected by my empire for thousands of years, and now they want to abandon my empire with ease?"

"Your Majesty the Beast Emperor, it is true that my family won the empire's millennium asylum, but our family has also paid a heavy price for this; since the millennium, our fighters have sent out 81 times for His Majesty, which is considered to have paid back the grace of asylum. "Elder Alfred said neither humble nor overbearing."

"Is it?" The Beast Emperor, who suddenly turned cold, slightly raised his left hand, and a fox official stepped forward, holding a volume of files to read: "The Wing Human Race has eight expeditions for the empire. Eleven times, of which two have more than 50,000 fighters and seventeen have less than 5,000 fighters, a total of 1,273 soldiers have been killed in battle.

"Is this what you call the repayment of asylum?" The Beast Emperor said with a sneer. "As long as your winged human army joins the war, which empire did not give you much more loot? It seems that I gave it to you." There are too many to make you forget."

The tone of the Beast Emperor seems to be plain, but the murderousness contained in it can be felt by anyone; personally feel the strong murderous intention exuded from the Beast Emperor. Elder Alfred, who was not humble just now, is now It was pale and afraid to speak.

"Your Majesty the Beast Emperor, the Wingren family has converted to my God and has become a believer in the world. He also hopes that His Majesty will look at the face of my God and let the Wingren family leave." Bai Feng made a promise on the spot: "All Wing humans Take the loot taken away, I will pay them back to your majesty ten times!"|

The total number of loot taken in 81 times in the last thousand years is absolutely terrifying, but Bai Feng did not hesitate to say that he will repay all the loot for them, and it will be repaid ten times. This price tag It’s not too high to open.

Ten-fold repayment is ultimately a gesture of Bai Feng, because even if he refuses to repay these trophies, the Orc Empire can't treat the Wing Human Race; but if Bai Feng really wants to be so tough, the war between the Orc Empire and the Wing Human Race must be inevitable.

One of the fundamental aims of Bai Feng’s visit to the orc empire was to reach a long-term peace agreement with the orc empire, and by the way find out whether he can redeem the province of Mengdan; therefore, it is Bai Feng who does everything to avoid the outbreak of conflict The basic premise of the decision.

The expression that he didn’t laugh at the face, but regardless of ethnicity, faced with Bai Feng’s deliberately lowered posture and lifted backing, although the look of the beast emperor was not good-looking, he was no longer embarrassed by the human clan. "Did your **** come before?"

"Yes, my **** Sun personally came to the Yiren clan, and accepted the Yiren clan as believers." Bai Feng said with a smile.

"Since the **** of the sun has accepted the Wingren family as believers, then I will no longer take care of the Wingren family, but you must take the Wingren family away from their place of residence." After learning the answer you want, The Beast Emperor immediately demanded that all Winged People move out of the Orc Empire.

Bai Feng, who didn't understand why the Beast Emperor had this request, felt that it was not a bad thing to be raised by the Beast Emperor. He logically put forward his request: "Your Majesty, the Wing Man can move away, but he cannot move to the Tianlong Empire; In the eastern part of the wild land, there are a large number of believers belonging to my god, and the winged people can only move there, which requires passing through the territory of your country."

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