Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1470: "·Execution Ceremony"

Education is the most difficult undertaking. Excellent educators believe that education is not only a scientific cause, but also an art cause.

- Kalinin (Soviet politician, revolutionary, early state leader)

The royal family and the five big families represent the top core of power in the Tianlong empire. If Bai Feng wants to continue to develop in the Tianlong empire, he cannot offend the five big families while he offends the royal family, not to mention his relationship with the five big families. There is harmony.

To the four legion chiefs such as Demi, Bai Feng did not talk to them in the attitude of a big governor, but chatted with them as a friend to thoroughly investigate the betrayal. I hope they can cooperate in this regard; Bai Feng is so Having said that, they will not refuse.

There are three warlords in Montgomery, Giskar, and Eric. Montgomery was the brave talent of the Duke Cullen who was carefully selected for Prince William. Giskar and Eric were the oldest part of Prince Pros. The three of them were the most difficult. Dealt with.

Fortunately, the nine legions that belonged to them were all chiefs of the army who were served by Bai Feng’s confidant generals. Although this successfully limited the actual military power of the three of them, it also left an invisible for Bai Feng to directly command the nine legions. Barriers are both pros and cons.

Judging from the current status of the Metropolitan Government in the East, let’s say that Montgomery and other three people are just insignificant virtual governors. Even if they actually control their respective legions, they will not be able to set off any storms. The Oriental Metropolitan Government is Baifeng. Of the Metropolitan Government.

Doomed to have no substantive results in conversation, Bai Feng ended the interview only halfway through; because Maxi personally reported that the flaming swordsmen had encountered some reaction when they led the team to arrest the suspected betrayal officer The resistance of the determined will.

The first officer who resisted by force was a captain of Bonella’s 39th Army; when Bai Qi took someone to arrest him, he was training his soldiers, and watched Bai Qi carrying When the guard went, he even assembled soldiers on the spot to try to resist by force.

Fortunately, the captain of the wing of the wing of the brigade and the head of the division of the division were nearby, and their loyalty to Bai Feng was firm, which did not cause a major disaster; but as this happened, other In the barracks, this kind of thing happened one after another.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Maxi quickly came back to report the matter to Bai Feng; Bai Feng, who learned of the matter, first ended the conversation with Montgomery and others, and then personally took his general guard and German Berserker quickly to whip up. Went to the barracks.

After rushing to the barracks, Bai Feng personally issued the order to the flaming swordsmen: Once they encounter resistance, all the resistance will kill them! Immediately, each guard responsible for the capture was assigned to a dozen German Berserkers to improve their capture efficiency.

Bai Feng's personal sitting in the town produced a great deterrent to those officers who tried to resist by force. Occasionally, some officers knew they would not have a good ending. When they tried to resist by force, no matter how they encouraged them, they did not follow the soldiers. they.

In just one day, all the officers suspected of betrayal in all the legions were arrested and brought back to Broyansong City; Broyansong City’s slightly empty cell was suddenly filled with prisoners in military uniforms, responsible for It was the guards of the Metropolitan Government who watched.

In the former direct forces of the Metropolitan Government, 14 coalition captains, 51 captains, and 193 squadron captains were arrested; now there are also 43 coalition captains in the Royal and Standing Legions , 172 captains and 795 squadron captains were arrested, and some of the officers were rebels who were determined to resist and were all guilty of death.

Two of the fifty-seven captains, seventeen of the two hundred and twenty-three captains, and thirty-nine of the nine hundred and eighty-eight squadron captains, these officers who tried to resist by force were in custody. On the day he arrived in Broyangsong City, Bai Feng was formally sentenced to death.

Among the officers who have never taken aggressive actions, those who have made certain promises to buy their prince are also selected by Bai Feng to be sentenced to death; only those officers who have kept the bottom line and have not made any material betrayal Can save his life.

Five joint captains, thirty-one captains, and seventy-five squadron captains are scheduled to be collectively executed. Bai Feng is scheduled for the beginning of next month; because all of their charges are for colluding with the orcs to betray the motherland, Bai Feng deliberately executed them. The application was sent to the Imperial Army.

It is undeniable that some of these officers who are about to be executed must have been bought by Prince William, but more of them are Prince of Pros; the old and sly Duke of Columbine not only agreed to Bai Feng’s application, but also deliberately contributed to it. Some.

When all the people in the imperial capital knew about this matter in the Great Eastern Governor’s Palace, Prince Pross could only scream and yell in his mansion, and when he left the mansion, it had to be a happy look, even sometimes. You also need to express your disapproval of this matter.

Prince Pross also knew in his heart that no matter how much he smashed, he could not change the status quo of Bai Feng’s dominance in the Eastern Metropolitan Government. After careful consideration, he felt that he still could not put all his hopes away from him. Of Bai Feng.

Just as Prince Pross was thinking about how to find support, the murderous traitor’s execution outside Broyansong began. The people invited by Bai Feng to observe the ceremony included local officials in the eastern provinces, as well as military officials. Generals, even the special envoys of the princes.

Regardless of whether the invitee is willing or unwilling, they all come; the execution platform is located in the middle of the observation platform, surrounded by people who have been invited to observe the ceremony. The execution platform is full of various torture tools and looks like It gives a ghastly feeling.

As soon as noon arrived, Maxi, who was in charge of the execution, went to the vicinity of the execution platform and issued a command to start the execution loudly; with Maxi's order, ten squadron leaders in military uniforms were dragged by the 20 guards On the execution stage, ten hand of hands followed.

"Cut!" Maxi called again.

"Uh!" Ten men and women fell off their hands, and ten heads were cut off.

Ten headless corpses were dragged down, but their heads were left on the execution platform, together with the dripping blood; the second batch of ten squadron captains were chopped to death Can't bear to look directly, some local officials vomited on the spot.

The third batch of ten squadron captains was hanged by a noose. Their bodies were not cleared, but just hanged on the gallows; the fourth batch of ten squadron captains were deliberately left before being pulled down to the execution stage. Under the open space, and then divided into five corpses by five horses!

All the methods of execution that Bai Feng can think of, these traitors basically tried it all, so that after the psychological defense line of the traitors to be executed completely collapsed, they desperately begged for mercy or called the name of the prince to save them, but it was a cruel death that awaited them !

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